Will tomorrow offer answers?
Dear Ones,
I'm writing earlier this evening because I intend to be in bed sooner than usual. Last night I layed awake until 1 am and then was awake again after 5 this morning. Driving back from Sacramento this evening was a sleepy trip for sure.
Nan is reclining and trying to cope with nausea and pain. She has spent most of the day upstairs but not just sleeping. She asked that I bring the business checkbook and all the bills up in a box to the bed. When she woke up she worked on sorting bills and wrote checks for several accounts, actually more money than we have in the bank so they will have to go out as the money comes in. I really appreciated her help today with the bills. While she was doing that I was driving up to North Highlands near Sacramento for a FHA reverse mortgage inspection. Nice lady, cute house and good comps, decent weather, what more could one ask for. I'm listening to a book that I first heard several years ago about the south and a deputy who struggles with anger issues and addictions and bad guys. Helps the miles go by faster. Then xm radio with the o reilly factor coming home. I really enjoy how he handles guests or in some cases mishandles them if they try to spin him.
Nan has been dealing with a lot more nausea over the past week than before and we tend to use zophram more. Got a new supply today just in time. Tomorrow we drive to San Francisco, about an hour and a half, try to find parking and then wait for our turn with the urologist, the same one that visited nan when she was in the hospital. Hopefully the visit will be helpful in coping with the leaking which continues unabated. I'm fearful of putting too much hope into this visit but it is my prayer that God will control events and people for Nan's good. We are going to see a property on the way to SF and Nan will rest in the bed in the back of the van.
Nan was so happy to hear from both Nikki and Jason yesterday and from Nikki again today, Keanna even called back to talk about her swimming lessons. She is now going underwater and loves every minute of being in the water.
We have an appraisal order for Aptos which is about 3 miles from MBA where Jason and Jo live. Just not sure when I can get there since its a couple hours distant from here. Normally we would take the motorhome down for the weekend but not sure Nan is up to that right now.
I am trying to personally figure out the lessons God has in mind for me through this time of great anxiety and stress. Every direction I turn I seem to face very difficult options, work, finding enough time with shorter days now and making sure nan is properly cared for, finances, more bills, payroll, taxes than income in spite of working hard and long hours, and Nan's situation. We are both so ready for her to feel better, to be healthier, to be more independent, for her to be happier. I can't remember when life has been more bleak and devoid of bright spots. One very nice moment happened today. My sister Sibyl called from Ohio and reminded me that she was praying intensely for Nan and has her prayer warriors doing the same. This is a renewal of a lost relationship and I'm enjoying talking to her. She sends the nicest cards of encouragement to Nan, we got one today. Another bright spot was Art's call from Indio where he and Connie are right now. He is a good friend and a good listener with helpful advice to share.
I come from a family of people who don't give up easily and I'm trying to recapture that spirit of never giving up, of stepping up to the plate and doing what needs to be done without complaining yet I'm tired and not feeling all that good these days and facing all the challenges seems almost impossible at times.
Well enough of this, Please pray for Nan's visit with the doctor tomorrow, that we will have a safe and secure ride in and out, that Irene will also have a safe trip as she is driving up to be with us there at UCSF.
Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts,
tim and nan
I'm writing earlier this evening because I intend to be in bed sooner than usual. Last night I layed awake until 1 am and then was awake again after 5 this morning. Driving back from Sacramento this evening was a sleepy trip for sure.
Nan is reclining and trying to cope with nausea and pain. She has spent most of the day upstairs but not just sleeping. She asked that I bring the business checkbook and all the bills up in a box to the bed. When she woke up she worked on sorting bills and wrote checks for several accounts, actually more money than we have in the bank so they will have to go out as the money comes in. I really appreciated her help today with the bills. While she was doing that I was driving up to North Highlands near Sacramento for a FHA reverse mortgage inspection. Nice lady, cute house and good comps, decent weather, what more could one ask for. I'm listening to a book that I first heard several years ago about the south and a deputy who struggles with anger issues and addictions and bad guys. Helps the miles go by faster. Then xm radio with the o reilly factor coming home. I really enjoy how he handles guests or in some cases mishandles them if they try to spin him.
Nan has been dealing with a lot more nausea over the past week than before and we tend to use zophram more. Got a new supply today just in time. Tomorrow we drive to San Francisco, about an hour and a half, try to find parking and then wait for our turn with the urologist, the same one that visited nan when she was in the hospital. Hopefully the visit will be helpful in coping with the leaking which continues unabated. I'm fearful of putting too much hope into this visit but it is my prayer that God will control events and people for Nan's good. We are going to see a property on the way to SF and Nan will rest in the bed in the back of the van.
Nan was so happy to hear from both Nikki and Jason yesterday and from Nikki again today, Keanna even called back to talk about her swimming lessons. She is now going underwater and loves every minute of being in the water.
We have an appraisal order for Aptos which is about 3 miles from MBA where Jason and Jo live. Just not sure when I can get there since its a couple hours distant from here. Normally we would take the motorhome down for the weekend but not sure Nan is up to that right now.
I am trying to personally figure out the lessons God has in mind for me through this time of great anxiety and stress. Every direction I turn I seem to face very difficult options, work, finding enough time with shorter days now and making sure nan is properly cared for, finances, more bills, payroll, taxes than income in spite of working hard and long hours, and Nan's situation. We are both so ready for her to feel better, to be healthier, to be more independent, for her to be happier. I can't remember when life has been more bleak and devoid of bright spots. One very nice moment happened today. My sister Sibyl called from Ohio and reminded me that she was praying intensely for Nan and has her prayer warriors doing the same. This is a renewal of a lost relationship and I'm enjoying talking to her. She sends the nicest cards of encouragement to Nan, we got one today. Another bright spot was Art's call from Indio where he and Connie are right now. He is a good friend and a good listener with helpful advice to share.
I come from a family of people who don't give up easily and I'm trying to recapture that spirit of never giving up, of stepping up to the plate and doing what needs to be done without complaining yet I'm tired and not feeling all that good these days and facing all the challenges seems almost impossible at times.
Well enough of this, Please pray for Nan's visit with the doctor tomorrow, that we will have a safe and secure ride in and out, that Irene will also have a safe trip as she is driving up to be with us there at UCSF.
Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts,
tim and nan
At 10:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim and Nan,
We will pray extra hard for tomorrows results. I hope that you get to see a rainbow. I caught a glimps of one today and it was delightful experience.
Wes and Nan
At 5:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Our phone visit was cut short last evening due to the intense pains you were having. I prayed for a restful night for you and hope it was so. Wish I were there to help you. I trust your visit to Dr. today will be eventful and we will know some answers and relief. Tie a knott and hang on and let go and let God all at the same time. What an order! Know that I am praying for you both and love you much.
Love and prayers, Sharon
At 5:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Tim and Nan,
I hope today offers some answers! Not knowing is usually harder than knowing even if we don't like the answers. May God be with you as you make this tiresome trip. My prayer for you today is for answers, good weather, light traffic, minimal pain and nausea, a few good checks coming in, strength and health for Tim and peace in your hearts today.
Know you are both loved and thought of many time a day. Jesus is coming soon! We will all soon have new glorified bodies. Keep trusting in Him!
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 7:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim
I'm praying the same prayer that Carol is lifting up for you and asking also that you will be comforted by total awareness of our ever present and loving Father God.
Love and Prayers
Phyllis Lytle - North Carolina
At 10:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Mustards,
As we read the blog and also the "Comments" We can only say that We echo the thoughts of all who are so concerned for Your wellfare & Healing.
May the Good Lord grant You traffic mrecies and good parking as well as a productive visit with the Dr.
We will be thinking of and praying for You today for sure. How We with You long for the day when sickness will be no more!
Bob & Carrol.
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