A good week draws to a close
Dear Ones,
Its 10:40, Nan has gone up to bed and has all her bags arranged for the night, by the time I go up she will be fast asleep. MooMoo slipped in and is hiding from Starr but is sleeping on the bed, that won't last when Starr gets wind of her. Nan has had a day of being on the edge of nausea, has been having a low fever of 99.7 to 100.4 all day and has not felt like doing much. She usually goes back up for a nap around 11 and lasts there until 2 or 3. She was so glad to hear from Judy Mercer today who is battling cancer and it sounds like Judy is doing pretty well overall with her chemo and radiation.
I worked in this morning and then went to STockton this afternoon to see a nice older home which was being sold by folks moving to Oregon to be near their kids. Then on to Modesto to a home that was staged with candles burning, cookies baking in the kitchen and just the right lights on. Very cute, great landscaping, perfect condition. Then after shooting my last photos before dark I faced traffic coming home. Nan wanted vitamin Cs and Ds so I hit longs here in Discovery Bay and found both. Then finally home. I've been working on a sore throat and not feeling too great for a couple days and today was not great. I drank lots of fluids today, started the vitamin Cs tonight and did a zicam earlier in the day.
We look forward to a quiet sabbath tomorrow and especially to seeing Barb and Gerry in the late afternoon. They are always so fun to be around and I got Gerry some diet Pepsis, a whole case!
They will be with us through monday mid day and we are going to enjoy their company so much. Keanna had to come home from school early today with a fever which sure played havoc with Steve's day but he kindly picked her up and brought her home. She is so precious and it hurts when she is not feeling well. Seems like lots of people are not feeling all that well these days, I know Pam Whitted has been battling illness for weeks and still working full time at her school.
We have heard that Loree is doing well after her surgery. Nan talked to her a short time today and I"m going to try to find a way over to visit her tomorrow. We sent flowers today.
I talked to Art today and Shawn and they are both doing pretty well. ARt and Connie are back in Gilroy and Shawn has a new breathing machine which he loves.
I just wanted to thank each of you for keeping on praying day after day and hour after hour. In many ways Nan is getting better, she is gaining weight slowly, is able to walk unassisted, has been in the kitchen rattling around and made some very good bakers this week, has taken care of herself every day this week as I worked more, has written checks for the business, has written thank you notes and in spite of the continual leakage has driven her beloved car to get her hair done. So we have much to be thankful for yet we continue to beg God to stop the leaking. We know He knows what He is doing, we trust Him in theory but its sure hard when Nan is so visible suffering with the 5th bag and the constant leaking.
Thanks for caring so deeply and for all your different ways of expressing your support of Nan.
tim and nan
Its 10:40, Nan has gone up to bed and has all her bags arranged for the night, by the time I go up she will be fast asleep. MooMoo slipped in and is hiding from Starr but is sleeping on the bed, that won't last when Starr gets wind of her. Nan has had a day of being on the edge of nausea, has been having a low fever of 99.7 to 100.4 all day and has not felt like doing much. She usually goes back up for a nap around 11 and lasts there until 2 or 3. She was so glad to hear from Judy Mercer today who is battling cancer and it sounds like Judy is doing pretty well overall with her chemo and radiation.
I worked in this morning and then went to STockton this afternoon to see a nice older home which was being sold by folks moving to Oregon to be near their kids. Then on to Modesto to a home that was staged with candles burning, cookies baking in the kitchen and just the right lights on. Very cute, great landscaping, perfect condition. Then after shooting my last photos before dark I faced traffic coming home. Nan wanted vitamin Cs and Ds so I hit longs here in Discovery Bay and found both. Then finally home. I've been working on a sore throat and not feeling too great for a couple days and today was not great. I drank lots of fluids today, started the vitamin Cs tonight and did a zicam earlier in the day.
We look forward to a quiet sabbath tomorrow and especially to seeing Barb and Gerry in the late afternoon. They are always so fun to be around and I got Gerry some diet Pepsis, a whole case!
They will be with us through monday mid day and we are going to enjoy their company so much. Keanna had to come home from school early today with a fever which sure played havoc with Steve's day but he kindly picked her up and brought her home. She is so precious and it hurts when she is not feeling well. Seems like lots of people are not feeling all that well these days, I know Pam Whitted has been battling illness for weeks and still working full time at her school.
We have heard that Loree is doing well after her surgery. Nan talked to her a short time today and I"m going to try to find a way over to visit her tomorrow. We sent flowers today.
I talked to Art today and Shawn and they are both doing pretty well. ARt and Connie are back in Gilroy and Shawn has a new breathing machine which he loves.
I just wanted to thank each of you for keeping on praying day after day and hour after hour. In many ways Nan is getting better, she is gaining weight slowly, is able to walk unassisted, has been in the kitchen rattling around and made some very good bakers this week, has taken care of herself every day this week as I worked more, has written checks for the business, has written thank you notes and in spite of the continual leakage has driven her beloved car to get her hair done. So we have much to be thankful for yet we continue to beg God to stop the leaking. We know He knows what He is doing, we trust Him in theory but its sure hard when Nan is so visible suffering with the 5th bag and the constant leaking.
Thanks for caring so deeply and for all your different ways of expressing your support of Nan.
tim and nan
At 4:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Sabbath!
All in all it looks like you both had a decent week this week. For Nan to get in that car and drive by herself is a huge step in the right direction.
We have a very busy day today with a seminar at church on "Grace" by Mike and Lynn Ortell. It started last evening and runs all day today. There's the fellowship dinner which I will be helping with and the choir sings 2 numbers.
Since we had a slow week we were blessed to be able to get away one day this week. We are really feeling tied down lately with the responsibilities of Lakemont. We long to sell and be out from under the daily pressures. Our lives are in God's hands and we eagerly await His direction.
Have a great week end then start anew on another good week!
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 9:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Glad that your trip to the Hair Salon went well Nan, We are hoping that this is only the beganing of good things too come for you.
It will be nice for You to have Barb&Gerry there for a couple of days. Good friends are hard to put a price on for the comfort zone that they provide in so many ways.
Tim , You take care of that sore throat & stuffy nose issue , those are no fun at all. Carrol & I will pass on coming over this Sabbath afternoon. We are feeling well but our good friend Dick is back in the hospital with a blood clot issue since Sunday. He is doing better but will be moving to Rehab for a week or so till they are sure that the clot is no longer a problem. We must also be careful not to get Carrol exposed to any bad stuff if it can be avoided till her Immune system recovers more from the Chemo. We go in to the Chemo Center again on Monday 27th to get test results and they will then determine if She can have a break from the Chemo for the Month of December.
This "Valley Fog" stuff is sure nasty but We should be used to it after 50 years of living in it. At least it's better than shoveling Snow and constant freezing temps.
Have a good week and a Happy Thanksgiving with Your Family.The Holidays for Us are no longer the best of times since Our Family has been so broken up by sickness & Death in the past few Years.
We continue in Prayer for You and All of Those that We hold dear for Heavenly Relief from our Worldy problems.
Much Love,
Bob & Carrol.
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