Nan takes to the roads
Dear Friends and Family,
nan is resting in her chair after a very big day. Recently she was able to snag a quick appointment to have her hair cut, colored, washed, put in corn rolls, well not that last one. But I was scheduled out today so she loaded up the van, drove herself to the bank, then to the hair place, then home and then to bed for a rest. She did fine, experienced a lot of pain and soreness but she did it and I think she is pleased with herself this evening. I didn't get home until almost 8 tonight after a long day out which included a late lunch with Irene in San Jose, it was great to see her and she had some special things for Keanna. It is always very nice to get to spend time with such a wonderful caring lady.
We are so excited, Barb and Gerry Lammerding are coming this weekend and will be with us through monday. What a lift just as we start thinking about getting ready for thankgiving. They offered and we grabbed at the chance to have them visit. So we will be playing games, eating well and what a lift it will be to see them.
A big thank you to Mary for the pasta dish she brought. So far I have had 4 meals from it and its not gone yet. We are so glad she and hubby are home from jet setting in europe. Although they found the weather cold they had a blast there. It was to celebrate the fact that her husband retired from long years of service to the school district.
We have heard from both Scott and Loree's mom this evening, her surgery went well today and she may be able to come home as soon as Sat. Please pray that she will recover rapidly. She was here until about 9 last night getting everything in order before she left, funny lady, she works so hard and now she will be off for a couple weeks and will be missed.
Nan is tired tonight but pretty happy, never really far from nausea but she has learned to sort of live with it. When jan was here she found some pizza buns in the freezer and prepared them, they were a big hit with Nan. So on the way home tonight I was instructed to buy pizza buns, popsickles, fudgesickles, asparagas soup, wheat bread. I've learned to call from the store and ask if there is anything else needed.
My life long friend Judy who I went to high school with in Oregon wrote and is planning a trip to Portland to see family. Nan and I certainly appreciate her kind comments and words of support and hope she has a great trip. In fact many of you will be traveling for thanksgiving and we hope you have a wonderful time with family and friends. Our plans have us here on thanksgiving with Jason, Jo and Clayton, Pam, Ryan and Shannon Whitted and Nikki, Keanna and Steve will stop in for awhile on their way to their second family in Tracy, a place Steve lived as he was in high school, a wonderful family and his special friend Kevin. We expect to have a great time with much to be thankful for.
So we send our love and deep appreciation. Nan opened a letter from Idaho which contained a wonderful boost and a whole lot of encouragement, thank you so much! We are still in shock, good shock that is.
Good night my friends,
tim and nan
nan is resting in her chair after a very big day. Recently she was able to snag a quick appointment to have her hair cut, colored, washed, put in corn rolls, well not that last one. But I was scheduled out today so she loaded up the van, drove herself to the bank, then to the hair place, then home and then to bed for a rest. She did fine, experienced a lot of pain and soreness but she did it and I think she is pleased with herself this evening. I didn't get home until almost 8 tonight after a long day out which included a late lunch with Irene in San Jose, it was great to see her and she had some special things for Keanna. It is always very nice to get to spend time with such a wonderful caring lady.
We are so excited, Barb and Gerry Lammerding are coming this weekend and will be with us through monday. What a lift just as we start thinking about getting ready for thankgiving. They offered and we grabbed at the chance to have them visit. So we will be playing games, eating well and what a lift it will be to see them.
A big thank you to Mary for the pasta dish she brought. So far I have had 4 meals from it and its not gone yet. We are so glad she and hubby are home from jet setting in europe. Although they found the weather cold they had a blast there. It was to celebrate the fact that her husband retired from long years of service to the school district.
We have heard from both Scott and Loree's mom this evening, her surgery went well today and she may be able to come home as soon as Sat. Please pray that she will recover rapidly. She was here until about 9 last night getting everything in order before she left, funny lady, she works so hard and now she will be off for a couple weeks and will be missed.
Nan is tired tonight but pretty happy, never really far from nausea but she has learned to sort of live with it. When jan was here she found some pizza buns in the freezer and prepared them, they were a big hit with Nan. So on the way home tonight I was instructed to buy pizza buns, popsickles, fudgesickles, asparagas soup, wheat bread. I've learned to call from the store and ask if there is anything else needed.
My life long friend Judy who I went to high school with in Oregon wrote and is planning a trip to Portland to see family. Nan and I certainly appreciate her kind comments and words of support and hope she has a great trip. In fact many of you will be traveling for thanksgiving and we hope you have a wonderful time with family and friends. Our plans have us here on thanksgiving with Jason, Jo and Clayton, Pam, Ryan and Shannon Whitted and Nikki, Keanna and Steve will stop in for awhile on their way to their second family in Tracy, a place Steve lived as he was in high school, a wonderful family and his special friend Kevin. We expect to have a great time with much to be thankful for.
So we send our love and deep appreciation. Nan opened a letter from Idaho which contained a wonderful boost and a whole lot of encouragement, thank you so much! We are still in shock, good shock that is.
Good night my friends,
tim and nan
At 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! You did get out there and drive yourself to get your hair done. Now that's bordering on independence.... To quote a good friend, "I can stay at home and hurt and feel sorry for myself or I can go do what I want to do and still hurt." I have a whole lot of respect for you, Nan. If only we all had that same attitude?
The Christmas shows at Dollywood were exceptional this year. Roger and I really enjoyed getting away for the day. We NEEDED it! Lesley handled Lakemont just fine and George and Paulette are still in the hospital. We're still having very busy times around here. We're looking forward to a real vacation in December!
The week is slowing to a close. I'm not sure where it went this week. I hope you have a very restful week end and enjoy Jerry and Barb's visit.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
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