Moving forward
Dear Friends and Family,
Nan is falling asleep as I write, This has been a long day with mostly ups and a few downs.
We started the day at 5 am this morning when Terri came to draw blood for the type and cross the hospital needs to prepare blood for the upcoming transfusion. Terri could only fit the draw in early this morning because she had a very long day scheduled already. After the blood draw we both went back upstairs to our beds, nan to our bed and me to the guest room due to my illness. I slept fitfully working over our challenges we face on the medical front, drainage, pain, necrotic tissue, financial, IRS money owed, covering the house payments and other bills we had to pay, work issues, getting things done and completed, explaining why past decisions were made on appraisals (called conditions), needing to get the Christmas decorations out of the front yard, needing the garage to get back into its clean condition, my own health issues, fever, chills, thick head (a fairly normal condition). When I came fully awake I noticed the sun was shining, I stumbled into check on Nan and discovered it was 9 am! I've not slept that late for a very long time.
So Nan stayed in bed, less nephrostomy pain and I came down to work. I made an appointment and asked the person to call back on my cell. I placed the cell where I would see it on top of a cup which I thought was empty, actually it was full of Thermoflu. Then I went up to care for Nan and was gone about 20 minutes. When I came back the cell phone was gone, well actually it had gone swimming. When the guy called back the phone viberated and slipped right into the liquid, to its death. That sort of started the day off right, I hate to make mistakes that cost me money and time, have too little of each right now. So off the Oakley to see a place, then used Nan's cell to find a cell phone outlet, spent an hour there and came out with a cheap upgrade, I was due for a free upgrade turns out, but free ended up costing about $150. Lost all my cell phone numbers of doctors, friends, clients, family, bummer big time. So if you can email me your number again I'll get it back into my phone, Thanks so much for that.
In general Nan is doing much better. She is much more animated in her voice, stronger in volume, more mentally alert and moves more easily. The leaking amount is much less than a week ago and the dark black liquid appears to be more green in nature for whatever that is worth. We have developed a problem with the left nephrostomy tube site which is now putting out a small amount of brown puss type liquid. I left a message for the IR doctor to call but so far he has not called to give a clue what meds we can use to clear this up. The irritation is causing some pain and we now change the bandage over it a couple times a day.
Nan has much less nausea. She does throw up on occasion but not due to nausea and when it is over she can then take pills or eat again successfully. We had thought that tomorrow would be transfusion day but it will have to be Saturday after all. It always takes a bit for them to find blood with her antibody in it. Once again I will be out seeing properties, Hayward at 10:30 1 in Fremont and 3 in San Leandro or something like that. God has blessed with a constant stream of work this week for which we are very grateful.
We appreciate your prayers and it seems we are seeing some God inspired small steps of progress. After weeks, months of constant nausea the break in that constant enemy is refreshing for Nan and for me as well.
And so once again we want to thank you for your concern and for caring about us.
tim and nan
ps can't wait to see Keanna and family tomorrow, they are set to come home sometime tomorrow.
psps funny thing happened in Sharons attic, seems Texas rats are up to eating through PCV pipe and have destroyed many feet of water pipe in her attic. Who would have even imagined something like that? Our prayers are with you Sharon, hold on girl, its going to get much better soon.
Nan is falling asleep as I write, This has been a long day with mostly ups and a few downs.
We started the day at 5 am this morning when Terri came to draw blood for the type and cross the hospital needs to prepare blood for the upcoming transfusion. Terri could only fit the draw in early this morning because she had a very long day scheduled already. After the blood draw we both went back upstairs to our beds, nan to our bed and me to the guest room due to my illness. I slept fitfully working over our challenges we face on the medical front, drainage, pain, necrotic tissue, financial, IRS money owed, covering the house payments and other bills we had to pay, work issues, getting things done and completed, explaining why past decisions were made on appraisals (called conditions), needing to get the Christmas decorations out of the front yard, needing the garage to get back into its clean condition, my own health issues, fever, chills, thick head (a fairly normal condition). When I came fully awake I noticed the sun was shining, I stumbled into check on Nan and discovered it was 9 am! I've not slept that late for a very long time.
So Nan stayed in bed, less nephrostomy pain and I came down to work. I made an appointment and asked the person to call back on my cell. I placed the cell where I would see it on top of a cup which I thought was empty, actually it was full of Thermoflu. Then I went up to care for Nan and was gone about 20 minutes. When I came back the cell phone was gone, well actually it had gone swimming. When the guy called back the phone viberated and slipped right into the liquid, to its death. That sort of started the day off right, I hate to make mistakes that cost me money and time, have too little of each right now. So off the Oakley to see a place, then used Nan's cell to find a cell phone outlet, spent an hour there and came out with a cheap upgrade, I was due for a free upgrade turns out, but free ended up costing about $150. Lost all my cell phone numbers of doctors, friends, clients, family, bummer big time. So if you can email me your number again I'll get it back into my phone, Thanks so much for that.
In general Nan is doing much better. She is much more animated in her voice, stronger in volume, more mentally alert and moves more easily. The leaking amount is much less than a week ago and the dark black liquid appears to be more green in nature for whatever that is worth. We have developed a problem with the left nephrostomy tube site which is now putting out a small amount of brown puss type liquid. I left a message for the IR doctor to call but so far he has not called to give a clue what meds we can use to clear this up. The irritation is causing some pain and we now change the bandage over it a couple times a day.
Nan has much less nausea. She does throw up on occasion but not due to nausea and when it is over she can then take pills or eat again successfully. We had thought that tomorrow would be transfusion day but it will have to be Saturday after all. It always takes a bit for them to find blood with her antibody in it. Once again I will be out seeing properties, Hayward at 10:30 1 in Fremont and 3 in San Leandro or something like that. God has blessed with a constant stream of work this week for which we are very grateful.
We appreciate your prayers and it seems we are seeing some God inspired small steps of progress. After weeks, months of constant nausea the break in that constant enemy is refreshing for Nan and for me as well.
And so once again we want to thank you for your concern and for caring about us.
tim and nan
ps can't wait to see Keanna and family tomorrow, they are set to come home sometime tomorrow.
psps funny thing happened in Sharons attic, seems Texas rats are up to eating through PCV pipe and have destroyed many feet of water pipe in her attic. Who would have even imagined something like that? Our prayers are with you Sharon, hold on girl, its going to get much better soon.
At 3:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
We praise God for the little steps ~ less nausea and leaking, more alertness, less neuphrostomy pain. Any relief is welcomed!
Tim, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. That flu can really knock the props out from under you. Take care of yourself. I know you have to work, take care of Nan, get out and do the appraisals and take care of the laundry and home chores. Not easy to rest on that kind of a schedule. Sabbath is coming. You can rest.... well, maybe not. You have to take Nan for her blood transfusion. Do your best to rest while you wait at least.
Take care of yourselves and each other! May you feel the presence of God's peace this week end.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 7:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
I would like to give an Amen to Carol's comments and prayer for you.
You are in our minds, on our hearts and in our prayers. May you feel the presence of God's peace, remembering that He has us in the palm of His hand.
Rest well His dear ones.
Love and prayers,
At 4:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Praise God for a day set aside for us. How I look forward to Sabbath; church, family, friends, and we don't worry about the business!
I purchased a dining room table this past week and the guy from the company came by to touch us a spot and I told him I had been praying for 6 months for a big table (we have a big gathering on Sabbath for lunch) that I could get without the chairs, as I have chairs that I like. When I said that I had prayed for the table his eyes lit up and we discussed the bible for the next 45 minutes. He said that he and his wife will try to visit our church tomorrow! We will be having our lunch gathering at Rick's tomorrow due to all my water problems, and I invited them to join us! He has just realized that Saturday is the Sabbath and he did not know there was a church here that worshipped on Saturday. I have prayed that God would use me in some way and I am so excited.
Enough of that---Nan you sounded so good last evening. I pray that you will have a good day tomorrow, eventhough you will be receiving your boost of energy via the transfusion. Know that I will be praying for both of you.
My water problems are still being solved, but tonight I don't care. The guys will be back Monday to complete things. (What a mess, but nothing that I can't handle!)
Love to you both, Sharon
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