Day 11 and still at the Antioch Hilton
Dear Family and Friends,
We are watching the blood drip, drip, drip into Nan's body at this moment. Amazingly Nan's heart rate just now was 96, lowest in a very long time, she has lasix going at the moment between units, has had tylenol and benadryl and is having sort of hot flashes. She waited all day for a CT scan with no water, no food and finally mid afternoon they took her for the CT scan. She looked forward to dinner, cheese manicotti but when Rand opened the container it was fish, thats right stinky fish. It almost did her in. It was not the high point of the day let me assure you.
Nan worked it through and suggested I go to UNOs for French Onion soup which I did. She also ordered sphagetti and bread but it was way too much food. She loved the soup and ate as much as she could. We have been sort of watching Forest Gump all evening and with commercials it may take all evening for it to be over.
Nan has now gone about 12 hours without fever which is the only way out of here. Advice from medical people today has included: eat lots of campbell soup because it is salty and Nan has a problem holding salt, include that fancy Danon yogurt to aid in digestion and good bugs in GI, add some high power enzyme pills to the routine to aid digestion and retention of fluids. keep on the imodium to slow flow, and so it goes, all good info which we will try to retain and use. Nan is much much better with less fluid load now, this afternoon we walked outside and she sat on her walker in the breezes and sunshine, loved every minute of it, even after we discovered the door had locked us outside and I had to run half way around the hospital to get the door open for her to come back in.
Now we move toward slumber, Nan is ready to sleep but is too warm right now due to the meds or blood or a combination of both. Now we wait to find out the results of the CTscan, the local doctors want to see if there are any pockets of fluids unaccounted for and of course we want to send a CD to Dr. Morgan to get his read of the tumor situation.
Soon Nan will be allowed to come home, soon we hope.
Tonight we thank you for your involvement in our life and for your continued prayers.
We long for Nan to feel better and be stronger soon.
We send our love,
Tim and Nan
We are watching the blood drip, drip, drip into Nan's body at this moment. Amazingly Nan's heart rate just now was 96, lowest in a very long time, she has lasix going at the moment between units, has had tylenol and benadryl and is having sort of hot flashes. She waited all day for a CT scan with no water, no food and finally mid afternoon they took her for the CT scan. She looked forward to dinner, cheese manicotti but when Rand opened the container it was fish, thats right stinky fish. It almost did her in. It was not the high point of the day let me assure you.
Nan worked it through and suggested I go to UNOs for French Onion soup which I did. She also ordered sphagetti and bread but it was way too much food. She loved the soup and ate as much as she could. We have been sort of watching Forest Gump all evening and with commercials it may take all evening for it to be over.
Nan has now gone about 12 hours without fever which is the only way out of here. Advice from medical people today has included: eat lots of campbell soup because it is salty and Nan has a problem holding salt, include that fancy Danon yogurt to aid in digestion and good bugs in GI, add some high power enzyme pills to the routine to aid digestion and retention of fluids. keep on the imodium to slow flow, and so it goes, all good info which we will try to retain and use. Nan is much much better with less fluid load now, this afternoon we walked outside and she sat on her walker in the breezes and sunshine, loved every minute of it, even after we discovered the door had locked us outside and I had to run half way around the hospital to get the door open for her to come back in.
Now we move toward slumber, Nan is ready to sleep but is too warm right now due to the meds or blood or a combination of both. Now we wait to find out the results of the CTscan, the local doctors want to see if there are any pockets of fluids unaccounted for and of course we want to send a CD to Dr. Morgan to get his read of the tumor situation.
Soon Nan will be allowed to come home, soon we hope.
Tonight we thank you for your involvement in our life and for your continued prayers.
We long for Nan to feel better and be stronger soon.
We send our love,
Tim and Nan
At 10:48 PM, Anonymous said…
RUNNING half way around the building. What a picture that makes. I suppose with a good purpose I might attempt such a feat. Maybe even faster if I thought I could get away from the smell of fish.
There are few worse supprizes than to get something to eat that is different than you expected, especially if you had to wait a really long time for it. fortunately there is a plitara of salty soups available to suit every pallet. CHICKEN AND NOODLE, CHICKEN AND STARS, CHICKEN AND RICE, CHICKEN AND VEGETABLE, CHICKEN AND MUSHROOMS CHICKEN AND ..........................................................................................................and there is always Chicken and noodle with BREAD!
The salt front is secure. Time to move on to the next need.
Love and Prayers,
At 11:26 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi to you both,
Sounds like things are indeed getting to the place where going home looks likely. Sounds like several good things to try- It will always be a balancing act- but don't be discouraged, it is possible to get very good at balancing- Think of the Chinese girls with the spinning plates on sticks- If they can do it so can you!
At 3:38 AM, Anonymous said…
Good news again this a.m. New blood, hydration balanced, heart rate down, temperature down ~ Sounds like homeward bound is not too far in the future. Now we pray that the CT scan brings good news and the recovery process can continue.
Getting locked out of the hospital just could have caused a bit of panic when you had to leave Nan outside by herself yesterday. Nice to be outside, but a bit scary not to be able to get back in!
Lots of laundry to do today with the Easter crowd coming and going. We still have room for a few more! Today I also have to remove the packed boxes from the guest room to prepare for Roger's brother and sister-in-law's visit on their way back to MI. What to do? Last June when I thought we were moving I packed quite a few boxes (mostly books and things I probably don't need anyway).... Do I unpack? Do I just store the boxes? Are we staying or going? God is in control.
Have another really good day!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 9:56 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Great You are getting closer to Home & the comforts that are there for You to enjoy. We are glad that You are feeling better and will be praying that the C.T. scan will show good news.
We are thinking of going to a Funny movie (Meet The Robinsons) Today, it is bargain price $4.00 day at Our Theatre in Lodi on Tuesday so We "Cheapies" take advantage when there is something worth seeing.
We look forward to Seeing You at Home this Weekend. Hope You are up to playing a Table Game or two.
Wes, You need to think about a "Laugh of the Day" Spot in the Local Paper. Your ability of making Us all chuckle a bit is a treat every day.
Have a Comfortable day Nan & Tim.
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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