Day 14 at the Antioch Hilton
5th day of green beens and potatos and terrible meat pieces, makes road kill look gormet.
Hi There,
Another day of confusion! To bad doctors don't talk to each other, would solve a lot of patient anxiety. Last evening we were told that Nan could have the left nephrostomy tube replaced here in Antioch, this morning we were told that Antioch does not have the facilities to do a nephrostomy exchange so no deal, then we were told it was probably going to be monday. Our oncologist came and visited with Nan and put his staff to work on getting the details worked out for the minor surgery. I came here this morning expecting that Nan would have the surgery and planning to cancel out my appointments. AFter I got here we found out that it could not be done here at all so I helped Nan change the incision bandage and hit the road for Sacramento, after Sac I drove to Riverbank and then back here arriving at 7 pm. Nan had another terrible meal of the same stuff but also good yogurt which she ate all of, a nice bun which I ate and some milk.
Now the tentative plan which is not yet confirmed with all concerned is this, Nan will be transported to Concord where she will get a new nephrostomy tube and then be transported back to her room here in Antioch. All concerned are trying to work it out for tomorrow but we have a realistic understanding which says it will be more like monday, not tomorrow. Tomorrow would be great, it would get us out of here sooner but we are not holding our breath.
To sort of round things out mid morning the TV lost its cable connection. It is true for the entire hospital with no plan afoot to get it fixed. I find that amazing that they would let patients who have nothing else to do just hang without any TV or any comment as to when it will be fixed. If I knew how to reach the hospital management I would call them now and complain.
Nan had a good breakfast with pancakes and more yogurt, milk and some fruit. Lunch was the same green beans and pathetic potatos, so was dinner tonight. However Nan had me pick up some fried zucchini at Carls Juniors and we munched on that when I arrived. Then we walked and tonight Nan walked further than ever and at a fast pace. Today also saw the arrival of the PCA pump, a device that gives Nan control over her own pain meds. It gradually gives her a 1 mg per hour dose and then she can have more if she pushes the button. We have had this system several different places before and it works great, saves the call to the nurses every two hours and does a better job of pain control.
So my friends, we wait, tonight is a full two weeks since our arrival here and we are on our third room now. The local weather has turned cool tonight after a warm day. A few minutes ago a helicopter landed in the parking lot which was sort of exciting. Now I understand why they keep a portion of the parking lot fenced off from cars, funny that was the very place I was thinking of asking security if I could park the motorhome, I think not.
Tonight my eyes are burning, too much sun and my rear side hurts a bit from too much sitting and driving. Very glad to be back safe and sound and with Nan this evening. Pam just called and Nan says she has talked to Dana, Sharon and Art along with Nikki, Jo.
Jason is super busy this weekend as it is Academy Day for prospective students who might want to come in the future to live there. It is his event and there are hundreds of kids coming to visit. He will be glad for monday and normal again. But this is where he shines, he knows most of these kids from visiting in their homes and schools and now he can start to close the deal, get them to attend.
We are glad it is Sabbath, a time to reflect on the sparse blessings of this week and to anticipate more to come next week. we are glad for the basic good care here, wish things could be better and that they would consult with each other and get a plan going and fulfilled.
Nan is resting quietly tonight and we just munched a double chocolate cookie from Pepperridge Farms, now Nan is singing good night sweet heart, got to go and she is telling me I need to leave.
Please pray that God will make sense out of the conflicting plans for Nan's care. Love to all
tim and nan
Hi There,
Another day of confusion! To bad doctors don't talk to each other, would solve a lot of patient anxiety. Last evening we were told that Nan could have the left nephrostomy tube replaced here in Antioch, this morning we were told that Antioch does not have the facilities to do a nephrostomy exchange so no deal, then we were told it was probably going to be monday. Our oncologist came and visited with Nan and put his staff to work on getting the details worked out for the minor surgery. I came here this morning expecting that Nan would have the surgery and planning to cancel out my appointments. AFter I got here we found out that it could not be done here at all so I helped Nan change the incision bandage and hit the road for Sacramento, after Sac I drove to Riverbank and then back here arriving at 7 pm. Nan had another terrible meal of the same stuff but also good yogurt which she ate all of, a nice bun which I ate and some milk.
Now the tentative plan which is not yet confirmed with all concerned is this, Nan will be transported to Concord where she will get a new nephrostomy tube and then be transported back to her room here in Antioch. All concerned are trying to work it out for tomorrow but we have a realistic understanding which says it will be more like monday, not tomorrow. Tomorrow would be great, it would get us out of here sooner but we are not holding our breath.
To sort of round things out mid morning the TV lost its cable connection. It is true for the entire hospital with no plan afoot to get it fixed. I find that amazing that they would let patients who have nothing else to do just hang without any TV or any comment as to when it will be fixed. If I knew how to reach the hospital management I would call them now and complain.
Nan had a good breakfast with pancakes and more yogurt, milk and some fruit. Lunch was the same green beans and pathetic potatos, so was dinner tonight. However Nan had me pick up some fried zucchini at Carls Juniors and we munched on that when I arrived. Then we walked and tonight Nan walked further than ever and at a fast pace. Today also saw the arrival of the PCA pump, a device that gives Nan control over her own pain meds. It gradually gives her a 1 mg per hour dose and then she can have more if she pushes the button. We have had this system several different places before and it works great, saves the call to the nurses every two hours and does a better job of pain control.
So my friends, we wait, tonight is a full two weeks since our arrival here and we are on our third room now. The local weather has turned cool tonight after a warm day. A few minutes ago a helicopter landed in the parking lot which was sort of exciting. Now I understand why they keep a portion of the parking lot fenced off from cars, funny that was the very place I was thinking of asking security if I could park the motorhome, I think not.
Tonight my eyes are burning, too much sun and my rear side hurts a bit from too much sitting and driving. Very glad to be back safe and sound and with Nan this evening. Pam just called and Nan says she has talked to Dana, Sharon and Art along with Nikki, Jo.
Jason is super busy this weekend as it is Academy Day for prospective students who might want to come in the future to live there. It is his event and there are hundreds of kids coming to visit. He will be glad for monday and normal again. But this is where he shines, he knows most of these kids from visiting in their homes and schools and now he can start to close the deal, get them to attend.
We are glad it is Sabbath, a time to reflect on the sparse blessings of this week and to anticipate more to come next week. we are glad for the basic good care here, wish things could be better and that they would consult with each other and get a plan going and fulfilled.
Nan is resting quietly tonight and we just munched a double chocolate cookie from Pepperridge Farms, now Nan is singing good night sweet heart, got to go and she is telling me I need to leave.
Please pray that God will make sense out of the conflicting plans for Nan's care. Love to all
tim and nan
At 11:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your sparse blessings include a wife that sings songs to you. A son that helps guide 100's of young people to Christ. A daughter in law that will soon present you with another wonderful grand child. An attentive daughter that keeps your grandaughter actively involved in your life. A son-in-law that helps you out when you need and many times when you want.
Ok maybe a few too many beans and a couple of unwanted potatoes but certainly no sparsness of blessings!
Enjoy your Sabbath. There are more prays working on your behalf than on any other day. Peace, love and joy to the Mustard's et al!
At 5:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning and Happy Sabbath to you!
We woke up this a.m. to 24 degrees and more snow than we've had all winter. Not much ~ but the ground and roof tops are white. I guess spring is trying to tease us a bit. We have had a very early spring this year with temperatures to the 80's. It has been beautiful with most of the flowers in full array. Maybe the snow will protect them from the freeze.
I'm sorry you had such a frustrating day yesterday. I'm sure it must be the moon or something. I'm not sure what Nan would do without nurse Tim. You are her advocate, food supplies, dressing changer (and lots of other kinds of changer), companion, cheering section, and admirer. Yes, you do both have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes it is difficult to see the blessings when discouragement looms over our heads, life looks bleak and you have to tell the Drs' and nurses what to do. About then you wonder why you are still in the hospital if you are the one telling them what to do.
By the way, Nan, I'm glad you finally found those zucchini sticks and at 2 places too! Carl's Jr. has zucchini sticks? I'm impressed! Life is good.
Enjoy your visit with Bob and Carrol ~ if you are still in Antioch. I hope things move along well for you today and you have a blessed day!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 9:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We will be calling You around the Noon hour or so today to see what Your status is for today and determine whether We drive over to visit or not.
Here it is cool,cloudy & windy quite a change from the warm & breezy weather that we have been having.
We did the Spaghetti Factory "2-for-one" deal again last evening it was very good as usual how We do wish that You Both could join Us, maybe next week. We will Pray for that to happen. When I talked to You last evening Tim We were at the Factory waiting for Our food.
We have a DVD Set of "The Best Of Johnny Carson" if You have the equipment to play them We would be glad to bring them over for You to laugh at. Also have a set of Lucy & Gleason.
God Bless you Both and may things go smoothly for Nan today ,the sooner She gets that tube fixed the better things will be for Her.
Good news that You will not be required to drive to S.F. that is no fun at all.
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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