Dear Family and Friends,
Well our lives have taken another turn this afternoon. One of Nan's oncology doctors came in mid afternoon to tell her that the CT Scan showed at least one pool of fluid and perhaps two pools, one on her side near her leaking incision wound and another possible one near her rectum. I was not here at the time and Nan has explained things as well as she can. Before I left she had a 99.3 and just now it was 101.6 so we are not through with the fevers after all. So Nan will have an ultrasound of the area in the morning to try to pin down in a more accurate way what it is they have found, infectious disease doctors are also being consulted. Interventional Radiologists are also being included and an attempt may be made to drain the pools with a large needle. All of this is really mixed news. Yes we are very pleased that they have located something which could be part of the leaking problem and are going to attempt a solution, yet Nan is so disappointed in not being able to go home to her own bed, her own chair, her own TV, her own doggies and her own life. She is handling it very well and with the higher temperature she is very sleepy. At this point she is sleeping.
I waited this afternoon until 2:10 to see if the doctor was going to come to visit but I finally had to leave to see a couple properties in nearby Richmond and Vallejo. I only returned a few minutes ago. Mary was so nice to come to visit this afternoon and spent a wonderful two hours with Nan, such a visit on a day like this helps so much, helps the spirits, helps to not be alone, helps one to find courage.
When I arrived this morning Nan was ready and willing to take a walk. We walked to the door, went outside, placed a stick in the door to secure it and then found a nice place in the sun where Nan sat for awhile and enjoyed the moment. Then back in for a nap.
When the kidney doctor visited this morning he considered Nan ready to go home, of course at that point she had been over 24 hours without fever, fluid levels were pretty well balanced and things looked good. So once again up and then down. Happens.
I'm blogging early this evening because I am going to make every effort to head home early for an earlier night of rest. I think tomorrow will be a long day as we wait for ultra sound, then other tests and finally procedures perhaps.
Nan has had three so so meals today, she saved her mushroom soup for me tonight and they have started to bring her the good yogurt with the good bugs in it. However she can only handle so much of the stuff before she gets sick. The scrambled eggs this morning didn't help either, she used rubbery in her description of them on the phone.
At home this morning I rose earlier, worked by my little heater, sipped mocha and then took the dogs to the park, did some more laundry, tidied up the family room, changed the sheets on our bed thinking Nan was coming home and tried to make things a little bit nicer for her arrival.
I'm sort of falling behind in seeing properties that have been ordered but I really don't feel comfortable being elsewhere when they are doing things to my beloved Nan.
So once again this evening we are facing unknowns and we come to you our loyal family and friends asking for your help, for your prayers and for your positive thoughts. We need you.
I was surprised to have a call from Loree this afternoon, she called to tell me some funds had come to the recovery fund. I had hoped that by now there would be no need for any help from anyone yet I felt a sense of relief. I had her deposit the 700+/- dollars in the account so when we need meds or something special for Nan will not have to think twice about taking care of it. Thank you for your help. This long recovery is a real challenge, most of all to Nan who has to live it day by day, hour by hour, pain by pain and degree by degree. I am so proud of her and of our combined family members who have helped in so many ways especially the frequent phone calls and many expressions of help and encouragement. No one could ask for more supportive family and friends.
The nurse just came back in, she has removed Nan's blanket so she sleeps under just a sheet with the window to outside wide open, I'm cold but she is not. Her temp had dropped from 101.6 to 101.1 so we are moving the right direction I guess. Once again they wanted to give her 650 mg of Tylenol and we asked for 325 due to the Gleevec conflict. They understood.
I had a wonderful talk with Nikki as she drove home from work this afternoon. It is so good to catch up with what is happening in their lives, love it. I also got to talk to Steve this morning as I gave him some new orders. Heather was kind enough to pass along a couple orders from her friends that have properties located too far away for her to travel to, SF and Marin I think. Now if we can get mom healthy enough to allow me to get out once again and see stuff, she wants to get there and I sure do too. She has promised to walk again this evening after she "naps". We will see and I hope she is up to it. Helps her body a lot to move about.
So I sign off tonight from the hospital when I thought we would be home yet perhaps solutions are just around the corner, we can hope and pray.
tim and nan
Well our lives have taken another turn this afternoon. One of Nan's oncology doctors came in mid afternoon to tell her that the CT Scan showed at least one pool of fluid and perhaps two pools, one on her side near her leaking incision wound and another possible one near her rectum. I was not here at the time and Nan has explained things as well as she can. Before I left she had a 99.3 and just now it was 101.6 so we are not through with the fevers after all. So Nan will have an ultrasound of the area in the morning to try to pin down in a more accurate way what it is they have found, infectious disease doctors are also being consulted. Interventional Radiologists are also being included and an attempt may be made to drain the pools with a large needle. All of this is really mixed news. Yes we are very pleased that they have located something which could be part of the leaking problem and are going to attempt a solution, yet Nan is so disappointed in not being able to go home to her own bed, her own chair, her own TV, her own doggies and her own life. She is handling it very well and with the higher temperature she is very sleepy. At this point she is sleeping.
I waited this afternoon until 2:10 to see if the doctor was going to come to visit but I finally had to leave to see a couple properties in nearby Richmond and Vallejo. I only returned a few minutes ago. Mary was so nice to come to visit this afternoon and spent a wonderful two hours with Nan, such a visit on a day like this helps so much, helps the spirits, helps to not be alone, helps one to find courage.
When I arrived this morning Nan was ready and willing to take a walk. We walked to the door, went outside, placed a stick in the door to secure it and then found a nice place in the sun where Nan sat for awhile and enjoyed the moment. Then back in for a nap.
When the kidney doctor visited this morning he considered Nan ready to go home, of course at that point she had been over 24 hours without fever, fluid levels were pretty well balanced and things looked good. So once again up and then down. Happens.
I'm blogging early this evening because I am going to make every effort to head home early for an earlier night of rest. I think tomorrow will be a long day as we wait for ultra sound, then other tests and finally procedures perhaps.
Nan has had three so so meals today, she saved her mushroom soup for me tonight and they have started to bring her the good yogurt with the good bugs in it. However she can only handle so much of the stuff before she gets sick. The scrambled eggs this morning didn't help either, she used rubbery in her description of them on the phone.
At home this morning I rose earlier, worked by my little heater, sipped mocha and then took the dogs to the park, did some more laundry, tidied up the family room, changed the sheets on our bed thinking Nan was coming home and tried to make things a little bit nicer for her arrival.
I'm sort of falling behind in seeing properties that have been ordered but I really don't feel comfortable being elsewhere when they are doing things to my beloved Nan.
So once again this evening we are facing unknowns and we come to you our loyal family and friends asking for your help, for your prayers and for your positive thoughts. We need you.
I was surprised to have a call from Loree this afternoon, she called to tell me some funds had come to the recovery fund. I had hoped that by now there would be no need for any help from anyone yet I felt a sense of relief. I had her deposit the 700+/- dollars in the account so when we need meds or something special for Nan will not have to think twice about taking care of it. Thank you for your help. This long recovery is a real challenge, most of all to Nan who has to live it day by day, hour by hour, pain by pain and degree by degree. I am so proud of her and of our combined family members who have helped in so many ways especially the frequent phone calls and many expressions of help and encouragement. No one could ask for more supportive family and friends.
The nurse just came back in, she has removed Nan's blanket so she sleeps under just a sheet with the window to outside wide open, I'm cold but she is not. Her temp had dropped from 101.6 to 101.1 so we are moving the right direction I guess. Once again they wanted to give her 650 mg of Tylenol and we asked for 325 due to the Gleevec conflict. They understood.
I had a wonderful talk with Nikki as she drove home from work this afternoon. It is so good to catch up with what is happening in their lives, love it. I also got to talk to Steve this morning as I gave him some new orders. Heather was kind enough to pass along a couple orders from her friends that have properties located too far away for her to travel to, SF and Marin I think. Now if we can get mom healthy enough to allow me to get out once again and see stuff, she wants to get there and I sure do too. She has promised to walk again this evening after she "naps". We will see and I hope she is up to it. Helps her body a lot to move about.
So I sign off tonight from the hospital when I thought we would be home yet perhaps solutions are just around the corner, we can hope and pray.
tim and nan
At 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
I continue to read the blog every single day. It is usually the last thing I do when I go to sleep or the first thing when I get up. It was surprising to see it this early - I'm glad that you are going to get some sleep. Not sure if Art got to talk to you today,he has been very busy with things as you know he would rather not deal with but he has no choice - believe it or not you have been helpful in listening to his concerns. I'm so glad that he is so healthy and fool of energy. We need to get over his mom's estate situation.
I'll be in Indio for a week starting this Friday, my mom and my sister Liz will be with me. Art will be staying home, so please continue to call him.
My wish is that Nan can come home soon. Please remember that the doctors and nurses are doing their best helping Nan and you need to take care of yourself. You have been and continue to be a wonderful caring husband, I'm sure Nan is aware of that - both of you deserve the best.
At 10:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please take a walk with me on the sunny side of the street. I am found there on most days and many times it is lonely so why don't you join me for a while. Let me share with you what I see. Don't be afraid. You can do it! Come on. Bring Art with you. You can hold hands. (everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarden)
Today on the sunny side of the street we are another step closer to home and a solution to the mystery of the rollercoaster temperatures. The forces of doctors assembled has never been larger or better coordinated. We have even found a nurse who can hear our input on medications and take appropriate action. There is plenty of honest work to do and our friends and family are in our corner cheering us on, praying, visiting and helping with our needs. It is nice over here, I want to stay near the Sonny. It is bright and peaceful and filled with opportunities to smile, hope and to show others the way across. Then it won't be a lonely.
May your today be filled with all Son you can stand. Ya'll come on now and stand on the Sonny side. It is a grand view.
At 2:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
Yes, it is always a bit discouraging when new things happen, but at least they know where the problem is even if they aren't sure what is happening. You have a whole team of doctors now totally fascinated with her highly unusual situation, her courage, her uncanny strength. Plus you have a God who orchestrates the whole thing! You are in good hands.
I don't know Wes, but I'd like to join you too on the sunny side of the street. It's a very nice place to be. After yesterday I realize I need to visit it more frequently. More work frustrations here right now and not enough help. We seem to be carrying more people and more work than our share. But ~ when you own a business it tends to own you. (As you know!) Enough of that! I think I'll head on over to the other side of the street now. See, Wes, you are an inspiration to people you don't even know.
Keep up your courage! You have many who you don't even know read your blog every day and keep you in prayer. May you feel His presence with you today.
Love and continued prayers ~ Carol
At 8:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello From Lodi,
Let's hope that this New Team of Experts will be the Key to getting Our Dear Nan back on Her feet for sure. It is so trying waiting for things to happen and for results of tests (etc) to come in.
How did Nan like the Onion Soup from UNOS the other day? Should have been a big improvement from that "Hilton" Mushroom Stuff.
We will plan to Visit again on Sabbath if things are in place for it to happen. We will call first.
Right now We are in the middle of a "Kodacolor"
(Generations) Jig Saw Puzzle. Puzzle. "1950 Kitchen" one in a series of 10 We have 4 now they are very difficult but they do bring back some fond memories of growing up in the 30's/60's. Next one that We will be doing is called "1940 Toy Room" Lionel Train, Radio Flyer Wagon, Erector Set & Tinker Toys plus many more things that We are familiar with from the past.
We will be Praying for Nan today and the many things that She is facing right now. Hope to see You soon and thanks Tim, for the detailed reports on the blog every day.
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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