Cause found! Blood infection
Results are in from the blood cultures taken. Nan is suffering from an infection in her blood. And even more important the antibiotics already being given are the right ones to stop the infection. The ship hospital could not do blood cultures and neither could the Mexican hospital so now the quick trip back to this hospital where these tests could be performed takes on additional significance. Where the infection came from is another matter, bad TPN, infected PICC or who knows where?
I just wanted to let you know the good news that at least the source of the infection and fevers has been located and being treated. Also the urine bags are filling rapidly now that they are unplugged and pee never looked so good!! About 300 ml in the last two hours.
Mom is sleeping fitfully now, we have her feet uncovered and cold cloths on her forehead. She is restless and not fully aware of what is going on at the moment. Terry Hall has once again come through, in case we need to have a CT scan today she is having her assistance pick up the CT scan from our house and deliver it here to the hospital so if they need to look it over it is available. It is the one from a month ago at Antioch. I should have brought it yesterday but had planned to forward it to Boston to Dr. Morgan to review.
So now we wait for the doctor and for the day to bring healing. Everyone here has been so kind and helpful, very special team of people here on 3rd floor.
So for now thank you for your precious prayers and very kind blog responses. Both really take me back to pleasant times and warm wonderful memories. They brought me to tears, I may have to have a tear supply transfusion soon, they seem to leak easily.
tim and nan
I just wanted to let you know the good news that at least the source of the infection and fevers has been located and being treated. Also the urine bags are filling rapidly now that they are unplugged and pee never looked so good!! About 300 ml in the last two hours.
Mom is sleeping fitfully now, we have her feet uncovered and cold cloths on her forehead. She is restless and not fully aware of what is going on at the moment. Terry Hall has once again come through, in case we need to have a CT scan today she is having her assistance pick up the CT scan from our house and deliver it here to the hospital so if they need to look it over it is available. It is the one from a month ago at Antioch. I should have brought it yesterday but had planned to forward it to Boston to Dr. Morgan to review.
So now we wait for the doctor and for the day to bring healing. Everyone here has been so kind and helpful, very special team of people here on 3rd floor.
So for now thank you for your precious prayers and very kind blog responses. Both really take me back to pleasant times and warm wonderful memories. They brought me to tears, I may have to have a tear supply transfusion soon, they seem to leak easily.
tim and nan
At 8:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Excellent news, and my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery...In the mean time, Take care of yourself, you can't help Nan if you are not healthy enough!
At 8:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a relief to have found the source of the fever etc, We will continue to Pray & thank the Lord for His leading You & Your Dr's in the right direction. Nan will surely began to respond now and quickly be back to Herself.
Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 8:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Praise the Lord! We can all breathe easier to know that the problem has been found and also that Nan is putting out pee!! Now to get her strength back and on the road to better days! We love you both! Barbie & Ger
At 9:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
So very lucky to know that you have the answer to take Nan to better health and recovery.
Often, when one is already on an antibotic it is hard to get the answer to the culture. This must be one strong infection.
It may be several days before she really sees the recovery in the process.
A kinked tube, what a thing and who would have thought to consider it. You say the bed was wet where it had leaked?
I had an infection in my blood 6 years ago and it damaged my heart valve (Mitral valve) at that time. I had pain in many parts of my body, mostly joints, neck, shoulders, hands and it took quite awhile for someone to find the cause and get me on the road to recovery. Unfortunately they were not listening to my heart at the time and it did the damage Mitral valve, I am, however, stable at this time.
I was definitely out of it a lot but not as bad as Nan. Who knows, she may be dancing in a few weeks.
I hope the GIST is staying controlled by the Gleevec. I have not really heard much about that side of the health issue.
The very best and fastest recovery wishes are being sent your way.
You and Nan are over due for some fun and happiness, you guys might just consider a small sailboat ride for the next trip.
Sue M.
At 9:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is great news! I read all the blogs since last night. I liked the one about your life. For sure you should write a book, no matter what you write about it is always easy to follow with all the details, etc.
I also enjoy reading the comments and that is how I know that so many people love you guys. I only met you less than two years but I know about you and Nan through my husband Art. He said that you were a great Pastor and gave very moving sermons. Art has travelled with you and Nan - when we were in Hawaii he kept telling me that he went to some of the places we were visiting with both of you.
Art just tried to call you but your voicemail is FULL, please call us as we would like to come and see you today.
At 11:08 AM,
Unknown said…
Thank goodness that the news is now more encouraging. Thanks for the many updates that you take the time and energy to pass along to so many of us who love Nan so much.
Her family here in Houston is praying fervently that she will continue to improve, gain strength, and begin to feel much better very soon!
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
I know what you mean about the blog. When my mother was so ill I e-mailed my sisters a couple of times a day. You do feel some sort of connection! It just feels better to know someone else knows what you and Nan are going through.
Good news that they found the kind of infection she has. Now to find the source. That kinked or clogged tube sure didn't help matters any. Now that the pee is flowing well and she is getting the right antibiotic you are headed in the right direction.
Our prayers remain with you and you are at the top of the list of concerns for today.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 3:39 PM,
Irene Wing said…
How great is our Lord for answering our prayers.
This morning I shared Romans 15:13 with Tim in an e-mail but I would also like to share it with all the blog readers. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." I pray that our hope will continue to overflow.
Blessings and love,
At 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
BAD BLOOD indeed, that doesn't sound very good. I've had some bad blood problems myself. Just this last summer our neighbor lit a giant fire in our front yard. It was amazing. The fire department came with their unkinked hoses in response to a neighbors call. Then the police came with their handy cuffs and wanted to know who started the fire. Then everyone participated in what might be called some fevered conversation.
It took many weeks to get rid of the bad blood here in the neighborhood. Hope it doesn't take that long to clean up Nan's.
More good news about your formally plugged tear ducts. This is especially important as one day soon there will be an opportunity for many tears of great joy! I'm ready!
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