Home at last
Dear Family and Friends,
I am writing at 10:40 having just seen nan up to bed. Terry Hall, our beloved home health nurse came to show us how to administer the antibiotics that are needed for the next week or so. At first seems complicated but makes good sense. She is a dear and has been her for a couple hours helping out. nan is very very tired this evening. She just wanted to go to bed and now she is on her precious wedge pillow which elevates her legs, reduces swelling in her feet and she finds very comfortable. I can't really believe we are home again, been away more than home for some time now and home seems almost too good to be true.
When we got home Nan went out to the back deck and sat in a deck chair for awhile feeling the breezes go through her hair and across her face. the weather was perfect and she enjoyed the moment. She stayed up for awhile and then we took her up to bed for a nap. When Terry came at 8:30 she came down again to sit in the living room and go over the new stuff we get to do to support her. I have some concerns that the fluid level in the TPN bag is no longer as much as before, down from 2400 cc to about 1680 now but she will be getting 300 cc of antibiotic fluids per day and she drinks a lot when she feels even half good.
Nan is so glad to be home and Starr is so very happy to have her home. I just hope I can handle doing the things she needs done to assist her in her recovery. I'm glad its friday and so I can be with her over the weekend all the time. Yvonne is able to come out for a few hours tomorrow during the day and we are both so thankful for that. I have to go to Concord briefly to see a rush job and I can do it while Yvonne is here, thanks Yvonne for sitting with nan. Better bring a book, Nan just might nod off for a few minutes. Seems she can't get enough sleep and this morning at the hospital from 4 am on nurses seem to migrate into the room about every 15 minutes for this or that, each time turning on the lights and doing their things.
We were told we would be released this morning but it was middle afternoon before we finally got out. Nan wanted a coke icee so we stopped, of course their coke icee machine was broken but we found another Burger King with a functioning machine, then she wanted a bite or two of a small pizza so we found that as well. Then we headed home so our 1 hour trip home took 2 hours. She walked into the house on her own steam and handled it well. She sat up in the car the whole way home as well. Pretty amazing for a lady that has been down on her back for 2 weeks solid including the plane ride home for Acapulco.
Our last piece of luggage arrived today minus any medical supplies. We are just glad to have the bags back even if we did lose some dirty laundry, I guess they needed it in Mexico.
This evening we are grateful to a loving God who has given us another round of being home. May this time be for good.
I have included a photo of Nan sitting on the back deck today. We look forward to seeing Keanna soon and having some play time. We will enjoy being with her on Sabbath over at Nikki and Steve's and will get to see Jason and Jo as well. Now that is something to look forward to.
Right now I'm looking forward to sleeping for several hours without nurses coming in to do their thing. We appreciate what they did for Nan, just hard to sleep there.
Sending our love to each and every one of you and looking forward to seeing you soon.
tim and nan
ps Isn't she lovely!!
At 5:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lovely Nan,
Welcome Home!
Rest and heal, you have been through so much.
Have a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day.
Sue M
At 8:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
So good to see that You are Home and looking forward to a good weekend with Family & Friends.
Enjoy Mothers Day and stay in touch . I'm off to the Dentiet right now (Yuck). Clinic on Monday for Carrol , then maybe We can come over for a visit Tue or Wed.
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 9:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aunt Nan & Uncle Tim,
We are so grateful that you made it home in time to be with your family for Mother's Day!
We think of you two so often and are thankful to be able to read your blogs and being kept up to date on Nan's care.
Please rest and we will continue to pray for Nan's recovery.
Tim, we also pray for your strength. I know from experience with my mothers illness that it can be frustrating not knowing how to help ease your loved one's pain.
Love you both dearly,
Shay, Rodney, Gunnar & Camden
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Home again home again jiggity jog."
Yes, Nan, you do look a bit tired. Then thinking of everything that has happened to you in the last couple of weeks ~ you should be tired. You're in great shape for the shape you're in.
I hope your first day home was a peaceful uneventful day with lots of rest, no nausea and lots of kisses from your puppy.
And, Tim, I hope you had a good nights sleep ~ all night long with no nurses waking you every couple of hours. Things look brighter after a good nights sleep. You are now close to your work and to your special lady.
Our "crazy" lady did move out today about 3:30 with her 3 cats. Oh the cat hair!!! Poor Lesley said she went home to change her clothes 3 times to get rid of all the cat hair on her clothes. We have people coming in on Sunday so we will finish Sunday a.m.
Enjoy your Mother's day with your family and don't over do!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Welcome back! Know you will enjoy the week-end with the kids. Take one day at a time and build up your strength and don't get in a hurry. Will talk to you this PM. Have a restful and rewarding Sabbath. HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY TO YOU, NIKKI, & JO!
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