Short and sweet
Dear Ones,
Just put mom to bed with a lovenox shot in her hip, new dressing, TPN hooked up and running. We have had a big day. Mom slept until 11:30, came down and used a candy cane to control nausea, dressed at 2:30 for Keanna's big party at the Shipleys. We drove over and found parking, wheeled mom in and she found comfortable recliner, blanket and settled in the watch our girl in action. Steve and Nikki had several family and friends as guests, some with little children and the BBQ going full blast. Nikki and Steve can really entertain and do a great job of it. Keanna opened her many presents and loved every one of them including a cute little book from Irene, thanks Irene for thinking of her. The children played in the spa, the back yard, Keanna's special play room (formerly the living room) and we all had a very good time. Keanna's other grammy and great grammy drove up this morning, are spending the night and then driving back tomorrow sometime. Steves adopted family from Tracy were there and other friends as well. Nan was able to enjoy the whole event, get to see Keanna do her thing and sing Happy Birthday to Keanna. It was a very special event created by Nikki and Steve, one which mom is so glad she did not miss.
After the party Jason and Jo came over and spent the evening with us, we watched a good story on TV, I munched on popcorn, mom had some watermelon which once again stayed down for awhile but she just lost some of it now after she laid down in bed. I think Mom might be getting slightly dehydrated at this point since urine color is getting darker. She has not been able to drink hardly anything since it just comes back up. I am praying for God's intervention for her tonight while we sleep. Jason and Jo brought some beautiful yellow roses and are going to celebrate Mothers day tomorrow morning. Oh that Nan could feel better so she would be able to enjoy this special time even more. It is so good to get to see Jason and Jo again. They are such special people and we are glad that they could come. Jo is a radiant mother to be and is handling the pregnancy very well. Both are excited about the future with little Timothy!
Tomorrow I'll include photos, everyone is in bed tonight and the photos are in their cameras. I was so busy with getting mom ready that I forgot my camcorder and camera too.
I was happy to receive an email from Art and Connie from Greece. They are safe and enjoying a nice trip with friends. Troy Nelson, Sharon and David's son is having surgery on Monday morning on a disk. I think he would appreciate our prayers for he and his family as this needed procedure is done.
I had a very nice phone call from an old friend today, Ann Fargeson (sp), she is wrestling with serious health issues and her call meant a lot to Nan and me. She is urging us to keep the pressure on over the disability money, good advice really.
Well its off to bed for me, this day went better than I expected and of course not as well as I could have hoped. I keep expecting Nan to feel better but so far that has not happened.
Please keep her in the middle of your prayers, she is so precious and so brave and so weak right now. She is the bravest person I know and she deserves every blessing Heaven can spare for her.
Sending our love,
tim and nan and jason and jo
Just put mom to bed with a lovenox shot in her hip, new dressing, TPN hooked up and running. We have had a big day. Mom slept until 11:30, came down and used a candy cane to control nausea, dressed at 2:30 for Keanna's big party at the Shipleys. We drove over and found parking, wheeled mom in and she found comfortable recliner, blanket and settled in the watch our girl in action. Steve and Nikki had several family and friends as guests, some with little children and the BBQ going full blast. Nikki and Steve can really entertain and do a great job of it. Keanna opened her many presents and loved every one of them including a cute little book from Irene, thanks Irene for thinking of her. The children played in the spa, the back yard, Keanna's special play room (formerly the living room) and we all had a very good time. Keanna's other grammy and great grammy drove up this morning, are spending the night and then driving back tomorrow sometime. Steves adopted family from Tracy were there and other friends as well. Nan was able to enjoy the whole event, get to see Keanna do her thing and sing Happy Birthday to Keanna. It was a very special event created by Nikki and Steve, one which mom is so glad she did not miss.
After the party Jason and Jo came over and spent the evening with us, we watched a good story on TV, I munched on popcorn, mom had some watermelon which once again stayed down for awhile but she just lost some of it now after she laid down in bed. I think Mom might be getting slightly dehydrated at this point since urine color is getting darker. She has not been able to drink hardly anything since it just comes back up. I am praying for God's intervention for her tonight while we sleep. Jason and Jo brought some beautiful yellow roses and are going to celebrate Mothers day tomorrow morning. Oh that Nan could feel better so she would be able to enjoy this special time even more. It is so good to get to see Jason and Jo again. They are such special people and we are glad that they could come. Jo is a radiant mother to be and is handling the pregnancy very well. Both are excited about the future with little Timothy!
Tomorrow I'll include photos, everyone is in bed tonight and the photos are in their cameras. I was so busy with getting mom ready that I forgot my camcorder and camera too.
I was happy to receive an email from Art and Connie from Greece. They are safe and enjoying a nice trip with friends. Troy Nelson, Sharon and David's son is having surgery on Monday morning on a disk. I think he would appreciate our prayers for he and his family as this needed procedure is done.
I had a very nice phone call from an old friend today, Ann Fargeson (sp), she is wrestling with serious health issues and her call meant a lot to Nan and me. She is urging us to keep the pressure on over the disability money, good advice really.
Well its off to bed for me, this day went better than I expected and of course not as well as I could have hoped. I keep expecting Nan to feel better but so far that has not happened.
Please keep her in the middle of your prayers, she is so precious and so brave and so weak right now. She is the bravest person I know and she deserves every blessing Heaven can spare for her.
Sending our love,
tim and nan and jason and jo
At 9:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
How blessed You are to have such a supportive family so close by for special ocasions like Mothers Day and misc B.Days. So glad to read that Nan was able to be a part of the celebration.
We enjoyed a wonderful Band Concert at Atherton Hall (Delta College) Stockton last evening. The Air Force "Band Of The Golden West" Staioned at Travis AFB, What a treat it was 59 of them and they never missed a note or beat for nearly 2 hours. Really makes One feel that Our taxes are being put to good use in something that We can enjoy without having to buy a ticket.
Today is Mothers Day and We are going to see the opening performance of "Little Shop Of Horrors" at Tillie Lewis Theatre on the Delta College Campus 2:00 pm then dinner at "Outback" if We can get in, about 4:30 or so.
Have a Good Day and as always We will be Praying for Your Comfort & Healing.
Tomorrow is Clinic Day for Carrol it will be long but is necessary to keep Her bones strong. The Dr. says it will be a regular event(every 28 days) for Her. We are thankful for the stability that it brings to Her mobility. We are told that in the past People who had the Cancer that Carrol has did not survive very long because of the fragile bone issue and now this new drug (Aridia) 4 hr infusion therapy has made that issue much better and safer to deal with.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Mother's day to Nan, Jo, and Nikki. I pray that you each will have a great day, make some good memories!!
I am satisfied that God is in control and know that He will not give us that which we cannot handle.
Will go to hospital early in AM to be there when Troy goes in for his back surgery. He is so waiting for the hurting to go away. I pray that the Lord will guide each move made by doctors.
I need to go into work today so I will not be behind on this audit preparation by taking time off tomorrow AM. Need to get moving.
Love to each of you,
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Mothers Day!
How special to enjoy this day with your family near by. We are not so blessed.
So glad you were able to go to Keanna's birthday party. It sounded like a very well organized good time party for all. I know Nan enjoyed being there.
We are praying for a good week for you both. Now let's see what blessings God has in store for you this week.
Tim, I know you miss Art! We aren't Art, but you are welcome to call anytime day or night. We would be honored to give a listening ear.
Continued love and prayers ~ Carol
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Today was a very good Mothers Day for our Nan's. Your Nan got to see all of her children and go to her grandaughters birthday party. My Nan got a new grandchild, Zack and Erin's new son Alexander James Huffman joined our family at 4 this happy Mothers Day.
I know that someday soon you are going to have a day better than you hoped. You have to go through a lot of not so go days to get there but it is the only way. I wish you courage as you and your hopes face each new day.
What are you doing next? Have you picked your next step? Do the hardest and most unpleasant one first. Then all the rest will be easier. Kind of like pushing something up a hill and then riding it down.
Bless you and yours on the new day,
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