Dana arrives, Nan sits in her chair for 30 minutes but this evening a new fever hits!
Dear Family and Friends,
It is high energy level right now in the room, Marilyn is lamenting Boston's win tonight, Dana is excited about arriving and when we got to the room Nan looked flushed, I checked her temperature and it was 101.8 so I've let the nurse know. The nurse has not come in yet but we have a cold cloth on her head, this could change our plan to leave tomorrow if she spikes a new high fever. We've had no substantial fever for the past 6 days so this is a setback and disappointment.
Today has been a pretty good day. Our world moves around the 4 hour clock. Every 4 hours Nan can have a new shot of Adavan which she really looks forward to. It allows her to sleep and rest because the pain does not ever go totally away. At noon they came from PT and helped her stand up, do extensive exercises and then sit in her wheel chair for about 30 minutes. By the time she got back to the bed she was very ready for Adavan, tired worn out and ready to sleep. I was so proud of her and I have a photo of her in her chair while she was getting her hair done by the aid. She rested during the afternoon with some breakthrough pain.
I have been in place here in my little hospital room office and managed to get quite a bit of work done. After paying the data card bill this morning then it seemed the service got much quicker. I have worked all day using this computer and the one in the office at home.
Now Dana is preparing to drive to the house. Her back is so bad that she cannot sleep on our less than ideal sleeping devices. She will come back tomorrow morning and that way get a good nights sleep. Now Marilyn and I are wondering if she will really remember the way home. This is a bad time at night to be lost. So we cross our fingers that she will be safe and sound. I do know this, our little doggies will sure be happy to see someone come spend the night.
Nan has fallen asleep now and is deep in rest. Every day seems to bring a little more wake time and a little less pain and suffering. We are promised that at home we will have Terry our nurse, a PT person and any other support help we need. The hospital team that discharges patients is already working on the details and covering every possibility in advance. We have not yet decided if we will take Nan home in the van in a reclining seat or opt for a medical transport vehicle. Nan is leaning toward going home in the van but she will make that final decision tomorrow.
We have heard nothing about the new drug yet, at least that means we have not received a big no. I am so looking forward to introducing the new drug in hopes that for Nan it will reduce tumors. Let me be clear, I am in no state of denial here. We hope it helps and we know full well that this drug does not help all that take it. Yet we feel it is better to try the drug than know that it exists and make no effort to obtain it. That would not be the spirit we have approached Nan's GIST from day one. We have taken advantage of every medical option, have traveled, have researched, have done everything we could do to hold onto life and we have enjoyed a great deal of life due to the quest.
Today we received a very nice email from Glen and Joyce Conner, long time friends. Their life has not been easy and Glen has some rather quick gall bladder surgery and is now feeling better. No matter how sure we are that things are OK, we never know what happens next. Bob and Carrol had a shock with Carrol's knee suddenly giving way. So far the tests seem to suggest that there may be a reasonable fix yet it was a shock and reminder of how precious and tenious life is. Like the flicker of a candle in a wind storm. So Mighty Heavenly Father, please keep us close to your heart, especially hold Nan close this evening and if its within your plan give her healing, give her health, trust her with your healing power and might.
Our roses given to us by the Wants remind us that as they open and bloom so does God lead each of us to open and bloom to those around us, a kind word, a smile, a touch, a selfless act. I find this to be a crazy world filled with angry rushing people all around and sometimes I long for the quiet of the country, to hear the wind blow in the trees again, to watch the moon rise, to see waves on the seashore as they endlessly come and go, come and go. I long to do anything with Nan again, a ride, a meal, a walk, a quiet moment without pain and stress, I know you understand.
So as we possibly transition to home again we appreciate your prayers, your concern, your caring. For us it is a dream come true, to be able to go home yet once again.
We send out our love to each of you and thank you all.
tim and nan and marilyn and dana
At 12:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Way to go, Nan! Sitting in the chair for 30 minutes is a BIG step for you right now. Keep it up. The weather outside is wonderful and your body would love the sunshine.
Welcome to Dana and yes, the doggies will be going wild to see her again, especially since the house has been so quiet with everyone being gone.
Gerry went flying with his friend today up to Lake Oroville. Perfect day for flying.
Ben, our grandson, had to evacuate his home but so far the fires have not reached his place. What a terrible event!!
We are getting our suitcases ready for the trip to Maui. We are taking 2 each, packed with stuff the kids want us to bring. We are making sure they don't weigh over 50 pounds. We leave the 31st. Some friends are on a cruise and will be in Maui on the 31st so we are going to meet by the Banyon tree at 6 p.m. Halloween night!! They close down the main street about 2 p.m. and the little kids go trick/treating at the shops and then they have a parade and some different bands play. Big deal for this little town.
Praying for no fevers and less pain and hopefully Nan will be able to return home tomorrow.
Lots of love, Barbie
At 6:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning,
Ah, a good shampoo always makes a lady feel better. I hope it works on the pain and fever also. What a treat to have Dana there again! She's always good for Nan's spirits. So with a good shampoo and friends around ~ she should be good to go home soon.
We are doing an interview today with some people from PA who actually came for another interview, but the position is already filled. Their resume was passed on to us. I'm soooooo tired! I would probably hire anyone who wanted to work at this point. Now I'm praying for wisdom to know if these are the right people. The laundry I sent to the Academy Laundry came back terrible!!! Couldn't they at least put the sheets through the mangle straight? I am not amused!!! With just a little more effort it could have been much better. I am also missing a couple pillowcases that were parts of sets. Like it has been said ~ "If you want it done right ~ do it yourself." Only problem is this body can't do it all anymore. Perhaps help is on its way!
I hope Nan has a fever-less day with controlled pain. Maybe soon she can return to her home with familiar surroundings. I do hope you wouldn't try to take her up and down those stairs though....
Continued Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 9:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from Lodi,
Good to read that Nan was able to be up for a time yesterday , We will pray that that trend continues.
Carrol is walking again very carefully and made it thru the MRI with minimal discomfort so today at 4:00 we get the film read at the Dr's office and see what can be done or at least what is going on. We are praying that it will be something that can be quickly brought into line. We are so dependant on Our ability to get around on Our own two feet.
Maybe Carol & Roger need to open a Laundry Mat there at their place and at least make a few coins while doing their Sheets!! Call Harold , He will fill You in on that Business.
Have a good Day and a safe transition home if that comes to be.
Love & continued Prayers for the best,
Bob & Carrol.
At 4:25 PM,
singzprayz said…
Dear Nan,
Your in my prayers, I work with Dana and she talks about you to us with love in her heart. Dana we are so glad that you get to be with your sister and family. Oh yah, its crackin us up watching Bonnie have to make all those pickles...lol Love ya mama
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