A big family day for Nan
Dear Friends and Family,
Its 9:45, the house is quiet, Pam is with Nan now trying to help her be more comfortable. Marilyn is playing a game on the laptop and Sharon and Dana are still on Texas time and fast asleep.
Jan, Nan's niece arrives tomorrow from Denver at 10 in Sacramento. Dana will drive there to pick her up. We will appreciate having her with us. She is someone that Nan loves dearly and the last time she was here we took her to the Wine Train in Napa for her birthday, what a great day we had that time.
Nikki and Keanna visited a couple times today and while Keanna was creating magic with colors and pens Nikki got to spend time with her mom. We have all taken turns sitting next to her holding her hand, rubbing her leg, putting her sheet back on, trying to keep her mouth from being too dry, helping her back up into a better position in the bed. Terry and Marilyn worked on the dressing over the bleeding spot and while there is some seepage in general it is doing better. Marilyn has become an expert in dressing changes and she does them with so much tenderness, it is amazing to watch. Nan's condition appears to be about the same as it has been over the past 4 days or so. She is often aware of the person next to her, sudden sounds startle her. Last night I heard her say help and so I jumped out of the chair and came over to her bedside where I found that she had lost her sheet, had slipped down in the bed and her feet were hanging over the end of the bed about a foot or so. She was cold and miserable so I cared for her and got her comfortable again.
The love expressed in our home for Nan today has been powerful and amazing to observe. We have all taken our turns at crying at the unfairness of what has happened to Nan. You can't sit next to her and see her in this state without your heart just breaking. This vibrant woman has been reduced to depending on us for everything. This is not her idea of living the good life let me tell you. She loves to be in charge, not be pampered over.
We have gained a lot of strength this week from the various messages to the blog and are always amazed at the diversity of friends, fellow GISTers, family and fellow Tracy SDA church members. We love hearing from you all.
This afternoon when I drove into the driveway I discovered a little lexus sportscar and I knew it was George and Yvonne. The visited with nan for awhile and had prayer with us all before they left. What precious friends and they got to enjoy the warmth from the heater George had brought us yesterday. We have all been enjoying the huge bananas and muffins George also brought yesterday. The chocolate chip ones are sinful but oh so good, I heard they were ideal for diabetics.
I ran out and did a local appraisal which only took about 20 minutes this afternoon. It was COD and a very nice property, then back home. Checks came in the mail today so some bills can be covered, very nice and we are thankful to God for the money.
Once again I ask that you continue to pray for Nan. We hardly know how to pray but I content myself with asking God to handle everything according to His timing. Nan is very comfortable with God's leading, she has said so many times and one of the last verbal comments was to ask if we could pray together which we of course did.
We hope you are enjoying your weekend and have a beautiful Sabbath or Sunday with ample worship opportunities.
Nan and Tim and Marilyn and Dana and Sharon
Its 9:45, the house is quiet, Pam is with Nan now trying to help her be more comfortable. Marilyn is playing a game on the laptop and Sharon and Dana are still on Texas time and fast asleep.
Jan, Nan's niece arrives tomorrow from Denver at 10 in Sacramento. Dana will drive there to pick her up. We will appreciate having her with us. She is someone that Nan loves dearly and the last time she was here we took her to the Wine Train in Napa for her birthday, what a great day we had that time.
Nikki and Keanna visited a couple times today and while Keanna was creating magic with colors and pens Nikki got to spend time with her mom. We have all taken turns sitting next to her holding her hand, rubbing her leg, putting her sheet back on, trying to keep her mouth from being too dry, helping her back up into a better position in the bed. Terry and Marilyn worked on the dressing over the bleeding spot and while there is some seepage in general it is doing better. Marilyn has become an expert in dressing changes and she does them with so much tenderness, it is amazing to watch. Nan's condition appears to be about the same as it has been over the past 4 days or so. She is often aware of the person next to her, sudden sounds startle her. Last night I heard her say help and so I jumped out of the chair and came over to her bedside where I found that she had lost her sheet, had slipped down in the bed and her feet were hanging over the end of the bed about a foot or so. She was cold and miserable so I cared for her and got her comfortable again.
The love expressed in our home for Nan today has been powerful and amazing to observe. We have all taken our turns at crying at the unfairness of what has happened to Nan. You can't sit next to her and see her in this state without your heart just breaking. This vibrant woman has been reduced to depending on us for everything. This is not her idea of living the good life let me tell you. She loves to be in charge, not be pampered over.
We have gained a lot of strength this week from the various messages to the blog and are always amazed at the diversity of friends, fellow GISTers, family and fellow Tracy SDA church members. We love hearing from you all.
This afternoon when I drove into the driveway I discovered a little lexus sportscar and I knew it was George and Yvonne. The visited with nan for awhile and had prayer with us all before they left. What precious friends and they got to enjoy the warmth from the heater George had brought us yesterday. We have all been enjoying the huge bananas and muffins George also brought yesterday. The chocolate chip ones are sinful but oh so good, I heard they were ideal for diabetics.
I ran out and did a local appraisal which only took about 20 minutes this afternoon. It was COD and a very nice property, then back home. Checks came in the mail today so some bills can be covered, very nice and we are thankful to God for the money.
Once again I ask that you continue to pray for Nan. We hardly know how to pray but I content myself with asking God to handle everything according to His timing. Nan is very comfortable with God's leading, she has said so many times and one of the last verbal comments was to ask if we could pray together which we of course did.
We hope you are enjoying your weekend and have a beautiful Sabbath or Sunday with ample worship opportunities.
Nan and Tim and Marilyn and Dana and Sharon
At 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's just great!
Another big family day for Nan.
From the sounds of it everything is going well. Lots of family and friends. Lots of love, understanding and compassion! A whole lot of the right stuff. It has been a long journey to get here. None of us were prepared or worthy of the trip but fortunately that was not required. Saved by grace just for the asking and then a journey that ends exactly where it started with love, given and recieved unconditionaly. God gives it to us and then we learn to give it back! Fills even this life of pain and sickness with joy, hope and peace! Wow, what an experience. I am so blessed to be taking the journey in such good company. Thank you for including me.
At 9:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustard Household,
We are so glad to read that so many Family members are there with You and I'm sure that Nan feels the warmth that They bring to Her. We will not crowd Your already full house by coming over today but along with all of Us that follow the blog every day please know that We are with You in Spirit & thought and that We all continue to lift You up in Prayer.
Have a good Sabbath Day and Greet Jan,Dana,Sharon & Marilyn from Us.
Much Love always,
Bob & Carrol.
At 4:34 PM,
Irene Wing said…
With a houseful of guests supplying all the love and support for Nan, we can even feel it through cyberspace. May God's grace continue to give you strength and comfort. Have a blessed day.
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