Brief update
Terry was just here, yes she makes night calls. She worked on the bleeding wound and says it has almost healed over with a scab sort of growth, wonderful news and I just had to share it.
good night
tim and nan and marilyn
good night
tim and nan and marilyn
At 10:47 PM,
Irene Wing said…
It is so good to hear about the wound healing. We thank and praise the Lord for His intervention. Nan must have been so happy having Timothy, Keanna, Jason, Jo and Nikki visiting today. It must have filled her heart with so much joy. May you all have a restful night.
At 5:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan ~
Hold each other and your family close. What a special day you had with the kids home - sharing and caring! My prayers are going your way.
At 8:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,Nan & Marilyn,
Greetings & a promice of Prayer for You from Joyce & Glenn Conners. We had a nice chat with them last evening at Choir Practice. We are doing 4 numbers for the Church Service on the 17th, they are starting to come together quite well,a few more sessions of practice should do it.
It will be wonderful for Nan to have Her Sisters there for a visit and comfort soon. Thanks to Mary for doing the "Taxi" thing for You.
We are thinking of & Praying for You. Christmas Time is the time when so many good things happen. May this be the case for Your Family this Year.
Bob & Carrol.
At 9:51 AM,
Barbara said…
Tim, I assure you that our family, Nan's relatives in Houston, think of you guys and pray for you every day. I don't write comments here often, but I love Nan so much and have read this blog faithfully. These last months have been so rough for you both and yet you seem to always be able to realize how the Lord has sustained you and wrapped you in His love time and time again. Always know that through all of this adversity , the faith you have shown day in and day out has been a great testimony to so many! In my opinion you are both a "class act." I am so glad that Sharon and Dana are coming out this afternoon to be with you both. Give Nan a kiss for me and tell all my cousins I love them.
At 6:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
While I can assure you that I am not one to be looking for religious signs on a regular basis...
Are there any religious statues in the room in the picture you posted of Nan yesterday? In the picture on the wall behind Nan, there clearly appears to be an image of a woman in a blue dress with a white veil (similar to statues depicting the Virgin Mary). The image is in the lower left part of the picture.
I feel odd even bringing this to your attention. I have followed Nan's story for quite some time and I think of her often and have such admiration for her. I know you are going through alot right now. When I clicked on the picture of Nan to enlarge it, this image in the picture on the wall just stuck out like a sore thumb.
Please know that there are many of us out in cyberspace praying for Nan, you and the entire family.
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