Kona at last
Dear Family and Friends,
I am sitting here in the time share in Kona Coast with Steve and Nikki, Keanna sleeps in her bedroom. It is wonderful to finally be here. The seats on the airlines seem to grow smaller every year! Nikki was there to greet me and the box with Keanna's Christmas gifts also made it safely. It is about 11:30 here and Nikki has the room transformed into Christmas with the cutest little tree and mounds of gifts. Nan would be proud! Steve has been ill but is feeling better this evening after some good chicken soup medication.
It has been a day of contrasts, moving from high to lows, getting off the plane here in Kona and remembering the last time we were here, as they found a lift to carry mom into the plane in her wheel chair, and getting ready at home all by myself, having to remember everything since there was no travel agent to make sure I was really ready to go.
When I arrived Nikki mentioned that she too had been experiencing some moments of remembering Nan in this place. How she loved it here.
I have a very busy morning between wrapping presents, packing and getting appraisals out the door, then into the car to the parking place to discover that they were full as were two more places. Finally a half hour later I found parking and managed to get to the gate in plenty of time. The flight to LA was on time and then a quick bite to eat and the flight to Kona left on time and arrived early, 20 minutes early. A 5 hour 40 minute flight seemed to take forever but with friend seatmates and a few sips of orange juice I made it.
When we arrived at the condo Nikki had a plate of cookies set out for Santa which Santa ate with relish. Yummy.
This afternoon I had a chance to call Sylvia and thank her for this trip, to get to be with family over Christmas. We had a very pleasant conversation and she was overwhelmed by the support people gave at the service. She and the boys are functioning well and like us are adjusting to an empty place in everything we do, we miss our Steve and Nan and we will miss them for a very long time.
So being the old man that I am and being very tired I bid you a Merry Christmas. All year long you have been showing the love of Jesus to me, to our family and I thank you for all of that this evening.
We send our love
Nikki, Steve, Keanna and Tim
I am sitting here in the time share in Kona Coast with Steve and Nikki, Keanna sleeps in her bedroom. It is wonderful to finally be here. The seats on the airlines seem to grow smaller every year! Nikki was there to greet me and the box with Keanna's Christmas gifts also made it safely. It is about 11:30 here and Nikki has the room transformed into Christmas with the cutest little tree and mounds of gifts. Nan would be proud! Steve has been ill but is feeling better this evening after some good chicken soup medication.
It has been a day of contrasts, moving from high to lows, getting off the plane here in Kona and remembering the last time we were here, as they found a lift to carry mom into the plane in her wheel chair, and getting ready at home all by myself, having to remember everything since there was no travel agent to make sure I was really ready to go.
When I arrived Nikki mentioned that she too had been experiencing some moments of remembering Nan in this place. How she loved it here.
I have a very busy morning between wrapping presents, packing and getting appraisals out the door, then into the car to the parking place to discover that they were full as were two more places. Finally a half hour later I found parking and managed to get to the gate in plenty of time. The flight to LA was on time and then a quick bite to eat and the flight to Kona left on time and arrived early, 20 minutes early. A 5 hour 40 minute flight seemed to take forever but with friend seatmates and a few sips of orange juice I made it.
When we arrived at the condo Nikki had a plate of cookies set out for Santa which Santa ate with relish. Yummy.
This afternoon I had a chance to call Sylvia and thank her for this trip, to get to be with family over Christmas. We had a very pleasant conversation and she was overwhelmed by the support people gave at the service. She and the boys are functioning well and like us are adjusting to an empty place in everything we do, we miss our Steve and Nan and we will miss them for a very long time.
So being the old man that I am and being very tired I bid you a Merry Christmas. All year long you have been showing the love of Jesus to me, to our family and I thank you for all of that this evening.
We send our love
Nikki, Steve, Keanna and Tim
At 4:30 AM,
Unknown said…
I didn't expect to see a new blog today, but I had to check since that's what I do every morning... You made it! Enjoy, relax and remember. It's all good for the soul. Santa really does go to Hawaii too? At least you enjoyed his cookies.
Dad and Barbara came over and we enjoyed a pleasant yet quiet evening together last night. I'm just about "Christmased" out now. We've been having Christmas for 3 days now and today we go to the Inn for dinner with Dad and Barbara. Then it will be over and life will get back to normal. I love Christmas and it's festivities, but my tummy doesn't like all the rich food! No one held a knife to my throat though, did they? Time to start a new diet.
We'll be thinking about you in the warm sun with family and many memories. Enjoy your precious family and that very special Keanna. Then soon Jason, Jo and Timothy will be there to extend all that fun.
Our love to all of you ~ Carol
At 4:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi From Lodi at a cool 34 degrees,
We are glad to read that Your trip was a success and that You are in the warmth of Your Family's Arms.
Carrol & I are alone this Year,not what We had planed or wanted but things will work out in the future, (We hope).
We are thankful that We still have each other and this is the 52nd Christmas that We have been together.
The Phone lines were busy Yesterday, Friends & Family all wishing Us the best and hoping to be together sometime soon.
We were in HI. several times in the past but never at Christmas time. It is a Beautiful place to enjoy, always Warm & friendly.
Carrol has been rather under the weather the last 3/4 days Cold & Sore throat etc, She is doing better this morning I suppose Steve is in the same "Boat" so to speak. Hang in there Steve. & may the rest of Us escape this Malady.
We enjoyed a brief visit with some of Our Relatives Yesterday AM. Cousin,Uncle,Niece,& Sister(from TN.,Wa.,Santa Rosa & Acampo Yesterday along with a good Brunch at I-Hop. Several of them had the Cold & Sniffles too.
Have a Wonderful Christmas together and a safe trip back to CA. later next Week or so.
Love & Good Thoughts,
Bob & Carrol.
At 8:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
There you are in Hawaii, and you probably didn't even bring along a set of golf clubs! I'm definitely envious. It may be warm enough to get in 18 tomorrow, however! Glen says below 60 isn't golf weather; I extend it to below 45, so I have more options!
We enjoyed last evening with the Ahns and after dinner had fun swiping the gifts from each other in the gift exchange game we always play. They will spend today with the Wongs in Sonoma.
We're thinking of you, as we know this is a difficult transition time. Enjoy Hawaii. Mele Kemikimaka--or however it's spelled!
Joyce & Glen
At 8:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Greetings to you all in Kona!! It sounds like Nikki has the place all cozy for Christmas. I can just imagine Keanna being all excited because Santa ate the cookies and then opening all her gifts. What a time for the little ones!! I remember when I always left something for Santa and he always ate it! We are having 21 of the family here this afternoon and evening for a lite supper and games. I'm still in the wheel chair but feeling very well. Ger has gone out of his way shopping, vacuuming, dusting and getting the chairs and tables in order. Bonnie is coming a little early to do some of the last minute stuff. I'm wrapping my leg in a plastic bag to take a shower. I remember how you used to wrap Nan in plastic so she could shower. Merry Christmas to you Tim, Nikki, Steve and darling Keanna! Lots of love from "Auntie" Barbie
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas to each of you! We think and pray for you guys often! I think Aunt Nan would be thrilled as you continue with the things she so much enjoyed!
All our love as we celebrate Jesus' birth!
Rodney, Shay, Gunnar & Camden
At 5:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Santa,
Please watch over my friend Tim. I would like him back just slightly roasted not burnt. Make him lay in the sand, wiggle around a bit, then fall asleep, aaaahhh! Under the palms of course. Remember the not burnt request. Then wash him off with a little float session in the Pacific.
Repeat 10 times!!!!!!!!
Send him home rested and ready to go. There is stuff we need to do.
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