Share our trip through photos!

Dear Family and Friends,
Tonight's blog will be mostly photos supplied by Jason and Jo, photos from our trip to Kauai. Keanna and I went to Sabbath School today, then children's church, then Olive Garden where we hooked up with Nikki. Then home for a restful afternoon, a warm fire and this evening some movies. I hope you enjoy the photos as they tell the story of the fun we had in Kauai.
There are photos of the huge canyon, the Na Pali coast line and sunsets, rainbows, ocean and fun photos of Timothy putting his feet into the water, the three Timothy's and several other photos showing the beauty of Hawaii. In spite of some rain every day Jason still managed to find places to snorkel and enjoy some sunshine. As I think back on both my time in Kona with Nikki, Steve and Keanna and then the second half in Kauai with Jason, Jo and Timothy I have many many happy memories, healing ones that bode well for our family as we move forward to meet the challenges of life. I love my family and I treasure every minute I get to spend with them.
I enjoyed having an opportunity to spend a few minutes with Sylvia today and with her mom who is a delightful lady. I think we are all coping pretty well with moments of sadness, moments that can spring so quickly they are amazing in their intensity and brevity.
I sort of dread the week ahead as many have spoken to me of their own experiences with root canals, none mentioned the joy and pleasure of the experience! Yikes.
This evening as I was watching some movies on the cable I also was cleaning out the frig. I only made a start but many items are now in the trash that were either growing or totally outdated and were just taking up space. Next I need to tackle the Christmas tree which is still decorated and very beautiful. The ladies went out and purchased it and then decorated it so Nan could enjoy it from her bed. They did a great job and it was so cute, it made Nan smile. Now I need to return the many ornaments to their correct places, if I only knew where that was.
Many of you have mentioned your weather lately. Ours has been about as bad as it gets around here in CA. Heavy rains, flooding, high winds and huge amounts of snow in the mountains. Measuring houses in driving rain is not a high point in my day but its something I can't avoid either, need to keep the cash flow going. God has granted us some new orders for which I am very grateful so tomorrow I will get them scheduled for the upcoming week. George warned me not to plan to work on Monday afternoon after the root canal so I'm heeding his advice. George gave me a very exciting package today. I now have in my possession the completed DVD sets with the graveside service and memorial service including the power point presentation on Nan's life. I'll get busy and start getting those shipped out to those of you who have mentioned you would like to receive one.
I am looking forward to watching them myself tomorrow. Thank you George and Yvonne for making this happen. Your help is much appreciated.
Good night friends and family,
At 3:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
What special pictures to treasure! I especially love the one of the 3 generations. You also have some beautiful sky pictures of clouds, rainbows and sunsets. You wouldn't have them if it weren't for the rain. So, as you slosh through the rain of life remember the rainbows.
Yesterday was another high point spending time with Keanna and Nikki, and worshipping with friends. Times like these are so important in your own journey to recovery. Which by the way ~ needs a new title. Nan's recovery will now be on that beautiful resurrection day when Christ returns. She will recover on that day! Praise the Lord!
The weather doesn't look like it is going to improve very quickly there. I hope your house is now rain proof and will begin to dry out soon. Have a good week!
Love ~ Carol
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