A year ends a new one begins
Dear Family and Friends,
Here I am with baby Timothy with the Pacific Ocean in the background. Timothy likes this position with his arm around your back and the other one free to swing and his head and eyes free to roam over everything. He can be amazingly heavy and I am in total awe that Jo can carry him about for hours it seems without fatigue. This was taken yesterday and although we started with a very wet night, heavy rain this morning, Jason found very nice beaches and snorkeled to his hearts content. We also happend on a beach were a Monk Seal was resting. They are really rare so that was especially nice. We had breakfast at Egberts, it was so yummy, glad my new diet does not begin quite yet. Then we found Garden burgers for lunch at a tiny place and this evening we had Chinese and or Thai food. It was really very good tasting. Then back to my little room for rest.
During the day we traveled to a beautiful falls I have seen often with Nan but today it was so full of water it was really amazing. It has rained here every day for over a month so there is no shortage of water anywhere. We visited little towns on the southern end of the island and saw beautiful beaches, had shaved ice with ice cream at its core, seriously good stuff. We've had times of intense rain and then sunshine a few minutes later.
I had a nice call from a client Bob Johnson this morning to see how I was doing. It ended up with two new orders that we did not expect to get. Nice.
I found a really perfect doll this afternoon for keanna and can't wait to give it to her, so cute, just perfect.
All too soon we will have to cut this short and head home but it sure nice to be here. I've been treated with so much kindness and respect by my precious children on this trip to Hawaii. No one could ask for more and I keep remembering how I got here, Dr. Steve sure helped by providing the transportation and with such good arrangements at such a short notice, really quite amazing and wonderful.
I've been experimenting with sending photos from my cell phone to some of you. I'm not sure what I'm doing so if you can't open them I might be doing something wrong. They are photos of the beach, Timothy and this beautiful place.
Well here it is not quite midnight yet but the local fireworks have been going off for the last 2 hours, snap, crackle pop all over the place. I might have a short night of rest, we will see. I continue to be amazed at the find of this room, Nikki found it very last minute and its perfect in every way, cool with a great bed, nice TV and perfect shower. Who could ask for more for $65 a night, pretty amazing. Thanks Nikki.
I'm so humbled by the wonderful support you have given Nan during 2007. It was a tough year for her and she fought for life every day she could. Your help with calls, cards, emails and most of all prayers that God would lead, all this was a huge help to her as she struggled. In many ways she had a great deal of joy this year. In spite of terrible odds, nasty pain, fevers and blockages she continued to enjoy every day in some way. On her behalf and on behalf of the family we all thank you for your warmth and loving support. Nan would want you to know she was humbled by the attention and supported by your love. Thank you dear family, dear friends. I want to say a special thank you to Nikki, Steve, Keanna, Jason, Jo and Timothy for your loving support and also a special thanks to Marilyn who came, who sat, who watched TV and who lovingly ministered to Nan. I will never forget Dana, Sharon, Pam, Jan, Mary, LeAnn, Loree, Sylvia and Steve, Irene, Barb and Gerry, the ladies from the church and of course our nurse, super nurse really, Terry, Art and Connie, Roxanna, Plus there have been so many others who have helped, George and Yvonne, Bob Miller, Bob and Carrol and Roger and Carol from n. carolina. What a team of caring people. Our lives would have been totally different without your help over and over again. And then there is Wes, how could we have gotten through the year without his very special coments to the blog!
I hope to make the most of the new year. I hope to be able to spend time with many of you on a one to one basis and I also hope to open my house for company and get togethers. I hope to travel to Ohio and see my sister Sibyl, to Denver to see Jan, Karen and John Cress, who created such a very special memorial service and Jennifer. I hope to travel to my brothers house in Weed to see the family and I hope to get a whole love of work done and start rebuilding my financial world.
I wish you the best this evening and this year. I will continue to need your help, your words of guidance, of hope and please feel free to discuss Nan with me. I love to talk about her and I love to hear what you remember. It helps a great deal. Come walk with me, run with me, ski with me and we can sing, worship, grow and deepen our friendships.
love to all
tim and jason and jo and timothy
At 1:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year 2008!
This year will be different for you and you will have a new start, yes you will never forget Nan but little by little you will rebuild your life and do what Tim wants to do. Nan is at at peace now and she wants Tim to go ahead with his life. I'm so glad that you are in a beautiful place to get a new start in life. You did so much for Nan and again now it is time for Tim to go on. I'm glad that you have so many plans and places to visit in 2008.
We spent New Year's Eve with friends here in Gilroy, they are Art's high school friends and now my friends. We are planning on going next Saturday for a few days with them to Truckee where they have a second home, the temperature there is in the low teens - too cold for me but Art wants to go and play in the snow and go to a show in Reno. These friends are a lot of fun so I just need to keep warm.
I spent a couple of hours with Sylvia Friday night and she is doing great, she is a brave woman. I love her attitude, we all should learn from her.
Again, wishing you the best for 2008.
At 7:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I hold dear to my heart all the memories of this past year. The night before Nan died, I put my arms around her and told her that it was OK with each of us if she closed her eyes and went to sleep. I promised her that we would take care of each other, that Tim would help the kids with the grandchildren, and that the next time she opened her eyes she would be looking into the face of Jesus and we would all be there with her. I told her that she would have a new and beautifully perfect body. I told her that I loved her and would wait to see her again. She reached up and gently patted me on the back while I held her. I will never forget that moment as long as I live, and with each passing day, that memory becomes more important to me. To promise her that we would all be there with her was a very big promise. I pray that each of us will make it come true. Remember that each of us are given only one day at a time and each day we wake up too might very well be out last. Please make each new day count.
My goal this year is to remind myself each morning that today is not about ME, but what I can do to help someone in some way, be it in a big or small way.
My life has taken on many changes this past year and I pray that the Lord will make clear to me the plan He has for my life and that I will not let Him down.
My love to each of you,
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
To the two Tims that toured the tides too! Hip Hip Harray
Thought I was seeing double there for a minute Tim Tim. Nice to see you and the grandson soaking up come rays. Noticed Nan there too, smiling in your heart. She will be there always for each of us. Smiling in our hearts.
I had a question about the outfits that Tim Tim were(was) wearing. Especially the hats. I seemed to me that the TIM of Tim Tim should have been wearing a hat as well as the tim of Tim Tim. I think that the number of hairs on your respective heads warrants a hat for each.
We want to share your days at home in as enjoyable a fashion as your days in Hawaii and look forward to your return.
At 11:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Tim and Timothy! Welcome to 2008! What a sweet picture. Your visit to Hawaii is just what the doctor ordered!! Sounds like getting on with your life is starting to happen ... and that is GOOD! We spent New Year's eve at our brand new library here in Lincoln. They pushed the tables aside, pulled down the screen and showed a Disney movie. Lots of families were there with their kids. They served popcorn, hot chocolate and Martinelli's. It really was a nice evening but the floor was a mess when we left as it was covered with popcorn. They gave out lots of horns, hats and other noise makers. We came home and watched the news then we saw the "ball" fall and we fell off to sleep. Pretty nice evening for these two oldies! Earlier in the evening Marilyn brought us over some delicious homemade potato soup and yummie little crisp bread slices along with homebaked pumpkin pie with cool whip. What a treat!! Today Ger is putting away all the Christmas stuff. We drove around last evening on our way home from the library to look at different yards and the decorations but so many have already taken down their lights and outside decorations. Amazing how everyone seems eager to put them up and then eager to take them down. Cheerio for now. Love, Barbie
At 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's a beautiful clear crisp New Years day here in NC! The forecast is for cold, windy and snow possible tonight. It sure doesn't look like it right now.
What a cute picture of the two of you. Special moments making new special memories.
Yes, I have all my Christmas decorations down and put away. Now I'm trying to get my house thoroughly cleaned. It's a new year with new beginnings. Let's start with a clean orderly house. Not always easy to do with so many different projects going on in this house. I hardly know where 2007 went and here we are in 2008 with new joys, challenges, commitments and goals ahead. It's not only the first day of the year, but the first day of the rest of our lives. How we spend our days ~ one at a time ~ is what matters.
What does God want for each of us in 2008?
I don't know what happened to my yesterday's comment. Somehow it was deleted before it was saved ~ sorry! I'm so glad you are beginning to look ahead and the past is fading just enough to take the edge off the pain. Remember those special times and dim the hard ones.
If we are still here ~ remember us here in NC as you do your traveling this year.
Love ~ Carol
At 6:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
How We do hope & Pray that this New Year will bring better things for each one of Us. God knows best what each of Us need and will take care of things if We are willing to let Him Lead.
We will look forward to having some time with You this coming Year and remember that any time You are in Lodi We will be here waiting for You to Knock and be welcomed in.
Have a safe trip Home and stay in touch as We will do for You.
Much Love & good thoughts for You & Yours, Let's have a great "08"!
Bob & Carrol.
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