Blog 302
We have so much to be thankful for this evening. Hi Fellow Earth Travelers,
We went for another outing this afternoon, took in CostCo, Mocha was getting low, yikes! Nan found all kinds of interesting things while we were there. Also some police action in the parking lot, at Costco!
Then we stopped at In N Out and had frys, cheese sandwich and lemonade, then to Jeans, my writer and then Steve and Nikki's where Keanna was changing into a princess outfit and Meleboo was playing. They were working hard getting ready to start work again tomorrow after a week off, that means a 5 am call for Nikki and she has been able to sleep in and get up late for a few days so tomorrow morning will be brutal.
You may remember that Pam brought us lots of lemons and others have brought some as well. Nan didn't want a single lemon to waste so she wanted to juice them and freeze the juice for future lemon drinks. So we set up the juicer and she had a hand juicer and we juiced lemons for an hour or so, we got a couple courts of juice and its in the freezer now. Felt good to accomplish something together and Nan produced more juice than I did. We kept a fire burning, the room was comfortable and she had a much loved heating cover over her as well.
Nan does not feel perfect by any means, just better. She still loses her cookies once in a while but overall she is better, she is not too sure on her feet right now and has to be very careful not to fall, she can dress much quicker now than before and has humor, plans, animation and loves those phone calls from family and friends.
This evening when I changed the dressing there was very little leakage evident and the healing of the incision is speeding us as less liquid is in the way. Due to the infection of her left nephrostomy tube at the point where it passes through her skin she is on some pretty heavy duty antibiotic, 500 mg 4 times a day, Keflex is the name I think. We hope we don't get any reactions in the kidneys from such a high dosage.
We are starting to email out invitations to Nan's party and we hope you can come join us on sunday, the 28th at any point between 2 and 4+ pm. We will have very light snacks to munch on and probably some cake. The primary reason is just to allow Nan to spend time with her friends and family and celebrate yet another year of precious life. This is not about gifts, its about seeing you and getting to catch up on whats happening in your life and letting you see this stunningly beautiful Nan at 55 years of age.
I'm going to try to capture the invitation that Pam created and add it to this blog. Please let Pam know by email if you can come, she would like to have an idea of a number to expect but please don't stay away if you don't get a chance to let us know in advance that you can come.
We are hoping for a very good week, please keep Nan in your prayers.
tim and nan
Here is the invitation the Pam has emailed, hers is in color and looks much nicer!
It’s a Birthday Party
Down in Mississippi in ‘52
She was born under the sky so blue
Bright shiny eyes and golden blonde hair
Our Erin Nan left nothing to spare
She had talents and she had flair
To California she came with care
So glad are we that she made that choice
Singing it loud with her beautiful voice
So come one and all to the house on the lake
So we can celebrate her birth…….. while we eat some cake.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Mustard’s Home
5387 Willow Lake Court
Discovery Bay
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Please, R.S.V.P
We went for another outing this afternoon, took in CostCo, Mocha was getting low, yikes! Nan found all kinds of interesting things while we were there. Also some police action in the parking lot, at Costco!
Then we stopped at In N Out and had frys, cheese sandwich and lemonade, then to Jeans, my writer and then Steve and Nikki's where Keanna was changing into a princess outfit and Meleboo was playing. They were working hard getting ready to start work again tomorrow after a week off, that means a 5 am call for Nikki and she has been able to sleep in and get up late for a few days so tomorrow morning will be brutal.
You may remember that Pam brought us lots of lemons and others have brought some as well. Nan didn't want a single lemon to waste so she wanted to juice them and freeze the juice for future lemon drinks. So we set up the juicer and she had a hand juicer and we juiced lemons for an hour or so, we got a couple courts of juice and its in the freezer now. Felt good to accomplish something together and Nan produced more juice than I did. We kept a fire burning, the room was comfortable and she had a much loved heating cover over her as well.
Nan does not feel perfect by any means, just better. She still loses her cookies once in a while but overall she is better, she is not too sure on her feet right now and has to be very careful not to fall, she can dress much quicker now than before and has humor, plans, animation and loves those phone calls from family and friends.
This evening when I changed the dressing there was very little leakage evident and the healing of the incision is speeding us as less liquid is in the way. Due to the infection of her left nephrostomy tube at the point where it passes through her skin she is on some pretty heavy duty antibiotic, 500 mg 4 times a day, Keflex is the name I think. We hope we don't get any reactions in the kidneys from such a high dosage.
We are starting to email out invitations to Nan's party and we hope you can come join us on sunday, the 28th at any point between 2 and 4+ pm. We will have very light snacks to munch on and probably some cake. The primary reason is just to allow Nan to spend time with her friends and family and celebrate yet another year of precious life. This is not about gifts, its about seeing you and getting to catch up on whats happening in your life and letting you see this stunningly beautiful Nan at 55 years of age.
I'm going to try to capture the invitation that Pam created and add it to this blog. Please let Pam know by email if you can come, she would like to have an idea of a number to expect but please don't stay away if you don't get a chance to let us know in advance that you can come.
We are hoping for a very good week, please keep Nan in your prayers.
tim and nan
Here is the invitation the Pam has emailed, hers is in color and looks much nicer!
It’s a Birthday Party
Down in Mississippi in ‘52
She was born under the sky so blue
Bright shiny eyes and golden blonde hair
Our Erin Nan left nothing to spare
She had talents and she had flair
To California she came with care
So glad are we that she made that choice
Singing it loud with her beautiful voice
So come one and all to the house on the lake
So we can celebrate her birth…….. while we eat some cake.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Mustard’s Home
5387 Willow Lake Court
Discovery Bay
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Please, R.S.V.P
At 4:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
Another great day! Nan you sounded so good on the phone yesterday that I didn't recognize your voice for a minute. I enjoyed our visit so much. Yes, a lot has happened in your life in the last 10 years! Both kids married, Keanna ~ a bundle of joy arrived and now you look forward to yet another addition to the Mustard family. God has been good!
No, I won't be able to make your party. I will be flying to Boise that day to be with Linda for her knee surgery. I hope you have a wonderful party and enjoy visiting with many friends and family.
Our ice storm didn't amount to anything! Thank God! The temperature bounced around between 32 - 35 all evening and it is now 35 degrees, so the light icing didn't stay long at all. This is very good! Usually when they forecast snow or ice all the schools close whether it happens or not. In the south when they hear a snow forecast everyone races to the grocery store for milk, bread, toilet paper and beer. Those are the standard necessities. Ask any good Southerner.
Well, I'm off to the "Y" for my water exercise then back to the office for the usual stuff. We have 8 of our cottages full for the winter and the other 6 have some week end rentals. It is slow for now, but it gives us time to do maintenance and thorough cleaning. Now that I have such good help the 2x a year thorough cleaning is very simple.
Continue to have those good days ~ minimal pain and minimal nausea or none at all would be good. Take care of yourself and rest up for you big b-day party!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We are so glad that things are better for Nan, Looking forward to the Party on Sunday.
Chemo Clinic Visit was without complication today, Good numbers and No Chemo for at least 2 more Months.(Praise the Lord) Check your E. Mail for Details.
What a beautiful day this is turning out to be. Do We need Rain! Maybe it will come with the warmer temps.
We will be seeing You on Sunday.
55, We were that young once too. Seems like only yesterday, We were all singing together then.(Good Days Indeed)!
Much Love & Prayers Always,
Bob & Carrol.
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