Nan celebrates her birthday & Keanna comes to visit
Dear Friends and Family,
Keanna came to visit today and dressed her dollies, fed the ducks, helped grammy and papa a lot with carrying things back and forth between us when we were working, entertained grammy with songs, antics and fascinating commentary. Steve was kind enough to bring wood scraps just right for burning from projects he and dusty had been working on. He has been busy seeing properties all over since Tahoe. Today we were able to help a bit by watching Keanna while he worked, that way we all won. Meleboo came to visit and Starr was very rude, it will take awhile before she realizes that soon Meleboo will be much larger than she is.
Nan started her awaking by a call from son Jason to wish her a happy birthday. The meds had her mouth so dry that she could hardly speak at first. They we changed the bandage and I raced off to Stockton to see a very interesting and difficult house to measure, wow. Then back to work a bit and see Keanna as she fed ducks stale bread and some gummy bears, they preferred bread I think. Then it was time to head to Brentwood, pay comcast before they shut us off and then to an appointment in little Byron, a town of a few hundred people. Then back home. mary had come to visit and stayed with nan while I was gone. Keanna invited her to come to dance class so Mary went to watch her do her thing, how sweet of Mary and Keanna loved it. Nan didn't feel up to going out this evening so I made her grilled cheese sandwiches with tomatos and she was able to eat part of one but it upset her tummy. We have been putting hot packs on her back for several hours to see if we can reduce the swelling and infection at the site.
Nan has written so many checks to cover bills the last 24 hours its amazing. Now I gotta scramble and find money to cover her hard work. I'm trying.
All of Nan's siblings called today to wish her a happy birthday. She also heard from Sharon, you know the one whose pipes are being eaten by rats, very scary and very wet. Hang in there Sharon, things will get better and dryer soon. We heard from Jan this evening from cold Denver and there are probably lots of other people who called that I don't know about.
Nan is resting quietly in her recliner, on TPN and has her meds down for the evening. I need to dress her nephrostomy and change her incision wound bandage and then we go to sleep. Please pray for her courage and strength. We think that she may have been over medicated during our stay at the hospital but its hard to know for sure. She is moving better now and very alert and sharp. For those of you who have not yet received an email inviting you to the sunday party we are having trouble with Nan's laptop and have not been able to get the message out. Please email Pam Whitted at to let her know if you are going to plan to attend. Please no gifts except the gift of your presence and words of support.
I want to take express my admiration for Nan this evening. Over 10 years ago during a surgery to remove a large mass we discovered that she had GIST. She has taken advantage of every opportunity to learn more about the disease and has battled with all the tools available to maintain her health. She has had 5 major surgeries in 4 different hospitals and has learned to live with many challenges that were unthinkable until she had to deal with them. This courageous woman has traveled all over meeting other GISTers, made hundreds of calls to them, shared hints and encouragement with them and has made the very best with the hand that was dealt her.
One never knows fully what another person is made of until the realities of life bring out the best. This is one very special woman and I treasure the fact that I have know her for 37 years and never been bored a moment. She is like no one else I have ever met. Nan is loyal, loving, tender hearted, strong willed, attractive, ageless and it has been a wonderful experience to celebrate these many birthdays with her. I am struck by her resolve and quiet dignity, her love for Keanna and for the soon to be born newest addition. Although we both come from somewhat strange families where our parents did the best they could with what they knew Nan has been a wonderful force for good for our family and for many other people around us. I am proud of my Nan tonight and thankful to God that He saw fit to allow us to meet and for Nans resolve that has kept us together over the years.
Thank you for your special prayers for Nan tonight and in the morning as she turns 55.
tim and nan
ps thank you steve and nikki for sharing Keanna today.
Keanna came to visit today and dressed her dollies, fed the ducks, helped grammy and papa a lot with carrying things back and forth between us when we were working, entertained grammy with songs, antics and fascinating commentary. Steve was kind enough to bring wood scraps just right for burning from projects he and dusty had been working on. He has been busy seeing properties all over since Tahoe. Today we were able to help a bit by watching Keanna while he worked, that way we all won. Meleboo came to visit and Starr was very rude, it will take awhile before she realizes that soon Meleboo will be much larger than she is.
Nan started her awaking by a call from son Jason to wish her a happy birthday. The meds had her mouth so dry that she could hardly speak at first. They we changed the bandage and I raced off to Stockton to see a very interesting and difficult house to measure, wow. Then back to work a bit and see Keanna as she fed ducks stale bread and some gummy bears, they preferred bread I think. Then it was time to head to Brentwood, pay comcast before they shut us off and then to an appointment in little Byron, a town of a few hundred people. Then back home. mary had come to visit and stayed with nan while I was gone. Keanna invited her to come to dance class so Mary went to watch her do her thing, how sweet of Mary and Keanna loved it. Nan didn't feel up to going out this evening so I made her grilled cheese sandwiches with tomatos and she was able to eat part of one but it upset her tummy. We have been putting hot packs on her back for several hours to see if we can reduce the swelling and infection at the site.
Nan has written so many checks to cover bills the last 24 hours its amazing. Now I gotta scramble and find money to cover her hard work. I'm trying.
All of Nan's siblings called today to wish her a happy birthday. She also heard from Sharon, you know the one whose pipes are being eaten by rats, very scary and very wet. Hang in there Sharon, things will get better and dryer soon. We heard from Jan this evening from cold Denver and there are probably lots of other people who called that I don't know about.
Nan is resting quietly in her recliner, on TPN and has her meds down for the evening. I need to dress her nephrostomy and change her incision wound bandage and then we go to sleep. Please pray for her courage and strength. We think that she may have been over medicated during our stay at the hospital but its hard to know for sure. She is moving better now and very alert and sharp. For those of you who have not yet received an email inviting you to the sunday party we are having trouble with Nan's laptop and have not been able to get the message out. Please email Pam Whitted at to let her know if you are going to plan to attend. Please no gifts except the gift of your presence and words of support.
I want to take express my admiration for Nan this evening. Over 10 years ago during a surgery to remove a large mass we discovered that she had GIST. She has taken advantage of every opportunity to learn more about the disease and has battled with all the tools available to maintain her health. She has had 5 major surgeries in 4 different hospitals and has learned to live with many challenges that were unthinkable until she had to deal with them. This courageous woman has traveled all over meeting other GISTers, made hundreds of calls to them, shared hints and encouragement with them and has made the very best with the hand that was dealt her.
One never knows fully what another person is made of until the realities of life bring out the best. This is one very special woman and I treasure the fact that I have know her for 37 years and never been bored a moment. She is like no one else I have ever met. Nan is loyal, loving, tender hearted, strong willed, attractive, ageless and it has been a wonderful experience to celebrate these many birthdays with her. I am struck by her resolve and quiet dignity, her love for Keanna and for the soon to be born newest addition. Although we both come from somewhat strange families where our parents did the best they could with what they knew Nan has been a wonderful force for good for our family and for many other people around us. I am proud of my Nan tonight and thankful to God that He saw fit to allow us to meet and for Nans resolve that has kept us together over the years.
Thank you for your special prayers for Nan tonight and in the morning as she turns 55.
tim and nan
ps thank you steve and nikki for sharing Keanna today.
At 10:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Because of the Party on Sunday, It didn't really sink in that today is actually the birthday. It is a miracle from God in the hands of the medical team in Boston that you are here to celebrate. My wish for you is that each birthday to come will find you more comfortable and healthier and able to do more than you are now. Now you can get 10% off on senior Tuesdays at Gotshalks!
At 4:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
And a Happy Birthday to you! I really wasn't sure what the exact date is. I just knew it was toward the end of January sometime. AND it sounds like you really DID have a happy birthday with Keanna entertaining you and all the phone calls!!! It is only beginning. Your party hasn't happened yet. Keep having more good days and rest up for the big bash this week end.
Wow! not only can you get the 10% off in Gotschalks you are also eligible for some restaurant discounts. With the amount you eat you should get it anyway! Unfortunately most of the really good discounts come after 65. Roger will be eligible next month! His problem is that he doesn't like admitting that he is 65!
Continue to have more of those "good days" and enjoy the anticipation of the week end.
Continued Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 6:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Nan
I'm singing Happy Birthday to you too and you can't hear me either - that is a good thing as I'm not a singer!!! Actually, I do better at humming!!! Keep feeling better and better and soon you will be 56!!
Love and prayers, Marilyn
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Happy B. Day, one day late, We thought that the exact day was Sunday but the important thing is not the date it's is the Person that We all celebrate, You truly are an inspiration to All of Us that Have known You through these past Years.
We are indeed looking forward to Sunday .
Have a great Day and enjoy being 55 and the "Senior Perks " that come with it.
Love & Best Wishes,
Bob & Carrol.
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