Getting better, Nan rules
Dear Family and Friends,
Its about 9 pm and Nan and I are about to call it a day. She is watching our little TV again since the hospital system failed yesterday and they have not seen fit to have it repaired again. So Nan is watching CSI on a little 9 inch that normally sits on her desk at home.
This day started rough for both of us. When Nan called she had suffered through a night with little sleep and lots of foot and ankle pain. Breakfast was not awful but not terribly good either. She had a temp of 100 at the start of the day which was a bummer. At home I was trying to cope with the loss of the computer, trying to balance needing desperately to get work done and at the same time needing and wanting to be in the room with Nan, helping her deal with the doctors and nurses and their changing treatments. The enormity of the finance situation was looming over me and I had a rough time with it all. Art was very kind and thoughful and gave me needed encouragement on the phone. Then Jim called to say that he had solved the laptop problem, the power converter in the power line had failed but he had one I could use. That was the beginning of hope for the day, what a lift to know I could be with Nan and still work, that she could check out her emails and that we could move forward. Nan called again and sounded better, she had seen a doctor and there was talk of starting the process of going home.
When I arrived Nan was sleeping so I slipped in and set up the computer and started it up, yes it worked. Then a nurse came in and she woke up. Gradually she began to feel better and better during the day and just as I prepared to leave for work Mary walked in, perfect timing. What a day she had yesterday, family needed her and she didn't get home until early this morning. Mary was with Nan for a couple hours and they got to catch up on all the news.
During the day Dr. Rhone, kidney doctor, came in and we discussed creatins, low 2s, potassium 3.5 and too much fluid, she said she would prescribe some lasix, of course that has not happened since her blood pressure is too low to qualify for lasix and she can't walk far yet due to extreme pain in her left foot, yes there is a slight improvement but still she could only handle walking across the room to sit in the chair for awhile.
As I drove back this evening Nan told me that her dinner had arrived and the soup was great, tasty and she was enjoying it. Finally I was back after stopping at Staples to buy paper, we are so out of paper at the office that we can't even function. I've been holding off due to low funds.
Dr. Rhone and the oncology doctor have indicated that all of Nan's basic numbers are much better now. There is discussion now about Nan going home tomorrow or at the latest the next day, of course there is also the fact that there appears to be some leaking around the new nephrostomy site and if a repair is needed she would have to be transported back to concord for that repair, you never know whats next.
All in all a day that started rough ended up better. Nan has done a lot of catching up today sleep wise. Tonight she is more rested. Now we are about to change the incision wound which by the way is not harboring an abcess, the fluid drawn did not show up to be infectious. Other than one temp the vitals the rest of the day are normal.
We thank you for your intense prayers over the past night. Especially I want to thank Jim from INet computers for his help and prayers, to Pam for her supporting phone calls, to Art for his heart to heart talks, to my brother Jerry for his kind calls as well and thanks to Irene who called this morning and lifted Nan's spirits.
Thank you for your prayers for Nan tonight.
So we send our love and deep appreciation for your help.
tim and nan
Its about 9 pm and Nan and I are about to call it a day. She is watching our little TV again since the hospital system failed yesterday and they have not seen fit to have it repaired again. So Nan is watching CSI on a little 9 inch that normally sits on her desk at home.
This day started rough for both of us. When Nan called she had suffered through a night with little sleep and lots of foot and ankle pain. Breakfast was not awful but not terribly good either. She had a temp of 100 at the start of the day which was a bummer. At home I was trying to cope with the loss of the computer, trying to balance needing desperately to get work done and at the same time needing and wanting to be in the room with Nan, helping her deal with the doctors and nurses and their changing treatments. The enormity of the finance situation was looming over me and I had a rough time with it all. Art was very kind and thoughful and gave me needed encouragement on the phone. Then Jim called to say that he had solved the laptop problem, the power converter in the power line had failed but he had one I could use. That was the beginning of hope for the day, what a lift to know I could be with Nan and still work, that she could check out her emails and that we could move forward. Nan called again and sounded better, she had seen a doctor and there was talk of starting the process of going home.
When I arrived Nan was sleeping so I slipped in and set up the computer and started it up, yes it worked. Then a nurse came in and she woke up. Gradually she began to feel better and better during the day and just as I prepared to leave for work Mary walked in, perfect timing. What a day she had yesterday, family needed her and she didn't get home until early this morning. Mary was with Nan for a couple hours and they got to catch up on all the news.
During the day Dr. Rhone, kidney doctor, came in and we discussed creatins, low 2s, potassium 3.5 and too much fluid, she said she would prescribe some lasix, of course that has not happened since her blood pressure is too low to qualify for lasix and she can't walk far yet due to extreme pain in her left foot, yes there is a slight improvement but still she could only handle walking across the room to sit in the chair for awhile.
As I drove back this evening Nan told me that her dinner had arrived and the soup was great, tasty and she was enjoying it. Finally I was back after stopping at Staples to buy paper, we are so out of paper at the office that we can't even function. I've been holding off due to low funds.
Dr. Rhone and the oncology doctor have indicated that all of Nan's basic numbers are much better now. There is discussion now about Nan going home tomorrow or at the latest the next day, of course there is also the fact that there appears to be some leaking around the new nephrostomy site and if a repair is needed she would have to be transported back to concord for that repair, you never know whats next.
All in all a day that started rough ended up better. Nan has done a lot of catching up today sleep wise. Tonight she is more rested. Now we are about to change the incision wound which by the way is not harboring an abcess, the fluid drawn did not show up to be infectious. Other than one temp the vitals the rest of the day are normal.
We thank you for your intense prayers over the past night. Especially I want to thank Jim from INet computers for his help and prayers, to Pam for her supporting phone calls, to Art for his heart to heart talks, to my brother Jerry for his kind calls as well and thanks to Irene who called this morning and lifted Nan's spirits.
Thank you for your prayers for Nan tonight.
So we send our love and deep appreciation for your help.
tim and nan
At 10:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Another glorious day before paradise has come and gone. Now we rest and wonder what excitment tomorrow will bring, a day of highs we pray, for you have had far too many lows. You only can appreciate how wonderful a regular day may be. The rest of us find it boring and mundane but with your insightful eye of experience you can see how important these dull regular days really are.
HI hope tomorrow brings you and Nan all the joy and happiness one day can bring. Bring it on!
At 3:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good morning!
Another day closer to being home! And another day to enjoy God's blessings ~ your computer works and it didn't cost a fortune, Nan's readings are improving, temperature mostly normal, friends and relatives who bring you courage ~ love you and hold you up in prayer, good soup, and hope of going home soon! Not a bad day at all....
Our "lookers" are still "thinking". At least it isn't a definite "no". We have learned not to get excited until we have contract AND money in hand. No contract or commitment as yet. We are planning to be here through the busy time of summer at least. I have help now anyway.
Keep up your courage! We all love you and are praying for you even on days you are not feeling so strong.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 9:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Great news that Home is in view at last. Glad to read that You are doing so much better Nan. The Lord is hearing Our Prayers, how good that is to know .
We will be busy this weekend with Alumni Company but will plan to visit You next week some time when You get Home, Sabbath 21st for sure.
Was'nt that rain & thunder something else yesterday ? Today looks much better lots of Sunshine and warmer, Feels good indeed.
Have a good Day of recovery and "Tasty Food " from the "Antioch Hilton Kitchen"
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 12:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan:
I'm up for calling Paula Dean or Rachel Ray to come cook for Nan! Apparently the kitchen staff needs some help! Although Paula's cooking style might not really be the best for Nan's insides! At least, I'm betting she could make the presentation better ---and make you smile! The Antioch Hilton is getting low marks in the travel industry in my book! And not just for the food issues!
Hope things are going better today and that you're REALLY REALLY close to being able to go home. Just wanted you to know lots of people are thinking of you, but I'm betting you already have a pretty good indicator on that one!
With love, Judy Anderson
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