Home again, we can hardly believe it.
Dear Family and Friends,
When I got in this morning Nan was smiling. Yes in spite of losing her breakfast over some huge pills she had to take she was delighted to be going home. When the discharge nurse came in and told her 9 am tomorrow morning nan said, no the doctor told me I could go today and I want to go today, so the process started at about 1 pm and we walked out about 4:45, well I mean we wheeled out. We had collected quite a bit of stuff so I took several loads out using the wheel chair. It felt good to stop at Burger King and get some coke icees.
Nan walked into the house on her own power and has been in the recliner with Starr from then to now, about 10:30. Terry came over to sign Nan up with the new company which took some time and to show me how to hook up the pump and do the TPN. She checked Nan out and found a small fever, 99.3 and a heart rate of 130. nan had been bundled under her heating blanket and I had the space heater pointed toward her so that may account for the fever. She is having really strong pains in her right foot again this evening and now has it elevated so high it just clears the ceiling fan, well not quite that high but close. We also found some very strong support hose and have them on her feet.
This morning Art drove all the way up from Gilroy to see Nan. He was there before I arrived and they were chatting, then Wes called and talked to both Nan and Art. Art and I went to lunch nearby and it was good to talk about things with a friend. Then back to the hospital to begin the packing process. Just before we left our dear nurse came in with a procrit shot and Nans other meds that could easily been forgotten. That was a nice touch.
I made Nan some asparagus soup this evening and cut up an apple for her. She is drinking water, has taken her pills and is now asleep I hope. I can hear her TV still one but she often falls asleep with the TV on. Starr and Lady are elated that Nan is home and can hardly believe it. I am also very grateful for God's healing, for His leading and for letting her get well enough to come home. Issues remain, at least 21 lbs of extra weight/fluid, extreme pain in her left food, slight leak somewhere in her left nephrostomy system and so it goes.
Both Nikki and Jason have checked in with their mom today keeping tabs on her progress. Tomorrow night Keanna comes for a sleep over and then perhaps to Sabbath School with papa. All depends on how nan is feeling.
We extend a special thank you to those who have responded to the blog or sent private messages during these three weeks, to those who sent flowers and candy, to those who called with messages of cheer, to those who visited her in the hospital, to those who prayed often for God's healing. Yes thank you for keeping nan in your hearts and prayers. This is one very brave and stubborn lady, the courage she demonstrates every day is amazing and inspiring. I love to see her, to speak to her in the morning and to say good night in the evening. Tonight I don't have to walk out the door after I say good night, its a blessed event.
We send our love,
tim and nan
When I got in this morning Nan was smiling. Yes in spite of losing her breakfast over some huge pills she had to take she was delighted to be going home. When the discharge nurse came in and told her 9 am tomorrow morning nan said, no the doctor told me I could go today and I want to go today, so the process started at about 1 pm and we walked out about 4:45, well I mean we wheeled out. We had collected quite a bit of stuff so I took several loads out using the wheel chair. It felt good to stop at Burger King and get some coke icees.
Nan walked into the house on her own power and has been in the recliner with Starr from then to now, about 10:30. Terry came over to sign Nan up with the new company which took some time and to show me how to hook up the pump and do the TPN. She checked Nan out and found a small fever, 99.3 and a heart rate of 130. nan had been bundled under her heating blanket and I had the space heater pointed toward her so that may account for the fever. She is having really strong pains in her right foot again this evening and now has it elevated so high it just clears the ceiling fan, well not quite that high but close. We also found some very strong support hose and have them on her feet.
This morning Art drove all the way up from Gilroy to see Nan. He was there before I arrived and they were chatting, then Wes called and talked to both Nan and Art. Art and I went to lunch nearby and it was good to talk about things with a friend. Then back to the hospital to begin the packing process. Just before we left our dear nurse came in with a procrit shot and Nans other meds that could easily been forgotten. That was a nice touch.
I made Nan some asparagus soup this evening and cut up an apple for her. She is drinking water, has taken her pills and is now asleep I hope. I can hear her TV still one but she often falls asleep with the TV on. Starr and Lady are elated that Nan is home and can hardly believe it. I am also very grateful for God's healing, for His leading and for letting her get well enough to come home. Issues remain, at least 21 lbs of extra weight/fluid, extreme pain in her left food, slight leak somewhere in her left nephrostomy system and so it goes.
Both Nikki and Jason have checked in with their mom today keeping tabs on her progress. Tomorrow night Keanna comes for a sleep over and then perhaps to Sabbath School with papa. All depends on how nan is feeling.
We extend a special thank you to those who have responded to the blog or sent private messages during these three weeks, to those who sent flowers and candy, to those who called with messages of cheer, to those who visited her in the hospital, to those who prayed often for God's healing. Yes thank you for keeping nan in your hearts and prayers. This is one very brave and stubborn lady, the courage she demonstrates every day is amazing and inspiring. I love to see her, to speak to her in the morning and to say good night in the evening. Tonight I don't have to walk out the door after I say good night, its a blessed event.
We send our love,
tim and nan
At 3:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good News from Discovery Bay!
Nan is again home in her own recliner, with her own little doggies, her own warm blanket, her own TV that works, her own kitchen where she can choose her own kind of soup! All under the watchful eye of a devoted husband. What a blessing. There's no place like home!
Roger's new singing group now practices on Thursday nights. The name of the group is "Voices of Praise". They finally agreed on the name last night. The most amazing thing was the ladies chose their outfits! Try to get 14 ladies to agree on the same dress.... Hmmm ~ not usually going to happen. Men are wearing a banded neck shirt ~ no tie! I think that's what they finally decided anyway. I'm not really a part of those decisions.
Have a peaceful day with no surprises!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 5:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful, I know you will rest so much better in your own surroundings.
Prayers for your "issues" to be resolved and you can go forth and enjoy summer.
At 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
How glad We are that You are Home at last. How good that must feel after all the long days at the "Hilton". At least You can now have control of what You eat!
You have arrived Home just in time for some good weather, nice & warm and Sunny as only California can be.
Have a great day and continue to get well. We will see You next Weekend 21st, if not before.
Good to read that Roger is back to the Music, that is such a big part of His Life. No matter what the Singers are wearing, I'm sure the Music that they make under His Leadership will be the best.
Much Love & Prayers always,
Bob & Carrol.
At 6:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nan and Tim:
I'm so glad that you are home! Continue to get better...Nan you are an amazing woman.
Art indeed had a nice visit with both of you. I got home late yesterday but two days earlier then planned as my sister had to come home due to her husband's health, he ended up in the hospital with kidney stones but is doing much better.
Art and I will be leaving for Cabo on Monday for a week, we hope to be able to use the internet to continue reading the blogs.
Nan - welcome home....always remember that you have a loving husband and a wonderful family and a long list of friendships. Stay healthy!
At 10:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nan is not going to want to stay home long if she doesn't start getting better treatment from you. No matter how much she may like having Starr and Lady near by no women will stay with you long if you don't stop it right now. Just how much Asparagus soup can one person take with one foot stuck up to the ceiling fan.
Really Tim it is too much! I know you can behave better and for Nan's sake I hope it will be soon.
Welcome home all and my God continue to speed your recovery.
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