Fever on the rise again at 9 pm
Dear Ones,
Well here we go again, beginning a couple hours ago a new fever began to build. Now it has risen to probably 103 or more. Nan is shaking uncontrollably and Pam is rubbing her hair and saying good night as she has to go home and to work another day. They have cut back the amount of ibuprofen she can have at a time to 200 mg to protect her kidneys. They have given lasik this evening and the output has been huge so far, kidneys are really moving a lot of liquid through and off her body. Every time a fever comes and then passes hours later I pray that it is the last bout of fever but so far they keep coming back again and again. There are many types of antibiotics going now, about 5 different kinds at the same time and two towers are full of little bags flowing into her body. Something has got to work and soon!
We have been touched by visits today from people we love. Art and Connie called this morning to say they were able to come visit and we welcomed the news. Mid morning Jim, our pastor at the church came through the door, it was a wonderful surprise and we enjoyed his time and prayers with us. Jim has proven to be a very caring and thoughtful person and one who can be trusted. He had to drive a long ways to get here and we sure appreciate his coming. Then Art and Connie arrived and spent hours with us helping, encouraging and helping a tough day go by. Late in the afternoon they took me to find some food and we discovered a good place within walking distance from the hospital. When we came back Nikki and Keanna arrived and suddenly Nan was awake for a few minutes enjoying seeing Keanna and smiling and letting Keanna know she loved her. Then Nan slipped back into semi slumber while we all talked and shared around her bedside. Keanna kept us all entertained with hide and seek, counting demonstrations and also ate her food she had brought. Art and Connie had to head home to Gilroy and after awhile in came Pam from Lodi. She enjoyed seeing Keanna and Nikki and she is so good with mom. Nan knew she was here and made snippets of conversation but mostly just let us know that she was hurting badly. She gradually began to show signs of a fever and after Nikki and Keanna left it became more pronounced. Pam helped with everything this evening and we all tried to find ways to help Nan feel better but to no avail. Pam has just left a few minutes ago.
At this moment we are waiting for Nan to get her fever meds, Motrin or whatever it is but they have not come back into the room yet to give it. At this moment she has stopped shivering and has calmed down. Yet she is hot like a fire cracker.
A kidney doctor came by this afternoon and that was a good visit. She agreed to start lasik and it is working big time. She also cautioned about using too much ibuprofen as it can be hard on the system, the liver, the kidneys. So this evening we are getting a smaller amount and we hope and pray that it will be enough to ward off the fever which is growing, last count about 103 or more. Just now the kind nurse was back in to help Nan take her meds and Nan could hardly concentrate enough to swallow them down. This evening she is coughing quite a bit, so far we have been lucky that her lungs have stayed clear and I am concerned that she might be developing something negative in her lungs and chest. Evidently the bugs in her blood we are fighting are pretty tough. They showed up in spite of days of antibiotic already given on the ship, in Mexico and here as well. There is a general consensus among the doctors treating Nan that her extreme sleepiness could be caused by the infection itself. How I long for the defeat of this nasty enemy and for Nan to have some healing and peace. Right now she is pretty low and weak. At this moment with the fever there is no way she would be able to reach for the call button and ask for help, she just is not aware enough so I'm with her, beside her and will continue to be here, will try to get a bit of work done during the day to help clients and yet meet all of Nan's needs for protection and help. The nurses have promised that Nan will have her temperature taken again at around 10:45 which is only 20 minutes away. I note that she has stopped shivering and that usually means the fever is dropping, so wouldn't that be nice if it is starting to drop on its own. I just got a 102.3 under her arm with our little home cheapie unit and I'm told the arm is usually on the low side.
Dr. Ganey from our oncology team was here today and has asked that Nan have an xray of her head tomorrow to make sure she has not suffered a bit of a stroke. Now she is coughing again, not good at all and for no really good reason that I can think of.
So my family and friends, are there enough reasons to pray? Head congestion, coughing from her lungs, high fever, blood infection, lasik at work to drain off fluids.
Nan is once again in a very rough place with dangers all around. Can we ask the Lord for His healing mercies, for His presence with her?
Just now a nurse came and took her temp again. 99.3 through the mouth and 101.3 under the arm but the shaking and shivering have stopped. Nan is in misery it is easy to see and keeps trying to clear her throat. So is the temp going up still or starting to fall? Excellent question really, one we will find the answer to as the night progresses. I am very sleepy and will try to do sleep around the issues that might arise. I may try to sleep in tomorrow after morning rounds of nurses as well to try to do a bit of catch up. I'm trying to do what so many of you have mentioned, taking care of myself. I had oatmeal for breakfast, cheese sandwich and salad for lunch and a wonderful burrito with Art and Connie tonight. I've had lots to drink and I think I did OK today, just remembered I have not taken any meds today so will need to do that before I sleep. See how helpful you are, reminded me about meds.
I also want to thank a special person who drove the CT scan in from our home today, thanks Terry for arranging it and for having your assistant drive it in.
Good night my family, my friends, we need your prayers tonight for sure.
tim and nan
Well here we go again, beginning a couple hours ago a new fever began to build. Now it has risen to probably 103 or more. Nan is shaking uncontrollably and Pam is rubbing her hair and saying good night as she has to go home and to work another day. They have cut back the amount of ibuprofen she can have at a time to 200 mg to protect her kidneys. They have given lasik this evening and the output has been huge so far, kidneys are really moving a lot of liquid through and off her body. Every time a fever comes and then passes hours later I pray that it is the last bout of fever but so far they keep coming back again and again. There are many types of antibiotics going now, about 5 different kinds at the same time and two towers are full of little bags flowing into her body. Something has got to work and soon!
We have been touched by visits today from people we love. Art and Connie called this morning to say they were able to come visit and we welcomed the news. Mid morning Jim, our pastor at the church came through the door, it was a wonderful surprise and we enjoyed his time and prayers with us. Jim has proven to be a very caring and thoughtful person and one who can be trusted. He had to drive a long ways to get here and we sure appreciate his coming. Then Art and Connie arrived and spent hours with us helping, encouraging and helping a tough day go by. Late in the afternoon they took me to find some food and we discovered a good place within walking distance from the hospital. When we came back Nikki and Keanna arrived and suddenly Nan was awake for a few minutes enjoying seeing Keanna and smiling and letting Keanna know she loved her. Then Nan slipped back into semi slumber while we all talked and shared around her bedside. Keanna kept us all entertained with hide and seek, counting demonstrations and also ate her food she had brought. Art and Connie had to head home to Gilroy and after awhile in came Pam from Lodi. She enjoyed seeing Keanna and Nikki and she is so good with mom. Nan knew she was here and made snippets of conversation but mostly just let us know that she was hurting badly. She gradually began to show signs of a fever and after Nikki and Keanna left it became more pronounced. Pam helped with everything this evening and we all tried to find ways to help Nan feel better but to no avail. Pam has just left a few minutes ago.
At this moment we are waiting for Nan to get her fever meds, Motrin or whatever it is but they have not come back into the room yet to give it. At this moment she has stopped shivering and has calmed down. Yet she is hot like a fire cracker.
A kidney doctor came by this afternoon and that was a good visit. She agreed to start lasik and it is working big time. She also cautioned about using too much ibuprofen as it can be hard on the system, the liver, the kidneys. So this evening we are getting a smaller amount and we hope and pray that it will be enough to ward off the fever which is growing, last count about 103 or more. Just now the kind nurse was back in to help Nan take her meds and Nan could hardly concentrate enough to swallow them down. This evening she is coughing quite a bit, so far we have been lucky that her lungs have stayed clear and I am concerned that she might be developing something negative in her lungs and chest. Evidently the bugs in her blood we are fighting are pretty tough. They showed up in spite of days of antibiotic already given on the ship, in Mexico and here as well. There is a general consensus among the doctors treating Nan that her extreme sleepiness could be caused by the infection itself. How I long for the defeat of this nasty enemy and for Nan to have some healing and peace. Right now she is pretty low and weak. At this moment with the fever there is no way she would be able to reach for the call button and ask for help, she just is not aware enough so I'm with her, beside her and will continue to be here, will try to get a bit of work done during the day to help clients and yet meet all of Nan's needs for protection and help. The nurses have promised that Nan will have her temperature taken again at around 10:45 which is only 20 minutes away. I note that she has stopped shivering and that usually means the fever is dropping, so wouldn't that be nice if it is starting to drop on its own. I just got a 102.3 under her arm with our little home cheapie unit and I'm told the arm is usually on the low side.
Dr. Ganey from our oncology team was here today and has asked that Nan have an xray of her head tomorrow to make sure she has not suffered a bit of a stroke. Now she is coughing again, not good at all and for no really good reason that I can think of.
So my family and friends, are there enough reasons to pray? Head congestion, coughing from her lungs, high fever, blood infection, lasik at work to drain off fluids.
Nan is once again in a very rough place with dangers all around. Can we ask the Lord for His healing mercies, for His presence with her?
Just now a nurse came and took her temp again. 99.3 through the mouth and 101.3 under the arm but the shaking and shivering have stopped. Nan is in misery it is easy to see and keeps trying to clear her throat. So is the temp going up still or starting to fall? Excellent question really, one we will find the answer to as the night progresses. I am very sleepy and will try to do sleep around the issues that might arise. I may try to sleep in tomorrow after morning rounds of nurses as well to try to do a bit of catch up. I'm trying to do what so many of you have mentioned, taking care of myself. I had oatmeal for breakfast, cheese sandwich and salad for lunch and a wonderful burrito with Art and Connie tonight. I've had lots to drink and I think I did OK today, just remembered I have not taken any meds today so will need to do that before I sleep. See how helpful you are, reminded me about meds.
I also want to thank a special person who drove the CT scan in from our home today, thanks Terry for arranging it and for having your assistant drive it in.
Good night my family, my friends, we need your prayers tonight for sure.
tim and nan
At 2:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
My heart goes out to you as you express your situation so well. I'm glad you had friends and family there with you yesterday and I hope others will come to be with you today. It is especially hard to see those we love suffering. How our Savior must weep to see the insults of the evil one being hurled at His children. He loves us so much. No, you can't completely trust the medical staff, but you can trust in God.
Our love bridges the miles between us today and again you will be at the top of our concerns for the day and prayers will be on our lips for both of you.
Deuteronomy 31:8 "The Lord Himself goes before you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Our love and continued prayers ~ Carol
At 6:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi ~
Keep taking care of yourself Tim, so you can take care of Nan. Tell her many prayers are going up on her behalf.
Hugs to both of you,
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