Looking better so far this morning
Dear ones,
Our news this morning so far appears to be positive. Nan woke once again very lucid and was able to talk clearly with Heather a nurse we enjoy for her love of people. They took a swab of the fluid in the wound place, took blood for daily tests, gave more lasik and repositioned Nan in her bed. Nan's weight is down to 147 from 160 when we arrived on Sunday evening. That is a very positive result it seems to me. She managed to reverse a fever last night without any ibuprofen, down to normal from a high of 101. Only 1 pump is running at the moment instead of two meaning less antibiotics are going in now, another positive sign.
Dr. Ganey has ordered a MRI this morning and I know from history that Nan does not like the experience, very loud clanging noise and you have to lie still for long minutes at a time while the machine does its work. Also most MRIs are narrow tubes and she finds that very confining. Last time in San Ramon she had to have a benedryl to calm her nerves before she could handle it. That experience is to happen sometime today. I'm praying that God will help it happen this morning since I made two appointments to see properties nearby at noon and two. I will not leave Nan to face this alone but sure could use the funds that seeing a couple properties would help with.
This morning I ask Heather if my being here was helpful or in the way. She told us that some times relatives are in the way but for Nan my being here as been helpful, Nan spoke up and said I was her rock and of course then the nurse and I both cried. What wonderful words to come from a woman so tormented with health issues. I was deeply touched and warmed inside. Her rock. May God grant me the inner strength and emotional stability to continue to be her rock. I woke to many concerns and to the sound of Nan gently moaning, her neck hurts a lot (Pam, the next time you come there is something she likes to have done, rub her neck). I have her under a blanket right now since the room is cold or at least cool.
I'm going to try to manage the pain meds today to the lower end of the scale so Nan can be somewhat awake again. Later this morning she will get a bath and a chance to sit up for awhile in the chair and of course the ride to the MRI and that whole experience. If Dr. Ganey could see her when she wakes he would know she is OK mentally but he only sees her after the pain meds have taken effect and she is sleepy.
So I wanted to let you know about the weight dropping, the mental alertness this morning and the MRI. It is hard to understand God's workings in her body and why all the pain and suffering, it makes me angry sometimes, not at God, he does not cause illness but at the situation, I wonder how our lives would be had there never been the GIST cancer. Simple things like a shower, going out to eat, Nan being able to do the work she loves at travel, Nan hopping on a plane for Texas, Nan being involved in Keanna's care. All of this has been taken away by this terrible disease. It has hurt everyone in the family, changed things forever. And none of it is Nan's fault.
So I am seeking blessings today, God's blessings that He has promised for those who love and serve Him. This would be a good day to experience something special from on high and I'm asking God to open the blessings drawer and send a few down.
We appreciate your being in our lives, everyone of you. Today the cruise ship lands in SF and at 8 am people unload. We would just be getting back. How wonderful that would have been but it was not to be.
Please pray for Nan today, for strength, for victory over the staph infection, for level temps, for mental sharpness and for healing.
Thank you
tim and nan
ps a special love to our family members, Nikki at work, Jason returning home, Jo who is hard at work teaching, Steve who is probably driving long distances somewhere, Keanna who is sleepy but at her christian school already this morning, for Sharon who is hard at work, for Dana who is preparing to come to visit soon, for Jan who is full of concern for her sister and for all the others who love Nan and wish her the best.
Our news this morning so far appears to be positive. Nan woke once again very lucid and was able to talk clearly with Heather a nurse we enjoy for her love of people. They took a swab of the fluid in the wound place, took blood for daily tests, gave more lasik and repositioned Nan in her bed. Nan's weight is down to 147 from 160 when we arrived on Sunday evening. That is a very positive result it seems to me. She managed to reverse a fever last night without any ibuprofen, down to normal from a high of 101. Only 1 pump is running at the moment instead of two meaning less antibiotics are going in now, another positive sign.
Dr. Ganey has ordered a MRI this morning and I know from history that Nan does not like the experience, very loud clanging noise and you have to lie still for long minutes at a time while the machine does its work. Also most MRIs are narrow tubes and she finds that very confining. Last time in San Ramon she had to have a benedryl to calm her nerves before she could handle it. That experience is to happen sometime today. I'm praying that God will help it happen this morning since I made two appointments to see properties nearby at noon and two. I will not leave Nan to face this alone but sure could use the funds that seeing a couple properties would help with.
This morning I ask Heather if my being here was helpful or in the way. She told us that some times relatives are in the way but for Nan my being here as been helpful, Nan spoke up and said I was her rock and of course then the nurse and I both cried. What wonderful words to come from a woman so tormented with health issues. I was deeply touched and warmed inside. Her rock. May God grant me the inner strength and emotional stability to continue to be her rock. I woke to many concerns and to the sound of Nan gently moaning, her neck hurts a lot (Pam, the next time you come there is something she likes to have done, rub her neck). I have her under a blanket right now since the room is cold or at least cool.
I'm going to try to manage the pain meds today to the lower end of the scale so Nan can be somewhat awake again. Later this morning she will get a bath and a chance to sit up for awhile in the chair and of course the ride to the MRI and that whole experience. If Dr. Ganey could see her when she wakes he would know she is OK mentally but he only sees her after the pain meds have taken effect and she is sleepy.
So I wanted to let you know about the weight dropping, the mental alertness this morning and the MRI. It is hard to understand God's workings in her body and why all the pain and suffering, it makes me angry sometimes, not at God, he does not cause illness but at the situation, I wonder how our lives would be had there never been the GIST cancer. Simple things like a shower, going out to eat, Nan being able to do the work she loves at travel, Nan hopping on a plane for Texas, Nan being involved in Keanna's care. All of this has been taken away by this terrible disease. It has hurt everyone in the family, changed things forever. And none of it is Nan's fault.
So I am seeking blessings today, God's blessings that He has promised for those who love and serve Him. This would be a good day to experience something special from on high and I'm asking God to open the blessings drawer and send a few down.
We appreciate your being in our lives, everyone of you. Today the cruise ship lands in SF and at 8 am people unload. We would just be getting back. How wonderful that would have been but it was not to be.
Please pray for Nan today, for strength, for victory over the staph infection, for level temps, for mental sharpness and for healing.
Thank you
tim and nan
ps a special love to our family members, Nikki at work, Jason returning home, Jo who is hard at work teaching, Steve who is probably driving long distances somewhere, Keanna who is sleepy but at her christian school already this morning, for Sharon who is hard at work, for Dana who is preparing to come to visit soon, for Jan who is full of concern for her sister and for all the others who love Nan and wish her the best.
At 8:20 AM,
Irene Wing said…
Dear Tim and Nan,
I didn't get to read last evening's blog until just this moment. I'm so sorry to hear that the day was a difficult one. However, it was good to hear about her weigh and fever going down. Hopefully, having the MRI will shed some more light and confirm that there are no other problems. Would she be able to have a favorite CD played during the MRI? That will be helpful in calming any jittery nerves.
Tim, yes you are a rock for Nan. God is giving you strength as you continue to ask for it. I know many of us are observing you as an instrument of God's purpose. I hope that we can emulate your strength and faith in God.
Praying for less pain and more improvements for Nan and also continued strength for you.
Blessings and love,
At 8:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi to our friends who have shared so many good times with us! The blog is sounding better this morning. Irene's blog has a great suggestion..listen to a favorite CD during the MRI if possible. The week after we come home from our mini vacation might be a good time for us to come down and help with some house chores and laundry for you two. We will keep in touch via cell phone while we are away. Keep holding on and trusting in our Heavenly Father for all your needs...He's tuned in. Hugs to you both! Barbie
At 11:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Thanks again for the detailed Blog report on Nan's conditions. MRI's are not a "Fun " thing to have to endure. We pray that this one will be easy and more comfortable and most of all be a big help in solving Her problems.
Our Carpet Cleaning day went off with out a hitch and things dried quickly and look like new again . After nearly 14 Years here and the original floor coverings are still looking good.
Where did our sunshine go ? Yesterday was so nice & warm till about 2:00 and then things turned cool & cloudy to the point of light rain falling for the early evening hours. Quite a change from last weeks 92.
We will be hoping for many good things to happen today fot Nan.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
This is also good news that Nan is lucid and awake and is getting rid of the extra fluid that is drowning her! I hope she endures the MRI ok and will wake up even more to a level of good conversation. I did not know that the infection is a Staph infection. That can be a very stubborn one! Of course, Nan is also a stubborn one, so the duel is on!
Tim you asked for blessings today. Sometimes our blessings come in ways we were not expecting ~ friends, a good parking space, light traffic, a good meal, a warm shower and clean clothes, looking into Nan's "beautiful blue eyes" and having good conversation together, an attentive nurse, strength and peace for the day, beautiful spring flowers and warm sunshine... What a special blessing to hear Nan say, "He is my ROCK!" It sort of makes everything you do seem more valuable. God has given you the strength to be that "rock". Another blessing! There are so many blessings God gives us that we often overlook when things look bleak.
No, Nan will probably not be able to hop on a plane to TX for a hair cut or take a long cruise, but she will be able to enjoy the love and entertainment from Keanna. She has a family who loves her dearly and many many friends who love her and keep her close in thought and prayer. (You too Tim!)
Enjoy the week end and I hope you have many friends visit you and bring you strength to help you be that "Rock" that is so vital for Nan right now.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Was I ever pleasantly surprised today when I received a call from you! I didn't expect such a nice surprise, it caught me off gaurd. Your voice sounded soooo good, after our conversation yesterday. The chills had taken hold of you and I could hear your teeth chattering! You sounded great today. You never cease to amaze me. Tim, hope your jobs went well today. Having been with you on such jobs, I could imagine just what you were doing. Wish I could come out for awhile, but have to get through this state audit. Time flies so won't be too long, I hope.
I pray that you will both have a restful and great Sabbath. Know that I am thinking of you and praying, as always.
Love, Sharon
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