Home again
Dear Family and Friends,
Its 8:30 and we are home. The day had many ups and downs like usual for us. We had a good night with few interruptions. I left this morning at 7:40 and drove to San Jose through traffic, did an appraisal of a townhouse and then got a call from Alice at the doctors office. Insurance had denied payment for the new drug. So as I walked around in a condo project thinking about how I would pay for the drug, then back to the car and I started to drive another call, this one from Reach, the pharmacy that handles Bayer's meds. The lady could not have been more nice and let me know that due to our low income the entire cost of the meds might be covered. She said that probably a decision would be made by Friday evening or Monday morning. Our friend at Dana Farber in Boston had also contacted Reach and confirmed that with the financial information in hand, faxed by our trusty tax man at just the right moment a decision would be reached quickly. When the drug will be in our hands is not yet for sure but at least things are moving the right way it seems.
On my way back to Concord I called Nan and was connected to Peter, the discharge planner at the hospital. He confirmed that we would be leaving at 2 pm and that Nan would be brought home in a medical transport with a crew of EMTs. Promptly at 2 they came in, two very good looking strong young people who quickly loaded Nan into an ambulance and we were on our way. The girl drove fast and carefully but took the longest way home, oh well, we are home now. Marilyn and Dana each drove a vehicle home as I rode with Nan and cared for her. The hospital crew was so nice and supportive and wished Nan well as we left.
We came home to find the medical supplies were being delivered and at the front door. I quickly unloaded them and we called Terry, our nurse who came over and instructed us in taking care of all the medical systems. At this point we have TPN, Dilautid pump, Adavan, Zophram, Lovenox, AMN107, Aciphex and ibuprofen when needed.
Nan is resting in the recliner and is mostly pain managed although some pain creeps through. She is about to take her AMN and then we will head to bed. We will use the ramps, the stair chair, the walker as a wheel chair upstairs and then the comfortable bed. The hospital bed on the first level is so awful that sleeping there is unthinkable.
This evening after we got Nan all settled and resting Dana made dinner including pumpkin pies, how nice to eat at home after trying to find something to eat for the last 2 weeks away.
Tonight we once again count our blessings, in the face of the condition Nan faced when she first into the hospital she is once again home and doing much better. However Nan is weak, tired and has limited ability to move about. She needs our loving care which we are happy to extend to her.
We thank God for the blessings of this day and for a safe transit home, for a warm and comfy home to come to, for family and friends to help us, for each new day we have to enjoy one another. We hope to see Nikki and Keanna tomorrow evening and have talked to Jason a couple times today. We look forward to seeing Mary and Pam and deeply appreciate the help LeAnn, our wonderful neighbor has given all the way from helping me load Nan into the car two Friday's ago to caring for the creatures and home while we have been gone. What luck that we would have such solid, caring neighbors.
Please pray that Nan will be given just the blessings she needs tonight and tomorrow. We all treasure this precious lady and are inspired by her courage, her faith, her love.
So from our house to yours,
tim and nan and dana and marilyn
Its 8:30 and we are home. The day had many ups and downs like usual for us. We had a good night with few interruptions. I left this morning at 7:40 and drove to San Jose through traffic, did an appraisal of a townhouse and then got a call from Alice at the doctors office. Insurance had denied payment for the new drug. So as I walked around in a condo project thinking about how I would pay for the drug, then back to the car and I started to drive another call, this one from Reach, the pharmacy that handles Bayer's meds. The lady could not have been more nice and let me know that due to our low income the entire cost of the meds might be covered. She said that probably a decision would be made by Friday evening or Monday morning. Our friend at Dana Farber in Boston had also contacted Reach and confirmed that with the financial information in hand, faxed by our trusty tax man at just the right moment a decision would be reached quickly. When the drug will be in our hands is not yet for sure but at least things are moving the right way it seems.
On my way back to Concord I called Nan and was connected to Peter, the discharge planner at the hospital. He confirmed that we would be leaving at 2 pm and that Nan would be brought home in a medical transport with a crew of EMTs. Promptly at 2 they came in, two very good looking strong young people who quickly loaded Nan into an ambulance and we were on our way. The girl drove fast and carefully but took the longest way home, oh well, we are home now. Marilyn and Dana each drove a vehicle home as I rode with Nan and cared for her. The hospital crew was so nice and supportive and wished Nan well as we left.
We came home to find the medical supplies were being delivered and at the front door. I quickly unloaded them and we called Terry, our nurse who came over and instructed us in taking care of all the medical systems. At this point we have TPN, Dilautid pump, Adavan, Zophram, Lovenox, AMN107, Aciphex and ibuprofen when needed.
Nan is resting in the recliner and is mostly pain managed although some pain creeps through. She is about to take her AMN and then we will head to bed. We will use the ramps, the stair chair, the walker as a wheel chair upstairs and then the comfortable bed. The hospital bed on the first level is so awful that sleeping there is unthinkable.
This evening after we got Nan all settled and resting Dana made dinner including pumpkin pies, how nice to eat at home after trying to find something to eat for the last 2 weeks away.
Tonight we once again count our blessings, in the face of the condition Nan faced when she first into the hospital she is once again home and doing much better. However Nan is weak, tired and has limited ability to move about. She needs our loving care which we are happy to extend to her.
We thank God for the blessings of this day and for a safe transit home, for a warm and comfy home to come to, for family and friends to help us, for each new day we have to enjoy one another. We hope to see Nikki and Keanna tomorrow evening and have talked to Jason a couple times today. We look forward to seeing Mary and Pam and deeply appreciate the help LeAnn, our wonderful neighbor has given all the way from helping me load Nan into the car two Friday's ago to caring for the creatures and home while we have been gone. What luck that we would have such solid, caring neighbors.
Please pray that Nan will be given just the blessings she needs tonight and tomorrow. We all treasure this precious lady and are inspired by her courage, her faith, her love.
So from our house to yours,
tim and nan and dana and marilyn
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well the spellin B has ended. I wish someone qualified would run it and let me watch. But what of the chance to serve, I don't really want to miss that.
I know that the being at home medicine that Nan is now taking will be of great benefit. Especially taken along with the smell of pumpkin pies in the kitchen. They are in the kitchen right? You haven't moved them to some secluded location or anything have you? Just checking.
At 3:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
What an experience of getting Nan safely home. I'm sure she is glad to be back home and the dogs are glad to have someone in the house again. Is there any way you can get a good mattress for Nan's bed downstairs so you wouldn't have to move her up and down the stairs? That must be a very painful ordeal for Nan and so much work for you with all her equipment. There must be a better solution.
We did an interview yesterday that looks very promising. We should know for sure by the end of next week. A delightful couple from PA. They are almost overly qualified. If all goes well and they do accept the position they will be here about the first of December. We can hang on that long when help is in sight. We have only one cottage to clean today and 3 on Sunday then things slow down again.
I hope you had a good night and you made it through with only a few awake times. May God continue to bless you and give you strength.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustard Household,
Glad that You made it Home and what a blessing that Dana & Marilyn are there to make the transition alot easier. We will Pray that the new Drug will soon be there at NO Cost! that would be an answer to Prayer.
We enjoyed the Senior Center Annual German Octoberfest last evening. They had a Fill House + good Band for Music Background. Food was excellent. All the tickets were sold and all of the Food was used, (No Leftovers)
My Sister continues to be here staying with Us and visiting with Our Mother during the Day. Patty will be going Home to Palm Springs Sunday AM from Sac Airport (Alaska Airlines) they connect direct, non stop to Palm Springs every day from Sacramento. It has been good to have Her here for this week.
Carrol continues to get more mobility back in Her Knee We are hoping & Praying that Surgery can be avoided. Our Dr is up-beat about it and feels that things will heal on their own with rest & Drug therapy. Ten days and then He will re-evalueate and decide on what will be next. Her next Clinic Appointment is Nov 5th, should get some answers then.
Love & Continued Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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