Nan walks, Timothy visits, We hear a sermon from Loma Linda
Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening and sip my mocha the world series is being played but this year our real challenge is much closer. Nan took a literal huge step forward this morning. During the night she accidentally spilled some ice chips on her gown and cried out in surprise. In a few minutes we had a dry gown on, the wet sheet gone and went back to sleep. That was the only time Nan was awake all night. At 7 this morning her back hurt so badly that she needed to get up so we got ready to help her make her way down. Marilyn and I rolled the walker with wheels up to the bed where Nan was sitting expecting her to stand, pivot and sit on the walker, she said it was too hard to sit and stood up, grabbed the handles of the walker and walked her 25 steps to the stair chair, no knees buckling, no hesitation. We were shocked and so proud of her accomplishment. She rode down and then stepped into the wheel chair on her own. We helped her settle into the recliner and for a bit the suction worked well drawing out contents of her stomach and GI tract. She took some Adavan and rested for quite some time before waking to ask if we could watch a church service on the Christian channel. We tuned in just in time for the Loma Linda Service which was full of good music, good preaching (about sex no less) and then more good music. Dana was busy making a wonderful lunch. Keanna had spent the night and she was such a wonderful addition to the mix. She had breakfast that Dana prepared and then Nikki came to whisk her away for a day at the Oakland Zoo with her mommy and daddy. After Keanna left it grew quiet and we all took naps.
Mid day we got a call from Jason saying they would be here in a couple hours. We could hardly wait. Timothy had just woken up and was in a good, cute mood. He and his grammy exchanged smiles and giggles, the fed him, they posed him for photos and we all took turns holding him. With Dana, Marilyn, Jason, Jo, Nan and me to enjoy him he was the center of attention. I have included photos of the visit but unfortunately I missed Nan when she was smiling and laughing.
I do not mean to suggest that these are easy days for Nan. She is weak, troubled by the tube not pumping correctly, has some pain at times and still does not feel really great. On the positive side her voice is stronger, she is resting better at night and she really showed her new stuff with that walking this morning!
Nikki was with us last night when she brought Keanna and then more this morning. She is such a positive force and interacts with both Dana and Marilyn perfectly. How we thank God for our children. I never intend to suggest that somehow our kids are more precious than yours, I just know how precious they are to us and how much their faithful and positive support means to us.
A little while ago Pam appeared with pies even including an apple pie for me with no sugar but it sure was good. Thanks Pam for your willingness to drive all the way over here in the dark to be with Nan.
This Sabbath has meant REST, real shut your eyes style rest for all of us. The days of going to bed at 9:30 and climbing out at 6 with uninterrupted rest are not with us at this time. But we have the honor of caring for a grand lady, a lady who does not know how to quit or stop living life to the fullest.
We are deeply grateful this evening to each of you who have had a part in this wonderful saga, a story of courage and inspiration, of quiet faith and iron will, of tender love and quiet acceptance of a wrong so awful that in lessor persons might cause bitterness. Nan does not deserve what she endures but does not complain about it either.
We thank you for your prayers and we ask that you pray for the quick delivery of the new drug, for the suction to begin working better and for Nan's strength and comfort level to increase.
We send our love and deepest appreciation for your help in all ways.
tim and nan and marilyn and dana and pam
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sabbath Greetings to you all! What a little doll Timothy is. He is getting so big! The star of the day!! How nice they could be there with you all.
Yeah Nan! Keep on walking!! Things are sounding a little more positive. Do you get the new medicine on Monday???
We took a drive in the Corvett today over to see the new fire station that opened. Wow, they have a huge truck with a very tall ladder that goes up a long ways. We got to see the dorm rooms, bathrooms, and the chief's office with his private bedroom and bath just next door. Very nice place and a beautiful kitchen. 4 firemen and one truck went from Lincoln to the fires down south. Oh, yes, trouble with riding in the Corvett is Ger always hollers at me when I close the door because he says I slam it!!
Grumpy boy!!
Our dine out coupon book is about to expire so we have been using coupons like crazy which makes me feel like I've gained 10 pounds.
Hope you get a new pump or the one fixed that is not working properly.
Have another good night. Love, Barbie
At 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
The new word of the day! (we hope)
If you are talking about the pump the one that is intermitent at present. The one we pray will be more consistent in the future. The one that provides helpful relief from nausea when it is working properly. Yeh. That one. The one that is suppose to suck.
I here this phrase at football games all the time. You Suck! You Suck! I don't care for it very much but as this is for a useful and non=negetive cause and because it will help my friend Nan. I am happy to declare today as You Suck day for our little pump friend.
I did appreciate the tender love part of your blog today. My own life is the better for reading, hearing and seeing how you and Nan live your lives. I am more appreciative, caring and compassionate then I was before. Thank for all you do!
Was that the door bell I heard? Probably your medicine arriving. Wow! That pray was answered quick.
At 6:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Since I wrote you last, I have been very sick. Dr. had no idea what it was. I vomited for 13 hours off and on.(strange for me, I haven't vomited since I was PG with my last child, I think he is 32 now!) and you know what goes with stomach problems, and it followed faithly. I went to Dr. and she said she had no answers except that I was worn out for sure. I had one hour and half of IV therapy. All the vitamins etc. that she felt I was needing. Oh, Nan, you know how I am about things being stuck into my veins, how I needed your pic line! I feel much better today and plan to rest most of the day. I must return to work tomorrow as my brother is going to resign if I don't. What a God send he is.
I am so thankful that you are starting up hill. We prayed for you and Tim faithfully at church. When Rick does the praying, you know you are
in good hands. Pastor and I had special prayer for you both by ourselves outside under a tree in the church yard. Every one asked about you and so you know that I spent all morning crying. I miss you and wish I could spend more time with you. I will be back as soon as I can.
Dana, keep the food smells down as best Tim and Marilyn will allow! I love you both for being there. I feel left out! Marilyn, you stand in for so many of us who wish we could be there, and for that I will always be indebted to you. I love you!
Have a restful and pleasant day. Enjoy your time together.
Love to each of you,
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