1952 - 2007 Nan is at rest
Nan gently passed to her rest at 5:10 this morning. I had the recliner moved to be next to her bed and for about an hour I had heard her breathing, even but short breathes. Then there were no breathes. She peacefully slipped into a deeper sleep, the Lord's sleep.
Nan was everything to me, to all of us really and her passing is both welcomed because she does not have to fight anymore, no more pain and suffering, it is also hated because we have all lost a woman of class, of faith, of devotion, of energy, of substance. It has been a honor to have her as my devoted wife for these 36 years.
We the family have decided to have two services in her honor. First will be a graveside service in Brentwood at the Union Cemetary later in the week for family and friends, it is open to anyone wanting to say good byes. After that service our home will be open for fellowship and food. On the weekend a memorial service will be conducted at the Tracy SDA Church. Timing for both services will be determined and maps will be supplied here in the blog. At the memorial service you will be invited to share your feelings and thoughts about Nan, special moments you have had with her.
Hotchkiss Mortuary in Tracy is helping us.
Thank you for being part of Nan's support system of these past 11 years.
At 6:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Nan fought a good fight for so long and you were the most tender and loving caregiver that she could have had. Now she awakes the beautiful Second Coming to a restored body.
That is a beautiful picture of the two of you.
Love, Loren and Emily
At 7:06 AM,
divatobe said…
Words are futile at moments like this. I feel so blessed to have known Nan (and you!). May God hold you close in the coming weeks.
At 7:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim & Family,
We are deeply grieved, May The Lord sustain You All in the coming days . What a Special Blessing Nan was to all of Us that knew and loved Her dearly.
Please feel Our arms around You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 7:50 AM,
Unknown said…
Dear Tim,
Nan was much loved by GIST patients from the Internet who had met her, or read her words, or had followed her courageous journey. She had dignity and a serenity that inspired us.
I shall always remember that "snap shot" image of Nan sitting on your front porch waiting for my sister and I to drive up. My first reaction upon spotting her on the porch was soft blond hair, blue eyes, and a calm patience as my sister and I were late arriving!
Prayers are with you, and thank you for this incredible and open blog. We as GIST patients have learned from your experiences, and are in admiration of your spirit.
Marina Symcox
At 8:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry to hear about my friend, Nan's passing. She meant so much to me after meeting her at our GIST get togethers. Please know you are both in my thoughts and prayers as your family deals with this crossroads. You have been blessed with her presence and I hope you find strength in your memories of such a wonderful woman.
Deanne in Placerville
At 8:29 AM,
Unknown said…
Please accept our deepest sympanty, Nan was a special person, she fought a long hard battle, she was so brave through it all. You were wonderfully devoted to her and took the best care possible for her. It was our gain to have known you both. Our love and prayers are with you at this time. How wonderful we know that we will all see Nan again in a perfect body and no pain.
Glenn and Sandy Toon
At 8:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
I weep with you!
Knowing this is coming does not really take off the edge to the shock of a life passing.
I know you will be lost for so long without Nan, but you will see the light and love surrounding you and come to terms.
Love and Peace to Nan
Sue M
At 8:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim & Family -- My husband is the GIST patient and we have followed your long journey since 2003. The openness with which you have shared the joys and sorrows of Nan's courageous battle give us hope and insight. Your family's faith, strength & perserverance have been an encouragement to us. I pray that you will continue to be surrounded by the love of family and friends and that you will feel the presence of God's perfect peace which transcends all human understanding during this difficult time. Vicky Vorhauer
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
It is evident by the hundreds of responses that have been posted on this blog site that you both are very loved, and that Nan will be greatly missed by her family and friends. It is comforting to know that our Nan is now in the arms of God and is at perfect peace.
Thank you so much, Tim, for your constant love and devotion to Nan and for your faithfulness to all of us through your eloquent daily postings on this blog site. This has enabled all of us to pray for Nan's specific needs on a daily basis and to be involved in both her struggles and joys.
May God bless your entire family with His perfect peace during this difficult time.
Barbara, her cousin in Houston
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
It is evident by the hundreds of responses that have been posted on this blog site that you both are very loved, and that Nan will be greatly missed by her family and friends. It is comforting to know that our Nan is now in the arms of God and is at perfect peace.
Thank you so much, Tim, for your constant love and devotion to Nan and for your faithfulness to all of us through your eloquent daily postings on this blog site. This has enabled all of us to pray for her specific needs and to be involved in her daily struggles and joys, and for that we are most grateful.
May God bless your entire family with his perfect peace during this difficult time.
Barbara, her cousin in Houston
At 9:26 AM,
deanne said…
Dear Tim & Family,
I am deeply saddened to about Nan's passing. She was been courageously fighting this disease for such a long time. May you find comfort in your strong faith and the many beautiful memories you shared.
A couple of years we had the pleasure of meeting you and Nan in Portland and shared a meal with together with the Stutman's. At that time Nan was full of life it was a pleasure to meet you both.
I know the coming days and weeks will be difficult and that the quiet will be deafening. But I also know that life is eternal and promises us a joyful reunion with loved ones. May you find peace and comfort in the encircling arms of God's love.
Deanne Snodgrass
wife of GIST pt Gerald
1937 - 2007
At 9:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim, family (& caregivers),
My heart grieves with you for the loss of Nan. You have shared so much of yourselves, the good & bad and we feel your loss. Nan was an inspiration to everyone who read the blog.
Nans spirit is not far away, just look into your hearts. All those good memories you have will help you get through this emotional time. Knowing that you did everything possible for her and kept her close to you at home will help too.
May God give you all comfort in the following days.
Pam (a.k.a Louise)
At 9:46 AM,
tishimself said…
Dear Tim, Family & Friends,
I send my condolences to you on the passing of Nan, your wife, mother and friend.
I have followed Nan's story since Boston. I have shared your highs and lows. I am amazed at how involved one can feel through the daily blog. I thank Nan and all of you for allowing me the honor.
We know Nan is in a better place and her suffering is over. I also know that this is going to be a very difficult time for all of you. You have fought long and hard. You must all be exhausted on many levels.
For as good as Nan was to all of you, you all returned her love and support in full measure. It is a blessing to part ways with no regrets and to have had the opportunity to say everything you needed to say.
I will continue to pray for Nan and the entire family. May she rest in peace.
Michael McGovern
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim, Our hearts are sad to know our dear, precious friend has gone to sleep. We will miss Nan so very much. Our love and the Father in Heaven's love surrounds you at this low point in your life. Keep holding on. We are ready to help in any way that we can and you know you can call on us at any time. Love, Gerry & Barbie
At 10:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
I read the blog early this a.m. and rushed off to start my day. With the 3 hour time difference I am just now reading of Nan's passing.
Tim, you must be experiencing such mixed emotions ~ sad because you lost your companion and the love of your life; Relieved that Nan is no longer suffering and is at peace. Her long hard months of pain are over. Your home will be quiet ~ painfully so at times. For awhile you will feel at a loss to know how to plug back into life without caring for Nan. She was foremost on your mind at all times. Now there is nothing more you can do for her. You have been a faithful, loving, devoted advocate and caregiver. You should have no regrets.
Let us know ASAP about the services. I may try to get out there. I really need to see my kids and found a special for this week end. I'll do my best to come if I know soon enough.
Continued love and prayers ~ Carol
At 10:49 AM,
Irene Wing said…
Dear Tim and Family,
Like everyone who is dear to you and Nan, I am so sadden that we have lost a beautiful and courageous warrior. She was exemplary in her compassion of others and was steadfast in her faith. To know that she is now with the Lord gives us all such comfort and peace.
She has left her thumbprint in this world by the way she lived but she has left her footprint in our hearts.
May God bless you.
In His Love,
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
At 10:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers in Nan's peace. May God comfort you in your time of sorrow.
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
It's hard to have her not here with you; but at the same time it's wonderful that the only thing she will know from now on is life eternal, full of joy, health, peace and the purest love of all. God be with you and Nikki and Jason in the days to come.
At 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Uncle Tim, Nikki, Jason & family,
We are sorry to hear of our Aunt Nan's passing but are relieved that she has felt the end of the pain. She was truly a remarkable woman.
Rodney and I are so fond of watching our wedding video which we had the pleasure of Nan singing in the ceremony. She had a beautiful voice and soon will have her place in the choir of angels.
We wish that we could be there to help remember the life of Nan, as a loving wife and mother. We will continue to to keep you in our prayers.
Love Rodney, Shay, Gunnar & Camden
At 12:19 PM,
Unknown said…
Aloha, Tim
For several years I've addressed my e-mails to Nan and Tim, and it breaks my heart that Nan is no longer with us. But I smile through my tears that her suffering is over and her eternal life has begun. I look forward to joining her someday in God's heavenly choir.
And you, Tim, have been the best caretaker imaginable. I am inspired to be a better husband. May the memories you and Nan built over many years bring you comfort.
At 12:20 PM,
Unknown said…
Aloha, Tim
For several years I've addressed my e-mails to Nan and Tim, and it breaks my heart that Nan is no longer with us. But I smile through my tears that her suffering is over and her eternal life has begun. I look forward to joining her someday in God's heavenly choir.
And you, Tim, have been the best caretaker imaginable. I am inspired to be a better husband. May the memories you and Nan built over many years bring you comfort.
At 1:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
It deeply saddens me to learn of Nan's passing.
She was an absolutely lovely and eloquent lady.
I can't help reflecting back first meeting her, Tim and Nan's sister shortly after they flew into Long Island (NY) on their way to the GIST Cancer Research Fund's (GCRF) Walk For A Cure and how just two days later a very determined Nan completed the entire three mile walk, using her walker .. when she could have certainly and most acceptable sat, while everyone else walked and not put the strain on herself.
I had the great pleasure of crossing paths with them again two years ago at the GCRF Research Grant Presentation at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston.
I recently said .. this lady of real class and true dignity re-defined
the word Warrior for all of us.
I will long remember her and the example of enormous courage she set for me and for us all.
I'm sure that I can't begin to imagine how she will be missed by her loving, caring, attentive husband Tim, her entire family and I'm sure large circle of friends. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
-Ken Schou ~ Long Island, NY
At 1:40 PM,
Beverly said…
Dear Tim, and all who loved Nan (which must be a huge number of people,)
I just want to say that watching Nan, and you as a family, face this trial has been more than simply inspiring, it's been humbling. She had such courage and grace and humor, and even when she was so sick and struggling, she often pitched in to help others, or answer questions at GIST Support International.
Sometimes I wondered how she kept fighting. I think Nan might have said, "How could I not?" and smiled at her Knight, Tim, as they, with such grace and faith, continued on.
I am so glad she was with you at the end, and it sounds very peaceful and beautiful, exactly what I hoped for Nan. I know she is still with you, but out of pain, embraced in love.
I am so very sorry for your loss, and so very happy that Nan is with God, in love, light, and peace.
Love to you all, and my deepest condolences for your loss,
Beverly Shirts
At 1:42 PM,
Beverly said…
Dear Tim, and all who loved Nan (which must be a huge number of people,)
I just want to say that watching Nan, and you as a family, face this trial has been more than simply inspiring, it's been humbling. She had such courage and grace and humor, and even when she was so sick and struggling, she often pitched in to help others, or answer questions at GIST Support International.
Sometimes I wondered how she kept fighting. I think Nan might have said, "How could I not?" and smiled at her Knight, Tim, as they, with such grace and faith, continued on.
I am so glad she was with you at the end, and it sounds very peaceful and beautiful, exactly what I hoped for Nan. I know she is still with you, but out of pain, embraced in love.
I am so very sorry for your loss, and so very happy that Nan is with God, in love, light, and peace.
Love to you all, and my deepest condolences for your loss,
Beverly Shirts
At 2:10 PM,
Nancy said…
I read through the blog today. We have lost "one of the best" and our loss is Heaven's gain. I hope that you can find some comfort in knowing that you will see her again someday. I'm sure of it. So until then.. Keep her close to your heart.
At 6:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim,
I am so sorry that you have to say "goodbye for now" to your precious lady, but so happy for her that she isn't hurting any more.
Your precious Nan captured my heart while visiting Carol and Roger Peden in North Carolina. She came to our then "Sounds of Praise" Chorale practice; there she gave, what was for me, a heart grabbing story of her struggle with GIST and a witness of her faith and trust in her God.
I have been blessed as I have followed your painful journey. Blessed by the example that you both have been for us. Nan showed us how to keep on keeping on with a gracious persistance that drew others into her. You both have shown us what married love, commitment and loyalty look like, when done well. You both showed us how to be real while witnessing to your faith, trust and hope in our risen Lord.
Thank you for the blessing you have been to all of us. I once told you that each of your blogs has been a living sermon for us. Thank you Tim for sharing your love for Nan with us and your love and trust in our Heavenly Father through those sermons.
Lord wrap your arms of love and comfort around Tim and his family as they grieve the loss of their precious Nan; in Jesus name. Amen
Love and prayers,
Phyllis Lytle - N.C.
At 6:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Words are wholly inadequate, yet they are the only means we have to send you a hug from far away. Words of Scripture say it better than I could:
"Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.
"For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.
"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall."
I'm saying a special prayer for little Keanna as she has lost her precious Grammy at such a tender age. My prayers are with all of you who loved Nan so much.
Bev Scott
At 7:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Last night after reading the blog and hearing the conversation Art had with you - I was very sad as I somehow felt that Nan didn't have much to live and when I heard Art answered the phone this morning I knew right away. You did everything you could for Nan, so no regrets on your part. The next few days, weeks will be difficult, I know I have been there. As you know we are in Sedona, AZ, but tomorrow we will be starting our drive to Indio,spending the night there to pick up the other car and then to Gilroy. We will be there on time for Friday's services as well as Saturday's.
Emotional support is so important specially in the next few months so please continue to call at any time day or night.
Our condolences to the whole family.
Connie and Art
At 8:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jason and Nikki's family's. Nan was the strongest woman I have ever known and it was a privilage to have known her and our lives have been blessed by knowing Nan and she will be missed.
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. Philippines 1:3
Diane and Steve Souza
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim and Family,
What a remarkable husband and caregiver you have been to Nan all these years. You are a shining example of a pure faith in God, and you have both blessed us with your devotion and tenderness. It was our privilege to know Nan all these years, and will be miss her calm equanimity and steadfast commitment to her family. Tim, we are thinking of you and Nikki and Jason, and praying for the Lord to spread his balm on your hearts tonight.
Glen & Joyce
Glen and Joyce
At 4:41 AM,
Sea Glass Hunter said…
Nan a fairy tale Queen defeding her homeland and you her valiant knight engaging the dragon on her behalf.
You enlisted us to help and we did our best. Many others were engaged as well in supporting your efforts.
We continue now to support others and investigate new means to help cure this disease.
Tim and Nan were a special couple with such steadfast love. We see many patients and families in similar situations and they are all an inspiration for us to do our jobs.
Tim, We at Dana Farber wish you the best and please know your commitment to this blog and sharing your story has helped many more than you know. True honest insight into the daily struggle you and Nan endured will help other patients and caregivers as they move on in their lives.
May you find Peace.
Travis and the Team at DFCI.
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