6 Days in the Antioch Hilton (Delta Sutter Hospital)
Dear Family and Friends,
Nan is slipping in and out of a nap right now. She has had a fairly rough day. Pain, nausea and a general sense of not feeling well. However some progress has been made. Nan's numbers are within proper range now and an infectious disease doctor removed her from all antibiotics this afternoon. We think without the antibiotics she will begin to feel better. They have also introduced a pill which causes the growth of good bugs in her GI replacing the bad ones caused by the antibiotics.
Nikki and Keanna came to visit today, Keanna brought a picture she had created for her Grammy and it is great. We played hide and go seek, I walked out to the car with her to get her fairy toys. She led me the entire way, pushed the buttons in the elevator, made the right turns and we found the car. As she and Nikki left she called back by the nurses desk, Grammy I love you, they were charmed by this little angel.
We talked to Sharon this evening and she is going to have minor surgery soon, it should help her feel much better. Sharon was heading to bed having had a full day. Jason checked in with us as well as did Mary, Pam. I talked to ARt this evening. He and Connie drove to Indio today to spend time in their southern home for a few days. We are glad they arrived safely.
So this evening we once again come asking that you remember Nan, Our immediate issues are this pesky nausea, once we get this handled then Nan is in better condition. Just now they brought in the new pill for her to take for her GI tract, this morning it was a tiny pill and now it is two huge pills that Nan is afraid to even try to take in her present touchy state. So tomorrow we will solve this issue, why a tiny pill this morning and two huge ones tonight? Mnnn.
We send our good night wishes to you and thank you for your interest and prayers in Nan's behalf.
tim and nan
Nan is slipping in and out of a nap right now. She has had a fairly rough day. Pain, nausea and a general sense of not feeling well. However some progress has been made. Nan's numbers are within proper range now and an infectious disease doctor removed her from all antibiotics this afternoon. We think without the antibiotics she will begin to feel better. They have also introduced a pill which causes the growth of good bugs in her GI replacing the bad ones caused by the antibiotics.
Nikki and Keanna came to visit today, Keanna brought a picture she had created for her Grammy and it is great. We played hide and go seek, I walked out to the car with her to get her fairy toys. She led me the entire way, pushed the buttons in the elevator, made the right turns and we found the car. As she and Nikki left she called back by the nurses desk, Grammy I love you, they were charmed by this little angel.
We talked to Sharon this evening and she is going to have minor surgery soon, it should help her feel much better. Sharon was heading to bed having had a full day. Jason checked in with us as well as did Mary, Pam. I talked to ARt this evening. He and Connie drove to Indio today to spend time in their southern home for a few days. We are glad they arrived safely.
So this evening we once again come asking that you remember Nan, Our immediate issues are this pesky nausea, once we get this handled then Nan is in better condition. Just now they brought in the new pill for her to take for her GI tract, this morning it was a tiny pill and now it is two huge pills that Nan is afraid to even try to take in her present touchy state. So tomorrow we will solve this issue, why a tiny pill this morning and two huge ones tonight? Mnnn.
We send our good night wishes to you and thank you for your interest and prayers in Nan's behalf.
tim and nan
At 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Sorry I have been out of touch for a little bit. Sounds like you became very dehydrated from all the vomiting. Glad to see you did the hospital stay, Nan you needed the IV hydration. Tim please, By now you and Nan know enough that if the Doctors are not listening MAKE them listen. Why on earth did they stop her iv's, its beyond my comprehension, considering nan has been nauseous since she went back home from Boston. Now her Cr. is high again! Make them keep the IV going at all times!!! Thankfully she is now on the right track again sounds like she is feeling better because her electrolytes are in balance and she is hydrated again. Keep the faith out there and remember you have to be your own Advocate! Thoughts and prayer are with you from Fridgid Boston it's -4 with the wind chill. Can you share some of that sun?? Take Care
At 3:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning again from NC!
It is supposed to be warmer today ~good! We really can't complain too much. We've had a very mild winter over all. We keep thinking it will hit us hard one of these days with snow or ice.
It was good to see Amy's blog this a.m. She was such a faithful ICU nurse for you in Boston. Yes, you already know ~ you must be your own advocate. You are. They just have a hard time listening to you. Who has more experience with your body than you do?
It looks like things are looking up a little as far as your readings. Now to settle the nausea and keep hydrated! Those "tiny" pills just might do the trick and you will be comfortable at home again. It looks like with the TPN you may get to keep your visiting nurse now. That's good news. For now you are where you need to be. They are gathering knowledge about your body as you react to their different treatments. Remember ~ that's why they call it a "practice".
Remember we love you and keep you close in prayer.
At 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Sorry that this response is late, We had Visitors (Class Mates "56" ) from Knoxville TN. It was good to Visit with Them and recall School Times 50 Years ago.
Tomorrow is Carrol's regular Time at the Chemo Center in Stockton. No Chemo for now but She must have Her 4 Hour Aridia Infusion to keep Her Bones strong. It is a long Day but the People at the Clinic are so nice and over the last 2 Years have become Caring Friends.
We are Praying for good days for Nan and that improving numbers will continue,along with Nausea Relief. Nan so deserves to be feeling GOOD again for more than just a few hours.
Have a good rest tonight, at least You do not have to deal with S.F. traffic going to Antioch. Seems to Me that there is an Olive Garden just off Hwy 4 over there.
Much Love & Continued Prayers ,
Bob & Carrol.
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