Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Monday evening, David and Joe arrive from Texas
Tonight we have the entire 4 some of the Nelson family under our roof. What an honor. Dana drove up to Sac this afternoon and collected them arriving home about 4. nan was very happy to see them in spite of not feeling so well. This afternoon she picked up a fever of nearly 102 and that really drove her down. She tried to eat a little bit but it really didn't work very well. The siblings enjoyed catching up and told Mema stories, that is stories about their mother who is now living in a rest home and still raising lots of trouble as she goes.
Nan started the day with a visit from the visiting nurse Terry. She had some fever at that time and Terry was not able to draw blood from the PICC line so had to come back this evening after a very long day of helping patients. Yes she was able to draw the blood tonight and in a few minutes a courier was at the door to take the blood to San Jose. Pretty amazing how all things work out.
Tonight we are still wrestling with whether we can give Nan a bit of children's Advil or not. In the literatrure we have received it is clear we cannot do Tylenol. We hope to be able to get better data. nan has had a terrible stomach ache this evening and finally vomited. Then she began to feel better again. We have given her Zophram, Adavan, the normal oxycotin and Aciphex and I think she is finally resting quietly now.
Dana has been great today, she started the day early and has cleaned things, cooked and BBQed up a storm, played Taxi, arranged their bedroom and kept everyone happy. What a blessing she is and she is so good with Nan. It is hard to think about the time when she has to leave but God will care for that time as well. This evening we got a call from Sharon who was just checking on Nan to make sure she was doing OK. Pam had checked in earlier and still earlier my brother Jerry called. Mary called too to check in on Nan.
We pray that nan can have a good day tomorrow as this will be the only full day with the guys. Then on Wednesday Dana takes them back to the airport. Nan hopes she feels well enough to go to the airport with them, we will see.
It was sure good to hear from friends today both responding to the blog and sending private emails. We appreciate every one of them.
So for now I'm heading to bed and just pray that God will work on her fever and help the AMN work on the tumors. How we all long for help with Nan's health.
So good night.
We send our love
tim and nan and dana and joe and david and john
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Oh waiting for the brothers to arrive.....
It is now Sunday evening, we are sitting here in the family room enjoying the cool of the AC and watching our 18 year old big screen which amazingly still has a good picture. Dana, Nan and I along with Starr have just completed eating and Nan has just finished taking her meds for the night. She has had an amazingly good day in her recliner. She came down at 9 this morning and has been here ever since. Dana helped her acheive something she has wanted for days. That is new hair color, "excellence by Loreal". She stood at the sink and Dana helped her wash, color, rinse and then she walked back to the stairs and down to the recliner. Yes Nan was tired but very satisfied with the results. If you see her it might be good to comment on her hair color!!!
Tomorrow Joe and David arrive in Sacramento at 2:45. Then the kids will be all together again. Dana says tomorrow night when we get home we'll have pizza and relax. The guys will be very tired as they are driving many miles before boarding the plane in San Antonio. Then they fly hours to get here and then 1.5 hours from airport to home at this end.
Nan has not gotten a chance to see her brothers in several years so she really looks forward to their coming. Fortunately they are coming at a time when Nan seems to be doing better and is more alert and aware.
Now its time to take Nan up to bed for the night. She has been up 13 hours and is really ready to rest and deserves it totally.
My concerns remain about what will happen now we are through with the antibiotic for her blood infection. We have a few more days of the other ones left. So we watch the temperatures and pray that God will watch over Nan.
So good night friends and family,
tim and nan and dana and john
Sunday morning report
After a rather bleak report last evening I thought perhaps I should follow up this morning with a brighter one.
Nan slept with few interuptions until nearly 9 am this morning. She woke feeling pretty well and we did Zophram for hints of nausea. She insisted on getting up and coming downstairs which I was only to happy to assist with. She walked to the stair chair on her own, rode down on her own and got into the wheel chair on her own. I drove her to the Art ramp as she calls it and we went gently down to the family room. At the recliner she got out of the chair by herself and turned and settled into the recliner. Her fever was down to the 99s tonight instead of the 101s yesterday. We did all her meds, AMN, Oxycotin 100mg, Asifex, Lovenox 60 mg in the fatty tissue that is getting harder and harder to find as she shapes up, fruit cup, cold water and a sheet. We sat beside the open rear door and enjoyed the fresh cool air until it was not cool any more. She is dozing now but without extra pain meds on board. We ended up giving her no Tylenol or Motrim last night as the comments that came back to us on the web site seemed to suggest they were not a good idea.
In an hour I leave for Rohnert Park which is about a 1.5 hour trip on a good day to do an appraisal. Dana and John went to an early movie, the Simpsons this morning and will be back by the time I leave. Nan is doing remarkably better than 3 weeks ago or even 2 weeks ago. Today was the last vancomicin and time will tell whether the vanco was holding infection away or not. The next few days will once again be crucial. It is our hope that the AMN might do something to calm the fevers as it begins its work on the tumors.
Well its off to the shower for me and Nan is resting quietly having gone through the mail this morning already and helping out in other ways.
Both her phones are by her side if you happen to want to call. Cell is charged and the house line, 925 634 6132 might even work this time.
We thank God for a good night and what looks like a good day. And we thank Him for providing Dana too. She has been an amazing help and we will miss her so much when she has to go back home. We look forward to Joe and David coming tomorrow. nan is thrilled to get to see them again and for a brief time all four of the children will be together again. That does not get to happen all that often.
Here's hoping you have a good day with love to your family and friends,
tim and nan
Saturday, July 28, 2007
A quiet day of recovery
Today is Nan's first day on AMN. Unfortunately she woke with a fever and has kept it all day. I left her this morning and took Keanna to Sabbath School in Tracy. She enjoyed herself and made a cute little craft. Then it was home so she and her family could drive to Fresno for a birthday party for a family friend. I came home and Nan was ready to come downstairs. She made the trip down smoothly and then settled into her recliner to wait for the wound care nurse. that experience was painful but much needed. Nan has been running a fever of about 101 and above all day and it has kept her from really enjoying the day. She and Dana have managed to catch a couple movies and some naps today. Dana made some very good bacon sandwiches, beef for nan and vege for me. We have loved the biscuits and gravy, the excellent tomatoes from Keanna and Steve's garden.
Nan took her second AMN this morning and was so grateful to finally have it.
Dana has watched over Nan all day and has helped with bags, food and enjoyment. Now its evening and we are watching a cute movie with Julie Andrews as a queen. John is still asleep, he has his days and night backwards, stays up all night watching TV and eating and then sleeps all day long. So we hardly ever see his smiling face.
This evening I am not sure what to do about her fevers. One person wrote on the Life Raft to us that when on AMN she was anot allowed to take Tylenol or Motrim. We need to do something but are not sure what to do. We have one more day of one of the antibiotic and 5 more days of the other one. We hope that we do not have high fevers back when the antibiotic ends but I am very concerned about what to do.
Our hope is that the AMN will help with the fevers too. nan is still doing well mentally but the higher fevers concern me too.
Please pray for our precious nan, that God will help her feel better, that her tumors will shrink and that her fevers will diminish.
We send our love to each and every one of you. Thanks for your love,
Tim and Nan and Dana and John
Friday, July 27, 2007
Nan takes first AMN capsule!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Nan gets to hold baby Timothy
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Grammy meets Timothy, love at first sight!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Tuesday evening, calm, somewhat better
It is about 8:30 and nan is sitting in her recliner. She has a pillow behind her, one under her feet a sheet over her to keep away the chills and is watching something. She has a level of pain all the time but only sometimes does it protrude so badly that it has to be dealt with. The higher level of basic pain meds seem to be helping somewhat. She once again had a fever this afternoon of 100.4, is on a couple different kinds of meds and is totally lucid and involved. She has almost no appetite now even though the trays keep coming to the room. When i am around I help out with a few bits here and there. Dana was kind enough to help nan have a bath this afternoon and a shampoo with the clever hat thing.
I rose early this morning and washed the motorhome, it was no longer white. Then I did some mopping in the house where the doggies forgot and used the floor instead of going outside. I tidied up a bit and then did conditions at my desk. Finally I headed this way, once again i got caught behind a red light that did not change and then needed fuel and no card would work at first, turned out it was a station computer problem not my cards, yikes that was sort of scary.
Dr. George Miller, long time friend from the Tracy church had been at a conference meeting and came by to visit. He was kind enough to wait until I got here and then I walked out to his cute little SUV and got a great big bear hug, good stuff! nan was so pleased to see George. In the whole world there is no one like George and Yvonne!
After I was here with nan for awhile I drove to Rohnert park to do a 442, final inspection of a property and then back, traffic was minimal. The agent at the sales office has had some very tough times with lots of hospital time and he is really interesting to talk to.
Now we are preparing for a possible Nan exit from the hospital tomorrow. Of course we are never sure but the discharge planner and Dr. K think that is the plan. We plan to pick Nan up in the motorhome here at the hospital and drive to MBA to see a precious little man. Our experience teaches us that if they say noon then plan for about 5 pm so we will see how this works. My problem is I can't begin to park the motorhome anywhere near the hospital and it will be hard to coordinate times, anyway it will work out, things always seem to.
I have butterflys in my tummy when I think about taking nan from this protective place into my world yet it seems to be time to do so. May God help us as we venture out once again.
We have heard nothing from the hospital review board, not a yes, not a no but hope to hear tomorrow.
Please pray for Nan's high pain level, for her general health and for the AMN which we hope will give us some help. What a blessing that would be to get some relief from these looming tumors.
So we say good night and perhaps we will be blogging from MBA tomorrow night.
tim and nan
Monday, July 23, 2007
Slow progress
Nan is drifting in and out of sleep as I sit by her bed writing. We are watching a medical show about heart transplants and its sort of interesting to see how they handle medical things. Nan has had her pain meds increased to 100 mgs of oxycotin morning and night plus still has Dilautid to count on for her other breakout pains. She continues to flirt with fevers, it was 100 last vitals an hour ago. Yet her heart rate was 110 which is normal so the fevers are not too serious. There is talk of nan being able to leave tomorrow but I'm thinking probably the next day, we will see what happens. Dana had me bring home the motorhome tonight so she could clean it and get sheets on the beds etc. I stayed the night last night here and then drove home this morning. Could not reach Dana, her battery had died in her cell phone last night while she was talking to Ronnie. Dana left after I got home today and came to be with Nan. She and Nan got Nan up into her chair for hours and they decided they needed banana splits so Dana was headed out to locate the good stuff. Nan had a few bites and the rest went into the freezer to wait for me. I knew it was here and that helped me drive faster to get here.
I worked at my desk and cleaned up many conditions, wrote a big appraisal, rewrote another for Rohnert Park and then left home to come back here. It was about 7 when I finally got away. I went by Longs to pick up a bottle of diabetes meds and then headed to Concord. My goal to get here before the front doors were locked. I made it.
Today Steve was able to take advantage of a clients generosity. When I was in his home he mentioned he wanted a huge salt water tank out of his house. I told him we might be interested. Well today Steve and his friend drove there, loaded it up and its in Steve and Nikki's garage now. It has very expensive lights, exhaust fans in the lid, solid stand, solid lid/cover. I can't believe that the two of them were able to move it by themselves but of course this is Steve we are talking about, he really can do just about everything and anything.
When I stopped by tonight Keanna said, Pappa we have a new fish tank in our garage. She was so excited. One more time Steve's enclosed trailer came in helpful.
Mom and I are slowing down now and she is trying to find a position that will relieve her pain which is often breathtaking.
As of this evening we have heard nothing back from UCSF and of course tomorrow is the key day for the AMN107, last hospital review board decision. Things to keep in prayer over.
Sometimes in life stuff happens that we will never know why, I was driving home today and 2 lanes of traffic were waiting for our turn to turn left, well our turn never happened, the light signals were broken and our lights never changed so finally we all began to wake up to the fact that we would be there forever or work our way over to other lanes and go the other way, it took awhile but finally we all moved away and got going again. I think it cost me 20 minutes and I always wonder why, did I avoid an accident this way, a ticket.
When I got home today I was pretty low. I thought it was emotions but it finally dawned on me that I was having a blood sugar meltdown so I made yummy peanut butter sandwiches with tomatoes. Steve and LeAnn had both brought fresh tomatoes and they were so ripe and erfect, tasted like heavenly fruit. So good that I went and made another sandwich later in the day. What delicious food. When Dana is at our house she only buys whole milk. Well nan will never let us buy whole milk and does not even like it much but I am sure enjoying whole milk!
So in the next day or two I think nan will be allowed out and we will load the motorhome up and head down to see a precious little boy for a couple days and perhaps help out a bit as well. Jo is doing better and feeling better too which is wonderful news.
Talked to Nikki tonight and she was on her way home from the gym, she was so tired she could hardly stand up, kick boxing, weight machines etc. Go girl! I'm so proud of her. Keanna was sorting her Barbies when I stopped by and she was happy to see me and ask about grammy.
So in a few minutes I'll head home I think, perhaps I might stay but I think nan sleeps better when I am not here, not sure about that. I'm confident that she receives good care here and that helps me sleep well too.
Can I ask for your prayers tonight for the events coming up this week for Nan, tomorrow's review board decision, whether to stay or leave the hospital, how to get TPN if we do take her home, surgeon decisions at UCSF. Only God knows the right course of action and we ask that He make the way clear for Nan and her caregivers.
This evening I am witnessing an unusual event, that is nan has turned on her side in the bed. She usually cannot stand to be on her side yet here she is on her side and has been that way for a long time, all part of her coping method for the pains she suffers from.
We send our love,
tim and nan
ps Thanks Irene for the cards, Nan loved hers this evening and thanks for driving up last night.
psps nan is so excited about her brothers coming to visit. Joe says he has never been to California in his life so he looks forward to the trip. He and David come in on Sunday and leave a few days later. Hard to believe they are really coming!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Temperatures rising
Just now our aide has taken Nan's vitals and she is showing a 100.2 after a day with mostly normal temps. This is sort of disheartening for both of us. Where are these temps coming from? Dr. Benstock held off on the extra antibiotics to see if the basic one she is getting would solve the fevers. Well I expect that we will see new ones tomorrow.
This has been one of the best days in weeks. nan woke up at about 9:30 or so this morning and has been awake the entire day. Dana arrived mid morning with popcorn, pizza, ice tea and cheer. She is an amazing person and has helped so much since she has been here. Dana stayed for hours and she and nan traded places, Nan in the recliner and Dana in bed. Eventually Dana headed for home around 4 pm.
Before Dana arrived this morning Nan got up and walked to the door of the room, then to the bathroom door, then to the door and then back to the recliner. She walked strongly. Then she was up in the chair for about 4 or 5 hours. She managed that very well.
She has had some food here and there today and 4 Gleevec tables. She has decided that she will stop Gleveec as of tomorrow since she might get the new drug AMN by Friday. Her decision as we need 5 days after Gleevec before a new drug.
Nan just got a Lovenox shot and this time it is hurting a lot. Suddenly after a very good day nan is emotionally drained, is in tears and I have decided to stay the night. She is much stronger than she has been, very alert and awake.
This afternoon she got a nice call from Irene saying that she was coming up to visit. It was late in the afternoon and nan was concerned that she would not be able to get home before dark. Well Irene came and we had a very nice visit ending in a prayer before she left. We love this precious lady and appreciate her involvement in our lives.
We know more about the schedule for AMN approval this week. On Tuesday the review board gives its final approval, then Novartis signals the FDA for approval, then Novartis ships the drug overnight. So if all goes well and medical stuff rarely does, we could have meds by Thursday or Friday. God willing!
So good night dear friend. We are thankful for the many blessings we have enjoyed and long for healing and health. How I want nan to be able to see baby Timothy soon, how I long for her to feel better with less and less pain. Oh that Nan could get back on her feet.
I will spend the night here tonight and then head home in the morning. We are praying for orders, for God's help with the business. Seems like we have turned into very needy people but God knows our hearts and our needs.
Please pray for Nan, hours without fever, then fever, then pain, then pain lets up and then fever. Yet in spite of it all Nan is better and I could swear that the tumor is smaller than it was, Nan thinks I am crazy and perhaps I am, wishful thinking.
love to all
tim and nan
Sunday morning report
Nan had a pretty good night without fevers, minimal pain meds, long periods of rest. She has had breakfast of Bagel and Cream Cheese, fruit plate and milk, taken her meds including Gleevec, had a new hospital gown and washed her face and is now resting with new pain meds on board. Her vitals were solid all night and continue to be so this morning.
She has a higher level of pain than she is used to and the oxycontin at the higher dose is helping control it.
I slept here on a bed that is slightly less ideal than usual but slept fine. Did'nt get up until 9:15 this morning, could not see a clock and just didn't know what was happening. Felt good to get some rest.
We wish we could be with a dear friends today at Dollywood in Tenn. Nan loves that place so much and they are there with their children and grandchildren to day and tomorrow. Its wonderful that they can be together and have this happy time.
Nan enjoyed viewing a page Jo has created which shows photos of the new baby and proud parents. When I get the email address I'll include it so you can enjoy the photo show too.
Well look at that, I found the address so you can enjoy the photos also.
I hope to complete three appraisals today and ask that you join me in prayer that some new orders will come in. We are very slow as a company right now and our usual clients keep mentioning they are in a slump right now with little loan activity happening.
I expect there to be some talk about Nan being released from the hospital soon. We have been told that we can take home the antibiotics and give them ourselves. Neither nan or I are anxious to leave this safe place with its good care. So we will follow Doctors advice and allow God to lead. Nan continues to grow stronger than she was. She can walk when she needs to right now and is totally in control of her mental facilities now.
So we send out our love and it was so great to read the comments to the blog and side emails also received. What a difference it makes to be remembered, what comfort from not being alone.
tim and nan
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sabbath evening, more calm, less pain, no fever
I am writing at 11 pm and tonight I am staying here at the hospital. Dana is taking good care of things at home, feeding the fish, doggies, kitties. John is reading his new Harry Potter book and Dana is probably talking to Ronnie who has a couple days off.
We are settling in after a day of contrasts.
When I arrived this morning I found a very tearful Nan who said she had fever during the night. She was so devastated by the news. The morning vitals found a temperature of 101.3. Dr. Melynk and Dr. Benstock were doing rounds and ordered new blood cultures just to be sure. The common thinking is that when the aid caused the kink in the drainage line the kidneys reacted with the fever. The rest of the day the fevers subsided and this evening she sat up in her recliner for over an hour partially awake and partially nodding off. Now she is back in bed, has 4 mgs of dilautid on board, all her pills including Gleevec and is ready to sleep.
During the day she has managed to gradually feel better and has enjoyed Keanna and Nikki's visit so much. This morning Dana arrived after I did having found both a CD version of the Harry Potter book and the real thing for John. She put the first CD in the laptop and listened to it here. The guy is a great reader and the writer writes a very interesting book. I have never heard or read any of the Harry Potter books so was not aware of the various characters. Later in the morning Dana left to take John's book to him and to relax at home.
Dr. Melynk told us that the compassionate use of AMN will be going through the final review board on Tuesday, then Novartis will refer it to the FDA where it will get a 24 to 48 hour turnaround and then Novartis will ship the drug overnight mail to our doctor. The oncology group have invested an enormous amount of effort into getting this drug approved and we deeply appreciate what they have done for Nan. Meanwhile we are on Gleevec hoping that it will have an effect on the tumor growth, possibly even shrink it.
We have had nice conversations with Jason and Jo, Mary, Pam, Art, Sharon and perhaps more that I don't know about. Nan is now able to care for her own colostomy bag, make phone calls and answer them, eat some food at meal times and drink water, take her pills and rest. She stood just fine tonight when we were getting her into the chair and back into the bed.
Thank you for your many many prayers in Nan's behalf and we hope we have seen the last of the fevers.
We send our love tonight and deepest appreciation of your involvement in our lives.
Our prayers are with Jo and Jason tonight as Jo has experienced some complications today. Baby Timothy is doing well and Jo's mom is staying another week which will be such a huge help.
tim and nan
Friday, July 20, 2007
Crisis averted once again
So good night friends and Family,
love from our room to yours,
Please keep Nan in your prayers,
tim and nan
Friday afternoon report AMN is on its way!!
I am just back from taking a drive over to UCSF to deliver the CD of the CT scan taken this week. They called and requested it so Dr. Warren can have a much better idea of what he is facing as a surgeon if he should decide he can help Nan. Alisa called, she is his personal assistant and seems to be everywhere making things happen. I was glad for the follow up as we had faxed the written reports two days ago and heard nothing back. Silence in this case was not golden in my mind.
I called East Bay Oncology this morning again and this time spoke to Danna. She said that next Tuesday is the final meeting of a review board and Dr. Melynk expects the drug to arrive on Thursday from Novartis. She also said that someone in a research facility somewhere either at the doctors office or at the review board had spent 12 hours getting everything in order. Nan and I certainly appreciate the tremendous effort that has gone into this request. As non medical people looking in we have no idea of what is involved in the process or the hours that have been spent. Travis writing from Boston this morning mentioned a bit of the weight that each participant carries for Nan's well being as they move this compassionate use through the mountains of red tape. We will continue on Gleevec until we see the drug coming or at least hear for sure that it is coming by a certain day. We are supposed to have a 5 day window between drugs.Doctors from oncology, kidney and infectious disease have been in. They have tackled the staph infection in the blood and it is being dealt with. They are going to allow us to keep taking the vancomiacin at home whenever that time comes. Neither Nan or I are anxious to leave this place with its constant loving care and safety. Yet there will be a time, probably over the weekend or perhaps next Monday when we will be released. Dana and Nan have cooked up a plan to leave here in the motorhome and drive directly to Jason and Jo's to see and care for baby Timothy. Of course we will have to coordinate with Jason and Jo to see if that will be helpful to them. The plan involves Dana sort of taking over where Julie has been helping, mainly the night duty and Nan getting to hold baby Timothy at times. Perhaps we can be helpful. Dana will drive the van so we will have a car if needed at any time.
We are taking things on a day by day basis here. Nan is in some pretty heavy duty pain and yesterday they upped the pain med, oxycontin from 60 mg to 80mg morning and night. Considering that Nan just had her first dose of Dilautid now at 4:30 since having it this morning at 9 am it is pretty clear that the higher dose of oxycontin is working. No one has explained yet to either of us why the increased pain but just guessing I would say tumor mass is pushing on nerves and taking up much needed space inside. Nan has been very clear in her conversations when she is awake today. She has spoken to not wanting to slip away while I am gone without getting to say goodbye. With all the doctor activity and discussions going on I think she has the impression that everyone has given up on any chance of recovery or coming through this. While her situation is very serious she has positive things going for her as well. Her hemoglobin is strong, her heart rate is normal, blood pressure is normal for her, creatines are now down to 2.5 which is good for her, infections are being dealt with and she can stand, walk and think clearly. Her lungs are clear, her bones seem to be strong, her basic organs are intact and functioning well. What we have are several tumors, some growing rapidly, that are causing havoc and pain. On the horizon is AMN and for the present is Gleevec with a possibility of Dr. Warren doing a surgery, that is certainly a last option and a very scary one for all.
We are grateful for many things, our good medical care, family support, friends and prayer pardners on duty, for no fevers and for little nausea. I believe we are doing everything we can do at this point to support Nan and help her. She is very much in God's hands and only He knows what lies ahead for us all. At times like these all of life's busyness, pursuing things, entertainment falls away and the basics become front and center. God has created a very special person in Nan, she has lived her life in service for her family, her friends, her fellow GISTers. She has been honest, kind, caring and hard working. She has created numerous times of joy around the dinner table or the Christmas tree or birthday packages. She has made trips to Hawaii happen for the family over and over again arranging every detail so no one had to worry. She has handled the finances paying bills on time and remembering so many different facts and figures in her head, it amazes me. She has purchased all the groceries, the clothes, the dog groomers, the fish tank, she has done it all never complaining, just making things happen. She was a very good appraiser with honestly as her benchmark, she was organized and kind to the homeowners. I often marvel that I been able to have this beautiful woman by my side through so many ups and downs, her loyalty unquestioned, her love treasured. She has taken me where she found me and backed me, prodded me and stood by me no matter what.
Husbands, take a few minutes and sit quietly, consider where your life would be without the person you love, your wife. Consider how blessed you are to have been on the receiving end of so much love and joy. Tell her until she actually believes you. Don't let another day go by assuming that she knows how you feel, tell her what makes her special to you, how blessed you are to have her give her life to you.
When one faces realities like we do right now nearly everything passes through your mind. And the things you remember are not when when you got to get a new dining room table or a new car or even a new house. The real things are moments of joy spent together watching the sunset over a Hawaii seascape, a hike through the high country, the moment of birth of your children, their graduations, their marriages, their children.
This week has been a rollorcoaster ride, moments of sanity, witnessing extreme pain, searching for hopeful moments, possibilites of recovery and hours of restful sleep, free from pain. Friends and family calling, visiting, loving and praying.
At this moment Nan is sleeping with soft moans coming through her sleep from the pain. She had hoped to sleep for a couple hours but so far not so good or deep.
Oh that God would heal her. What a blessing that would be. I am trying to do some work while she is asleep so I can devote my time to her full time when she wakes for awhile. But I really am not into working in spite of what I know needs to be done. People remind me to eat and care for myself but in doing so it seems so selfish, I can move about freely, eat what I want and drive places while Nan is stuck in the bed without options. I do appreciate friends helpful suggestions and I listen to every one of them, just don't always instantly comply. How nice it would be to take the dogs to the park again but that is time I can be here with Nan, how would you chose?
I have bent your ear long enough. We both appreciate your prayers very much. Over the weekend we hope to see someone, even for a few minutes, takes Nan's mind off her pain and down memory lane depending on who comes to call. We have good memories with all of you.
We send our love to each one of you. Things are not easy here but we are still doing everything we can to make it better and trusting God for His outcome.
tim and nan
ps. At this moment, 6:18 pm, we have developed a problem. Nan's right nephrostomy tube has stopped draining like it is supposed to and the back up is causing her great pain. Kathy changed the perk u stay which holds the tube in place as it comes out of the body and perhaps it got kinked inside or something. Anyway we have a big problem as it is causing Nan extreme pain on top of everything else. Not good.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Much pain, much joy
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Nan's pain level increases but no fevers
This evening Nan is resting quietly after a day of bursts of pain, hits of Dilautid ranging from 2 to 4 mg, hours in our portable recliner. As Nan puts it, not as good of day as yesterday. During the night her right leg became numb so this morning she had another CT scan to see if there were any new problems, there were not. It appears from reading the reports that there are about 4 major tumors and 2 have mostly died but have small tumors growing in their dying midst. One is 15 by 8 cm and the others are smaller. In light of the recent tumor growth I decided to call Dr. Warrens office, he is the head oncology surgeon at UCSF. we have met him after we came home from Boston and he offered to help in any way he could if needed. His office assistant Diane suggested I fax over the CT reports which I did. He will study the reports and then if he needs more data I will drive over the CT CDs so he can study them. I am doing this because I think we need to cover all options. We are fully aware that the chance of a surgery is minimal at this point but of course that is what we were told before going to Boston last year. Based on what Boston has communicated to us we have also restarted Gleevec. We waited all day today to speak to her doctor about the Gleevec but we never saw one so we just decided to start it again. The doctors here not being fully aware of GIST tumors are always having us stop taking Gleevec, they do not realize that even when Gleevec has failed and tumors are growing it still controls their rate of growth, much better than just letting the tumors run free. I called our oncology office this morning and was promised that someone would call me back with the progress of AMN, all day I waited and at this point I don't think anyone is going to call. In light of the severity of the situation that irks me just a bit. We need that drug, not tomorrow but now.
Today Nan was so delighted to see Donna and Shawn Want. They drove all the way over from Lodi to visit, bring Sees candy and a beautiful carnation arrangement. They stayed only briefly but it was so great to see them and hear their words of comfort and cheer. Early this morning Nan got a call from Dolly who encouraged her and prayed with her, it helped a lot.
Today it has been confirmed that Nan does have staph infection in her blood, as the cultures develop other bugs may become visible but the meds being given for the present infection are doing a great job, she has had no fevers, no confusion since entering the ER on monday. She has had meals and this time around there must be a new cook, the food is very good. This morning she had cream of wheat and for lunch baked mac and cheese and a fresh peach, this evening good tomato soup and a piece of sees candy!
With the help of excellent nurses Nan's care has been good today, this evening an aid has just been tremendous, he offered a soda and brought me a case and ice, when he brought Nan's ice bucket he brought a towel for it to sit on so it won't sweat and make a mess, he is gentle and very very good at what he does.
Dana will be here in the morning and I intend to get an appraisal written when I get up in the morning, then mid day I will see a property in Alamo which they hope is worth 1.9 million dollars. That one appears to be COD which will help with the growing crisis of the lack of money to cover expenses.
Nan was delighted to hear from Joe and David today. They plan a visit on August 1 and we look forward to seeing them again. Nan woke up while Joe was on the phone and got to talk to her mom briefly. Of course it is unknown if mom could hear anything since her hearing has left the room some time ago.
Jo and Jason continue to adjust to their precious new guest and Jo is battling some health issues too. They both need our prayers tonight. Julie has been a big help with the baby but has to go home this weekend.
It was very good to read the comments made to the blog from friends, thank you for your concern, prayers, cards, flowers and Sees candy.
So we pray for a quiet calm night with no pain, tumor reduction, answers and God's will be done.
Sending our love,
Tim and Nan
We need you prayer warriors!
I am asking you to seek God's intervention and guidance for Nan and for her doctors, for the speedy arrival of AMN. Suddenly Nan is alert and awake, gaining in strength, not troubled by fevers and has to face this terrible tumor. Please take this tumor to God asking that He do what we mortals seem not able to do.
I would also mention that Nan is alert to take phone calls during the day. If you call keep it short and positive, she needs reassurance right now that she is not alone and that she is loved. Her cell number is 925 354 7677.
On Nan's behalf I thank you for praying and caring.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Much better
Nan is throwing me out to go home to rest so this has to be short tonight. Nan has had a very good day with much better energy, no fevers, antibiotics running strong, blood infection discovered, consults with several doctors, roast beef sandwich this evening thanks to gormet Dana.
Nan called me this morning and it seems like a different person than the one with confusion and high fevers. She began to talk about taking a walk when I got back. Doctors came and confirmed what we already knew, the tumors have grown a lot in the past two weeks, that is hard news to take. It makes the arrival of AMN all the more important and as of yet no word on that front.
I drove this afternoon to the Modesto area to do an appraisal and just before I left Dana arrived with movies to watch and her usual cheer. She stayed with mom all day and they could not make the DVD player work not realizing that the laptop plays DVDs very well. They chatted, napped, talked on the phone and even Sharon noted from afar that Nan was making perfect sense now. The difference is remarkable to observe. Nan has only had to have a couple hits of Dilautid all day and has received excellent care. She is receiving some powerful antibiotics for the infections already discovered and is now on the hospital TPN. As I finally completed my work and headed this way Nan called and asked if we could walk when I got back, at that moment I realized that I did not have the walker in the car after all so I went by the house and then raced to the hospital before Nan got too tired to walk. She climbed out of bed by herself, grabbed a robe and walked around the nursing station on her own without incident but was very tired and bit dizzy by the time she got back, it was the furthest she has walked in over a month and she did it her way, fast and smooth. What a lady, what determination. Now she is ready to rest and I'm ready to let them care for her as she sleeps.
She started off the day on NPO, nothing by mouth and by end of day was eating a roast beef sandwich Dana got from Subway, the doctor saw her eating so took her off food restrictions altogether now. Nan has downed two bottles of water today, ice tea, hot tea. She is doing very well this evening.
We just watched the snapfish photos Nikki took of the baby and loved seeing Keanna and Timothy together, how proud we are of our grandchildren and our children too.
Please pray for the AMN and for Nan's continued improvements.
tim and nan in good old room 127.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Dana was a wonderful help as we began to plan getting Nan down and into the van's comfortable bed. It is an amazingly far distance from our bedroom upstairs down the stair chair, then into the wheel chair down the ramp to the family room and then move the ramp and down the ramp into the garage and then to the van door. Nan stepped up on to the little stool we have and with some help from us made it to the bed where we had a slip blanket ready, she lay back and we pulled the blanket and her into position in the bed. Then we loaded the luggage in, adjusted the AC to the right cool temperature and drove to Concord. Nan was becoming much more lucid by the time we got to the van and talked with LeAnn our precious neighbor before leaving. She complained that I hit every bump the entire trip and when we got here she and I figured out how to get her out and into the wheel chair. Then into the maze but in a few minutes she was in room 9 that has two amazing features, 4 walls and a door, some people never make it out of the hall in ER. We were there about 5 hours or more. Dana arrived a little later, had driven the bug and got muchies for the room, a tiny pizza for me to eat and popcorn which I just finished a few minutes ago. Pam told me to eat protein and I think popcorn is full of protein, right!
Our good fortune held at the ER as a great and gentle doctor was assigned her case. He listened carefully and did all the right things for her care and avoided doing stupid ones like before. Then Dr. Ganey came in, we were delighted to see him as he is a bull dog about getting good care for Nan. His orders got everything going for good. Blood was drawn again from Nan's poor arm, CBC and blood cultures, urine samples you know the drill. She was given enough pain med to control her hard hitting pain and she was totally alert and lucid the whole afternoon. Not one strange statement or comment. What a change had come over her and also no fevers during the afternoon. Her heart rate returned to her normal, her blood pressure was adequate and after a morning of 161 heart rate and fevers over 103, total confusion, body in a fetal position. What a change.
This evening Nan is resting quietly with her favorite nurse watching over her for now. She is getting blood in a few minutes, has at least 4 bags of important things going in and still has no fevers. When we arrived up here on the floor she hopped off the gurney and stepped unto the scales to find that her weight was once again her target weight 131.5. After all these months of hydration and weight gain, at times up to 161 she is now back to normal.
Nan has enjoyed talking to Sharon and Jan and I got to talk to Nikki and Jason. Jason and Jo got to bring Timothy home today to his little bed, his little clothes, his little diapers, his little carseat and new life. What a cutie he is even if I do say so in a totally impartial way as a proud Grampa.
Well its time to go home to rest, Nan is resting very well now with 2 mg of Dilautid onboard and appears comfortable. She was lucid all afternoon and evening, none of the confused stuff at all.
We are thankful to you for your prayers today, I firmly believe God chose to send some extra blessings down to Nan, she was certainly due some.
So thanks for your love, prayers, tender phone calls and for being there for all of us in the family.
Dana has been a trooper today, snacks in the room, dog food in the car for home and wonderful help this morning with an unresponsive Nan.
We send our love to all,
Tim and Nan in Room 127
I am writing from our bedroom recliner so I can be near Nan. She went to sleep with a 101 or higher fever and slept all night. but her quietness was not a good sign at all. This morning I found her sort of on her side with her knees pulled up breathing shallow breathes. Her temp was over 103, perhaps 104, hard to tell as different places read differently. When I tried to rouse her to take Tylenol I could not get her to be aware of needing to swallow, I finnaly knocked at Dana's door and she came and I held Non in an upright position which we both tried to talk to her to get her attention through the fog so she would take the liquid Tylenol. Dana used a eye dropper and we finally got most of the med into her but it was very tough, her bed was bent forward and she did not know what was happening. Her body shakes an involuntary shudder from time to time. I got the ice packs and put them under her arms and she sleeps fitfully now under just a sheet with a cold cloth on her head. The nurse will be here in a few minutes for monday blood draws and I expect her to say mom needs to be in the hospital. If she goes by ambulance they will only take her to Sutter Delta which is not where we want her to be, she gets much better care in the hospital in Concord. So we will see what happens. She is in deep trouble as the fevers cannot be controlled and are making it very tough on her whole body. As I write she is lying on her back trying to clear her throat, is gently shaking from the cold of the ice packs and effects of the fever and is mostly asleep still. I have a bag of hydration going in and its almost in now. I'm afraid I'm out of home options. I've made no progress with the fevers at all and they are wearing her down.
Nan needs your best and most powerful prayers in her behalf. This is the weakest and most ill I have seen her since Boston.
We both want to see Timothy so much! We thank God for His blessings in this little bundle of life and joy. Jo and Jason will be good parents and raise him right.
I'm not sure what I feel at this point, I long for Nan to feel better yet baring a miracle I fear that may not happen. God has touched her so many times in the past and I always seek yet another healing, another recovery, another smile or laugh. What does God have in store?
Thank you my dear friend for whatever you can do today for Nan, she is worthy of your prayers and positive thoughts.
So I reluctantly sign off hating to loose this connection with you. I feel frightened, lonely, uncertain, detached......
tim and nan
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday evening, calm and quiet

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Nan up all day, Dana arrives, Pam keeps a watchful eye, Nikki confirms baby is beautiful, We go to Camp Meeting and never leave the house!
This has been an eventful day. This evening as Nan is trying to go to sleep a new level of pain is gripping her which is not responding to our normal pain meds. She has a temperature of 100.3 as we start into the night.
We had a decent night last night, slept most of it, had fever this morning, did normal things and it dropped rapidly, then I ask and Nan accepted the idea of coming downstairs early so by 9:30 we were downstairs with her deposited into her recliner. She managed the transition well and after some Adavan slept for a bit while I watched Camp Meeting sermon by pastor Black, chaplain of the US Senate. Great preaching and very interesting. Dana was not able to make the first flight as there were seats available but they were all broken so she had to wait for 3 hours for the next possible flight. She arrived with John about 3 in San Jose and I picked them up, then missed freeway connections and ended up wasting about 1/2 hour just getting out of town. Dana was hungry having had no meals so we found an Olive Garden in San Leandro, worlds slowest service I think, food was good, then to Oakland to pick up her luggage that had made the first flight she was going to come on. Then home. Pam had been with nan all day and had tidied up a bit, slept some and relaxed, talked with Nan when she could and cared for her as only Pam can do. Shortly after we arrived home and after Pam had some of the take out food from Olive Garden she drove home. Nikki called a couple times and saw the baby twice, first time baby had a mask on and is in his own little sun tanning booth, seems he is jandiced a bit, second time the mask was gone and Nikki got to see him, she says he is beautiful with wavy hair, and looks like Jason. jason drove to the San Jose airport this afternoon and picked up Jo's mom who can stay for a week and will help with little Timothy. She is excited like we are about this new miracle in the family. Jason and Jo are doing well and learning fast to sleep when the baby sleeps. He is a good baby and gives them a break now and then.
Nan stayed in the recliner the entire day and was fairly comfortable. I believe it makes her stronger than lying flat in the bed all the time and she enjoys being around people. She was very funny this morning but has had serious bouts of pain all day. In reality she has slept most of the day but does have waking moments and often makes perfect sense and then there is the tent she wanted me to remove from our bed, the nuts and bolts that were scattered over the bed, the whole issue of what day it is. When I came in she thought i had been gone all night and was just getting home.
Questions I have: why so confused? where is the AMN drug? should we be back on Gleevec until AMN arrives? what is causing the fevers? is she getting enough fluids on board?
Tonight I want to thank Donna for the dish, we enjoyed campmeeting so much over the hope channel both for church and this evening, Art for the ramp so nan can safely move about, Pam for being willing to come and stay with nan today, Dana for coming back to be with nan, Nikki for checking in with us to let us know about baby and our precious Lord who gave us a safe trip to and from the airport. Our hearts and thoughts are with a number of people who are suffering from a loss, Kathy Flom and daughters as they say goodnight to Herb, Arts uncles family as they adjust to his passing, Bob and Carrol's family as they cope with the loss of a man just 62 and our friends Debbie Reed and sons as they learn to live without Paul. This life we treasure is precious and very much like the flicker of a candle in a windstorm, only in God's hands do we find eternal safety and security. Long ago the Father endured seeing Jesus die for human beings who often do not even appreciate what He has done for them. Because of Jesus we have hope for healing, courage to live, assurance of eternal life in a better place than we know now.
Nan needs our prayers, she is weak, confused, in pain, torn by pain and suffering and fearful at times. How she longs to see Timothy and as soon as we can we will help that happen.
Good night my friends and we appreciate you,
tim and nan and dana and jonathan
Friday evening ends better...
Had I written this a couple hours ago it was would have been less upbeat. Its been a very sleepy day for Nan. PT lady came at 8:30 and nan walked and moved legs as told, then back to bed. She woke at 4:30 with 102.4 fever which we worked on for the next two hours until she was almost back to normal. After the PT nurse left nan went back to sleep and basically slept until 4 this afternoon when I went up and just stayed in her face gently until she woke up and agreed to get up, come down and sit in her recliner. After a few minutes she did just that. We made the trip easily and she walked better than before. She settled into her chair and we talked a bit and watched some programing on the new dish that was installed today thanks to Donna. Clear picture, several channels and new options to feed the soul. Then she slipped into sleep. She drank a glass of cranberry and rasberry juice and slept. Later we were pleased and surprised to find Nikki and Keanna with us. Although they could only stay a few minutes it was a great lift for Mom and Keanna had brought her a book mark she had made, so cute and its in a book already. Then more sleep and I discovered that Soquel Campmeeting was on the Hope Channel, we love that campmeeting with its grounds near Santa Cruz and also very near Jason and Jo's place at MBA. I enjoyed listening to some good preaching and decent music. Later I started the TPN. During the evening Sharon called and nan talked to her for awhile, she was also able to talk to Donna Want thanking her for the dish and new programming. Art called later too and I talked to him and when I was through Nan had woken up and was alert and involved. We had to change her colostomy bag, do some basic cleaning, change her nightie and then we rode back up. This time she walked unassisted from the stair chair to the bed and I think she knew she did well. Then nan settled into bed, took her pills, hooked up to TPN and had some Adavan. She is now sleeping peacefully.
I had an unrewarding talk with the Dr. office this afternoon. I laid out the issues, need AMN now, need help with constant fevers, she suggested we needed an appointment so we made one for next friday afternoon but nothing was resolved at all and I did not find out where we stand on AMN.
We had some very sad and tragic news this afternoon. I had not looked at our email messages to Nan's computer for some time and when I did I discovered that our dear friend Herb Flom who was a fellow GISTer with very serious tumors had finally lost his battle. The kind remarks filled the web site as fellow GISTers wrote their thoughts and memories of Herb and Kathy. We personally have enjoyed their company many times and always were touched by the kindness and concern they expressed for Nan. Herb went through Gleevec, Sutent and most recently a trial in Las Vegas but the tumors kept growing and causing more and more pain and grief. So now our dear friend rests having fought a very good fight and setting an example of coping that lifts everyone who knew him. GIST is a terrible disease which now effects nearly 10,000 people each year in the US.
Nan ended this day stronger than at any other time all day. She was pretty clear mentally and even funny at times. It was a nice end to a troubling day. I have worked around here today and had two different cable guys here. Our internet is causing trouble with drops in signal several times a day, the tech was a great guy who has been experiencing personal problems, his young wife just up and left and he is recovering so we talked and got to know each other a bit. He found a bad cable that will have to be replaced by a different crew with Comcast, a cable that started at 21 in signal but was only 4 at the other end, it had massive leakage which could explain why our signal drops out at times. Then a second cable guy came and installed the dish I have already mentioned. he was great and stayed with the job until it worked perfectly. The mail brought a check, for a whopping $75. And I needed $7500. Oh well it is Sabbath now and I will concentrate on Nan and getting Dana home from Oakland airport at 11:45 tomorrow morning. We are so delighted she is coming back, she is getting a straight thru flight and leaves Houston at 9:30.
Nan seems more rested this evening and was without fever when I took her up, the chair seems to help her drop degrees.
Please pray that Nan's fevers will cease, that AMN will arrive, that the pains can be controlled, that the confusion will be less and that God will be in charge of everything.
To our dear friends we say thanks for caring and thanks Pam for coming over to be with Nan in the morning while I go to Oakland.
tim and nan